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Chapter 888 Meeting China's No. 1 Young Master Again

Chapter 888 Meeting China's No. [-] Young Master Again
There was a group of rich second generations standing at the door. Wang Sicong walked over to these people after getting off the car, exchanged greetings with them, and suddenly noticed that these people's eyes always glanced at the corner of the wall from time to time.

Wang Sicong was curious, so he couldn't help but looked over there, only to see two young men in simple sweaters standing there, and two amazingly beautiful women squatting beside them.

On normal days, Wang Saicong would definitely greet these two top beauties first, but today, his eyes are destined to be locked on Qin Fan.

Among all the rich second generations, Wang Sicong was the first to meet Qin Fan.

That day is an unforgettable day for Wang Saicong.

It was Qin Fu's birthday that day. In the underground garage of the Summer Resort in Shanghai, Wang Shicong and his secretary, the second miss of the Hua family, squatted down for several days before they could see Qin Fan. His secretary was also nearly kicked out by security personnel.

That day, from that banquet, he met many, many rich and powerful families, each of whom could benefit him for the rest of his life.

However, what makes him most proud is that he successfully got a call from the young master of the Qin family and a word of appreciation from the young master of the Qin family.

It's just that at this moment, Wang Sicong was not sure if the young man he saw was the eldest son of the Qin family.

He heard Douyu's boss tell him that Zhang Xue's boyfriend might be the legendary No. [-] young man in China, but it was just a rumor, and he had never actually met him.

The main reason is that the Qin Fan of that day and the Qin Fan of today are completely different in terms of dress and temperament, but they have exactly the same appearance, which made Wang Sicong unable to make up his mind for a while. I was in a trance for a while.

A person beside him saw him staring at Qin Fan fixedly, with a flash of light in his eyes, he hooked Wang Sicong's shoulder and asked, "What? Do you know him?"

"Who is he?" Wang Sicong blurted out.

The man shook his head in disappointment when he heard the words. He thought that Wang Shacong knew this elder brother, and he even pointed out that Wang Shaconong could introduce him to him, but Wang Shaconong didn't know him.

However, he still patiently explained to Wang Sicong: "I don't know exactly what this person's background is, but I know his background is very big. Yu Shao, one of the Jingcheng Nine Young Masters, just now came from the two of us. Where he stepped on, he easily tossed and knelt down and begged for mercy.

Even Huo Erye has to perform a master-servant ceremony when he sees him. I can't even imagine how big this is. I've never seen such a terrifying character. Have you seen him? "

the young man asked.

However, after Wang Sicong heard his words, he was completely stunned. If he was still uncertain about Qin Fan's identity just now, he can be 100% sure now that this one is, in all likelihood, The eldest son of the Qin family that I had seen before was gone.

Ninth Young Master Jing Cheng, there are seven people standing here in front of him, each of them is a guy who is more terrifying than his background, and Huo Erye's name is even more impressive, far from someone they can offend.

However, Yu Shao, one of the Nine Young Masters of Jingcheng, just fell from power.

The legendary Huo Erye actually treated such an unremarkable young man as master and servant. Who else could this person be if he wasn't Qin Mingyang, the eldest son of the Qin family!
As soon as he thought of this, Wang Sicong's words and deeds became a little flustered. While he was packing his luggage in a panic, he asked other people around him: "Is my clothes okay? Doesn't it look like I'm frivolous?"

(End of this chapter)

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