Chapter 880

The three of them were completely stunned, and were speechless for a while in shock.

"When you're away from home, the etiquette is waived." Qin Fan said.

"Yes." Huo Erye replied, and then continued: "Young Master, what do you want me to do?"

Qin Fan raised his chin to the pair of men and women, the twenty-odd thugs and Biaozi, and said, "I don't want to see these people anymore in my field of vision. In addition, I must pay attention to my coming here today. Confidential."

"Don't worry, young master, I understand." Second Master Huo said, bowed and stepped back, coldly glanced at the twenty-odd people and the couple, and said: "Take them away, and drive the car away."

"Yes." A hundred or so people responded at the same time, their momentum as shocking as a rainbow.

"Master Huo, Master Huo don't want it, I'm the sixth son of the Yu family, don't you remember me?" The young man knelt down with a 'plop', crying bitterly.

Huo Erye didn't even look at him: "If you want to blame, blame you for provoking someone you can't afford. Even if your father comes forward today, he can't save you."

Hearing the words, the young man immediately showed despair, and looked at Qin Fan with horror and shock. At this moment, he finally understood that the energy behind this low-key guy was not something he could look up to, even the one that shocked the underground world of the imperial capital Huo Erye is just this person's servant. This fact... makes him unacceptable. He has never seen such a person in his life.

Thinking of the wild words he said before, the young man felt even more desperate.

The emperor is his territory?Is he in charge?What a joke, even the children of the Qin family would not dare to say such things casually in the imperial capital, let alone him.

The young man scrambled and crawled towards Qin Fan, but was snatched back by Huo Erye's men. The young man shouted in despair: "My lord, I know I made a mistake, my lord. Look at me For the sake of the old father, please forgive me."

Qin Fan sighed and said, "Do you still remember what I persuaded you before?"

The young man's expression froze, and the words that Qin Fan had persuaded him before sounded in his mind:
"Disaster comes from your mouth. Some words, it's better not to talk nonsense, especially in a place like the imperial capital, where there are many dignitaries and dignitaries. Sometimes you don't even know what kind of existence you are mad at. So, it's better to manage it Your girlfriend's mouth, be careful to bring unnecessary disaster to yourself."

"I'll just say good things once. I gave you face. You don't want it yourself. Then don't blame others for being cruel. Go with Uncle Huo. I'm always at ease when he handles things." Qin Fan said.

Hearing this, the young man was completely desperate, stopped struggling, and let a group of security guards take him away.

Seeing this, the flamboyant and seductively dressed woman had other thoughts, and said to Qin Fan: "If you are willing to let me go, I will do whatever you want, and I can immediately separate myself from this Yu." relation."

When the young man surnamed Yu heard the words, he stared at her incredulously, and coughed angrily: "I am so kind to you, but you treat me like this at a critical moment."

The woman gave him a disdainful look, then looked at Qin Fan with a flattering look and said, "Whoever makes you incompetent, the nobleman is dignified and full of knowledge, I am willing to be a cow or a horse for him."

Zhang Dewei looked at this woman with a suppressed smile on his face, and he was cursing a bitch, a bastard, and a stinky cock in front of him. After a few minutes, he changed into a dignified and knowledgeable nobleman. Changing her face is like flipping through a book Hurry up...

(End of this chapter)

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