Chapter 876

After explaining many things to Hua Junpei and the children of the Qin family, Qin Fan drove away with Zhang Dewei and the children of the Qin and Zhang families, leaving Hua Junpei alone on the sofa and staring blankly at Qin Fanli. direction to go.

A pair of beautiful eyes were full of thoughts and doubts, when Qin Fan refused her hug, for some reason, she couldn't help but tugged in her heart.When Qin Fan resolutely left, she had the urge to call Qin Fan back.

This feeling... She had never felt this way growing up, even towards King, she had never felt such a strange emotion, she didn't know what it was, resentment?Is it awe?Or nostalgia?
Little did she know, these were emotions she had never experienced before.

The young patriarchs of various families swarmed over, all looking at the triumphant Guo Rui and Liu Yunfan with melancholy faces.

When these two guys went against them during the meeting, they all thought that these two people were shameless and put their hot faces on Qin Shaoleng's ass.

But now it seems... these two people really made a wise decision, their heads almost exploded from the beating.

Especially that kid surnamed Zhang, who had some shit luck to be able to ride with Young Master Qin in the same car, it's really enviable.


After Qin Fan and the others returned to the villa, he ordered his children to rest early and left with Zhang Dewei after watching the game on time tomorrow.

When he was in the Internet cafe, the reason why he was not in the mood to watch the game was because he was chatting with Zhang Xue at the time.

Zhang Xue also came to the imperial capital, and made an appointment with him for an evening party.

It's rare to meet him in a foreign place, how could Qin Fan refuse, but it's a pity that he is not only a road idiot, but also can't drive, and it's inconvenient for outsiders to know about it, so he had to let Zhang Dewei go with him...

Qin Fan and Zhang Dewei changed into more low-key clothes, and then drove together to the place they had made an appointment with Zhang Xue.

This time, colleges and universities across the country were very hotly fired by the Sports Bureau. It can be said that the whole country knew it. As the competition approached, the major live broadcast platforms also seized the opportunity and wanted to take the opportunity to praise their anchors.

So several major platforms jointly held an online anchor party in the imperial capital. At the party, big Vs from various forums, Weibo, and entertainment news sections gathered together. There are no words to describe this fraternity...

The main reason is that the quality conditions of the anchor group are uneven. Although the academic qualifications in the anchor industry are generally relatively low, quality has nothing to do with education.

Some people have no quality even if they graduated from prestigious universities, but some people can see the upbringing in their bones even if they graduated from elementary school.

The anchor group of the gala can be roughly divided into one group and another large group. They are also promoting cups and changing cups, but only a small group of people are talking and laughing, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

On the other side, it was unsightly. It was a mess, there were cliques forming, swear words were flying everywhere, and arrogant words without a bottom line seemed to want to resound through the entire venue.

Especially here is a closed place. There are express regulations in the imperial capital. It is illegal to smoke in a closed public place, but in this large area, there are eight out of ten people with cigarettes in their mouths. , with no regard for those who do not smoke...

The entire venue was filled with smoke. When Qin Fan and Zhang Dewei first entered, they almost thought that the venue was on fire...

(End of this chapter)

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