PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 883 Huya's Little Sister

Chapter 883 Huya's Little Sister
The disgust on Xiaoqi's face became more serious when she heard this, and she looked at Qin Fan as if she was looking at a scumbag.

Zhang Xue naturally knew that Qin Fan was just playing around with her. The Daqin studio had only been in operation for a few months, and its monthly profits had already amazed her. Pulling it up, I didn't even get a [-]% dividend...

How can such a person be someone who can eat soft food.

Don't say that Qin Fan is capable, and he can take out any one to support him casually. Even if he can't support him, Zhang Xue is willing to support him.

Zhang Xue also raised her head proudly in cooperation, and said triumphantly: "That depends on your performance."

Qin Fan chuckled and said, "Then of course I have to behave well."

Xiaoqi glanced at Qin Fan disdainfully, but said nothing.

The smell of smoke inside was almost gone, and the four of them chose a relatively open place to sit and chat, while the little girl named Xiaoqi kept her head down and played with her mobile phone, having a great time. Almost forgot where I am now.

Zhang Xue thought she was boring, so she dragged Qin Fan over, wanting to introduce her partner to him.

"Xiaoqi, let me introduce you formally. This is Qin Yimao, my stingy boyfriend whom I often mention to you." Zhang Xue teased with a smile like a flower.

Xiaoqi said without raising her head: "I see, I can tell just now that I didn't mean you, Sister Xue, your eyes are really not good."

Hearing this, Zhang Xue couldn't help being a little embarrassed, and for a moment forgot what she was going to say next.

Qin Fan patted the back of her hand with a smile and said, "I know this one, your commentator partner, Huya's little sister."

Zhang Xue said in surprise: "Have you watched our commentary live broadcast?"

"Eh..." Qin Fan was a little embarrassed. He was so busy these days that he didn't have time to drink water. How could he have watched Zhang Xue's commentary live broadcast? .”

"Cut, don't care about me at all." Zhang Xue said.

Qin Fan: "..."

Xiaoqi heard that she had caught Qin Fan again, and said without raising her head, "Sister Xue, look, why are you keeping this bastard? Hurry up and change it."

"Don't talk nonsense, he is very powerful." Zhang Xue defended Qin Fan.

How could Xiaoqi believe it, she gave a disdainful 'cut', and said without raising her head: "How powerful can a stingy cheapskate be, sister Xue, stop defending him, and break up with him while you are young." .”

Zhang Xue shook Qin Fan's arm, and said with a happy face, "Do I want to tell you about my boyfriend who once ruled the world?"

Xiaoqi finally raised her head, stared at Qin Fan's face earnestly for a while, and then giggled: "He is the only one who dominates the world? Sister Xue, don't be ridiculous. If he has this ability, can I stand upside down and have diarrhea?" ?”

Zhang Xue raised her eyebrows, looked at her and said, "Is it true that you have diarrhea when you stand on your head?"

Xiaoqi was stunned for a moment, and her pretty face flushed: "Sister Xue, you hate me, you insist on swearing at me."

Zhang Xue also giggled, Xiaoqi's cell phone ding-dong rang, her eyes suddenly lit up, she picked up the cell phone and glanced at it and said: "My boyfriend is also at the venue, I'll let him come over later, and let him give you Introduce a few handsome and wealthy rich second generations, and with your looks, Sister Xue, you will definitely win them in no time."

Zhang Xue looked at Qin Fan's face, frowned and said, "Xiaoqi, stop making trouble, if my boyfriend gets angry..., your boyfriend will be finished..."

(End of this chapter)

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