Chapter 878 Biaozi
After being scolded so loudly by the woman, Zhang Dewei and Qin Fan were still not annoyed at all, and looked at these two weirdos like clowns.

Qin Fan was speechless, and kindly reminded the man:
"Disaster comes from your mouth. Some words, it's better not to talk nonsense, especially in a place like the imperial capital, where there are many dignitaries and dignitaries. Sometimes you don't even know what kind of existence you are mad at. So, it's better to manage it Your girlfriend's mouth, be careful to bring unnecessary disaster to yourself."

However, instead of listening, the man looked at Qin Fan with a sneer and said, "I need you to remind my girlfriend of what to say? She's right. I have the final say in the capital."

With the help of her boyfriend, the woman became more and more superior. She raised her head, stared at Qin Fan and said, "Did you hear that? Damn, you'd better apologize to us now, otherwise, you won't be able to leave completely." Imperial capital."

Qin Fan couldn't help laughing, what this woman said was really funny, why not let him leave the imperial capital completely?Half of the entire imperial capital belonged to the Hua family, and half belonged to the Qin family. Now even their foothold is the territory of the Qin family. Tell him not to let him leave the imperial capital completely?It's a joke in the world!
"Look at him, he still dares to laugh... He didn't take you seriously at all." The woman coquettishly said to the man.

The man's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping water, he immediately picked up the phone, dialed it, and answered it after he was far away, and said in a low voice, "Biaozi, I'm..., bringing dozens of people over."

Qin Fan vaguely heard what he said, and shook his head with a sneer, playing this kind of trick on the Qin family's territory is simply courting death.

After finishing the phone call, the man came over again, and nodded to the woman proudly but confidently. The woman held the man's arm in admiration, leaned against him, and said shyly, "You are so wonderful." man..."

As she said that, she rolled Qin Fan's eyes again, and said contemptuously: "Unlike some stinky dicks who pretend to be boring and put on airs, they don't know how much money they have, and if they offend anyone they can't afford I don’t know, it’s unclear whether he will die sooner or later.”

Soon, three Wuling Hongguang vehicles stopped at the entrance of the venue, and more than 20 burly men got out of the vehicles, the leader of whom had a big scorpion tattooed on his face.

When the man and woman saw this person coming, their hearts became more and more angry, and their attitude towards Qin Fan became more and more high-spirited.

"Which person has the guts to provoke our young master?" The burly man named Biaozi walked over swaggeringly, poked Qin Fan's body, and said domineeringly: "Is it you?"

A man and a woman seemed to be watching the show, and said, "I think you can still pretend now?"

They seemed to have seen the scene where these two stinking dicks were so frightened that they kowtowed to their knees and begged for mercy.

However, Qin Fan's reaction was beyond their expectations. Qin Fan shook his head helplessly, waved his hand at the camera on the wall, and then walked away, ignoring them at all.

The two of them were stunned, what's wrong with this person, is he mentally ill?Still don't understand the current situation?

Seeing Qin Fan's attitude, the man named Biaozi also became angry, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab the back of Qin Fan's head.

(End of this chapter)

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