space shrine

Chapter 11 Lin Jianzhi's Disappointment~!

Chapter 11 Lin Jianzhi's Disappointment~!

If the other party is a different kind as he thinks, then wouldn't he be a piece of cake delivered to his door, let everyone eat and drink~?Although the doubt that the other party is a ghost can be ruled out, it is probably not an ordinary person.

It was too late to regret it now, Lin Jianzhi coughed and coughed twice, in front of outsiders, he wanted to cover up that he was Meng Lang who robbed the seat, but he was actually emboldening himself.

After all, we are elites of the police academy, the rising stars of the police force, we cannot be intimidated by our own imagination~!

"Hi! Please forgive my impoliteness. Judging by your expression just now, do you know those people?" Lin Jianzhi calmly stated his intention of coming, and in his heart he longed for the other party to answer truthfully, even though it was an illusion.

"Of course I do! It's been on the news for the past few days, how can I not know it! It's really not easy for the police now, are they actually asking one by one to find evidence on the street? It's really hard work!" Qin Feng said with a light smile, and casually He took a sip of the expensive coffee.

Lin Jianzhi's heart suffocated when he heard the words, is this an explicit praise and a secret derogation? !But what she said was the truth, didn't he come here just because of his similar figure~~!He moved his mouth, but couldn't find the right words.

"I'm sorry! Ma'am, I know this is very presumptuous, but I still want to ask, where are you from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] am on x day x month x year? Can anyone testify?" I really want to know if the other party is the one People, so he didn't care about the wrong occasion, Lin Jianzhi asked the key point.

If he was brought back to the police station based on his size alone, he would be accused of nuisance.

"I went home after shopping in the street for a while after get off work. The people downstairs should be able to testify, if they were at home. I moved furniture that night because of sanitation, and I did it all night. I should be able to hear Yes." Qin Feng said with certainty, his tone was steady, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Even if the police were smart enough to find her, the timing would not be right.Not to mention that it takes more than ten minutes to walk from the undeveloped dense forest to the road, even if it takes more than an hour to return to my home from that bus station.And she teleported home that night, time is a good proof, she wasn't worried at all.

Then the other party asked a few more questions, and Qin Feng answered them one by one, with the same calm and indifferent demeanor as before.She also kindly told him that she had checked out of the house, so that he would not think that she was absconding in fear of crime when he went to investigate.

The more Lin Jianzhi asked, the more depressed he became. Could it be that his intuition was wrong again?The other party's calm and cooperative look made him question his own judgment.But her figure was really similar to what was recorded in the surveillance. Lin Jianzhi frowned tightly, and the pen in his hand kept flying, quickly writing down her address and contact information.

In any case, he still has to carry out the necessary procedures to the end. Since he has doubts, he will definitely investigate thoroughly.And he still remembered the look on her face when she looked at the photos of those people just now. It was different from the disgust and contempt ordinary people would have towards stranger criminals, but a kind of disdain for the defeated generals, a kind of contempt for weak lives.

This kind of phenomenon shows that the other party must have met them at some time and place, and it is very likely that they have fought against each other. As for whether they died at her hands, it is unknown!This was enough to make him curious and wary of the woman in front of him.Besides, he has always regarded the murderer in this case as a supernatural object, so even if it seems flawless on the surface, he will definitely track it down to the end.

The conversation ended with Qin Yu's arrival. Lin Jianzhi saw that he couldn't ask any more questions, so he got up and said goodbye. He told Qin Feng that he would ask her to help with the investigation again, and then left with a little reluctance.

"Huh? Sister, who is he? Is it your peach blossom? Not bad, there is such a refined peach blossom at a very old age, oh, not bad! Not bad!" Qin Yu said to Qin Feng with a smile after sitting down easily.

"You're thinking too much. Because your sister and I look like murderers, they came here to inquire about the situation." Qin Feng glanced at her unhappily, and asked, "Have you completed all the procedures? Do you still have to get your salary?" ?”

"No! Unless I stay for another month, but I don't want to stay for a moment when I can leave, so I have to lose more than 2000 yuan!" Qin Yu shrugged and said nonchalantly, "But sister, are you really sure that everything is fine? Okay?" I still feel a little uneasy, although it is useless to ask or not to ask now.

"Don't worry! Anyway, we won't starve to death." Qin Feng said.

Soon, the two ordered things came up.Facing these expensive foods that they would never take a look at at ordinary times, they chatted with each other in pain and happiness. As for the matter of the hut, we will talk about it in detail after the three brothers and sisters get together.

The two older women didn't want to waste time. After eating these tasteless but exorbitantly expensive things, they immediately paid the bill and left.The sun is already setting, and we still have to go to the elder brother's place. If he agrees to go back, we have to start packing.

The two of them left the restaurant and stopped entering the hut. In this kind of world where people are being watched everywhere and become evidence at any time, it's better to behave normally, and just take the bus directly to Qin Lei's place.

Arriving at the destination soon, the two came to Qin Lei's work unit. Through the glass door, they saw Qin Lei conscientiously inquiring about the belongings of the registered guests in the lobby.

At this time, a tall and beautiful woman walked over with a smile on her face, holding a solid wooden board about one meter long and one centimeter thick in her delicate hand.She stood in front of Qin Lei with a ruddy melon seed face and a slight smile, and lightly raised her hand, as if she wanted to take him away.

Qin Lei's eyes lit up when the other party's figure appeared in the lobby, but his eyes slipped around her hand and then dimmed again, but there was still an official smile on his face.

He replied briefly to the other party, ignoring the slightly stiff smile on the other party's face, took the wooden board that she handed over with some reluctance and put it aside, and said goodbye to her with official representative words such as walking slowly with a humble attitude.

The two sisters, who were peeping at the corner of the door, saw the beautiful woman turn around and walk out, her flowery smile suddenly disappeared, and those alluring red phoenix eyes showed obvious anger and disdain at this moment, and they stepped on their high-heeled shoes. walked past them.

"Tsk tsk~! It seems that it is difficult for a top-quality brother like my brother to find a sister-in-law for us. He doesn't even know how to please the girl he likes. Alas, it's over~! Parents are destined to continue to be sad!" Qin Feng shook his head and shook his head. My brother's dead brain.

"Hmph, don't forget that you have to find me a brother-in-law as soon as possible, you are already 32! You still have the guts to say big brother!" Qin Yubai glanced at her. Such superb brothers and sisters are really a big failure in life.

"It seems that you are 28 this year, and you are almost thirty at the age of 29! Excuse me, where is my brother-in-law? The future is also fine~!" Qin Feng glanced at Qin Yu sideways, and slowly responded to her word by word.

Well, it's all a family, don't talk about anyone.

Qin Yu turned his head to the other side silently, pretending not to hear, then called "Brother" and walked into the lobby.

Qin Feng seriously despised her in his heart, and then followed her in.

(End of this chapter)

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