Chapter 901 Rumors
Suddenly found that half of these people are the top CS:GO masters in various countries, and the other half are also long-established top figures in various FPS fields.

Liang Xuan's heart was cold at that time, and when he told his teammates, all the fucks were frightened, even the exchange student from country H who had always looked above the top and was not convinced by Hang Ye's command was wilted.

Vice President Zhou is different. Although he has been in contact with the FPS field for three years, he can't even recognize any of these veterans who have retired behind the scenes five or six years ago, let alone search the Internet.

Those professional veterans noticed their gazes, one passed ten, ten passed twenty, and all of a sudden, they all looked at them playfully.

Looking around with eagle eyes one by one, these fledgling students were immediately turned away in fright, not daring to look at them.

Seeing their timid appearance, those people became more and more energetic, and even laughed at them wantonly in English.

How can Vice President Zhou and the others not understand English? Naturally they know what these people are talking about, but even if the old face is reddened by ridicule, and they want to stuff their head in their crotch in shame and anger, they dare not answer a word, for fear of being in the competition. If the world is targeted by these people, it will be a disaster.

"Don't go too far, this is King's venue." Hang Ye couldn't stand it anymore, and said something for these people.

Everyone in the Shangcai team couldn't help but glanced at him gratefully. Hang Ye shook his head, feeling very disappointed with these people. He remembered that Qin Fan said that he was also studying in Shangcai.

Originally thought that the students of Shangcai were as domineering as King, like the pride of heaven, but seeing him today, he was really disappointed.

It's also because his original expectations were too high. No matter how powerful these people are, they are inexperienced students, but those around him, no matter how weak they are, are veterans who have been in the professional field for many years. There is a lot of chaos in the field, and no one is an ordinary person.

There is no comparison between the two at all. As far as the gap between these veterans and Qin Fan is, then the gap between these students and these veterans is as far.

After hearing Hang Ye mention the name 'King', these people were obviously taken aback.

Especially those contestants who had participated in the underground gun competition organized by God Z had a look of deep fear in their eyes, and immediately shut their mouths.

God Z snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "King, just a little kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, Hang Ye, don't forget, you were taught by me, don't be on the wrong team."

All the veterans looked at Hang Ye gloatingly after hearing the words. Recently, in the European e-sports circle, gossip about the relationship between Hang Ye, God Z, and King has spread all over the sky.

Someone said: "Hang Ye and King are sympathetic to each other. King seems to have the intention of wooing Hang Ye, but Hang Ye does not agree because of God Z's face."

Someone else said: "Hang Ye has already hooked up with King, and even made an appointment when he will return to the Huaxia e-sports circle."

Someone else said: "God Z is old after all, and his influence outside is far less than before, but King is different. He is in the limelight in the e-sports circle. As the old saying goes, it is good to enjoy the shade under a big tree. After all, people want to It is normal for Hang Ye to choose King if he is going to a higher place."


There were different opinions, but in short, it was passed around, and it was said that Hang Ye wanted to go with King, or wanted to use King's reputation to become famous in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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