space shrine

Chapter 15 Reunion

Chapter 15 Reunion
Only then did Qin's father and Qin's mother feel relieved, thinking that their children had caused some trouble outside. It seemed that they usually watched too much TV.

However, Qin's father was a little annoyed. He always believed that children who went home to farm were worthless, and there were many opportunities and opportunities for development in big cities outside.It's just that the three of them have resigned now, and it seems that the three of them are determined to come back, so they stopped talking about hurting them, and began to think about how their children should go in the future.

For him, since he can't stop it, he should try his best to pave the way for the three Xiaobai who have never farmed land, so that they can walk easily and safely.

While eating and talking, I didn't finish eating until after twelve o'clock in the morning, and I didn't need to clean up. I folded it up and threw it in the trash can.

(To be fair to Bamboo here, this family is too unaware of environmental protection, so please don’t learn from them!)
"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm tired after a long day's driving!" Father Qin got up to make today's conclusion. He is actually still very energetic, but he just feels sorry for his child after a few hours of long-distance driving.Although I am dissatisfied with them resigning without authorization, but it has become a fact, I will quickly find a friend tomorrow to see if I can find them a good job in the small town.

Qin Guoguang still didn't believe that the three of them came back to farm. Young people, it's easy to do some ridiculous things when they get together, especially when there is Qin Feng who is unemployed all day among the three.

Although he was very curious about how the second daughter, Qin Feng, persuaded the other two very sensible sons and younger daughters, in a word, he believed that this mass unemployment incident was instigated by the second daughter, Qin Feng, who was uncertain.

Willfulness and disregard of consequences have completely become one of Qin Feng's characteristics!

"Dad, wait first!" The three brothers and sisters glanced at each other, and Qin Lei winked at his sisters upstairs.

"What's the matter?" Qin's father looked at them with some doubts, and looked at his little daughter who dragged him upstairs with the same confusion as his wife Lu Lan.

What are these kids doing?Seeing the strange smiles on the faces of the three, the couple looked at each other, and their hearts began to fluctuate.Could it be that the child won the lottery?Qin's father and Qin's mother suddenly had such a thought in their minds (as expected of a family~~! I think Qin Lei had the same idea at the beginning~~!).

It's not that they like to think about things, the favorite gossip of the old people in the town is to talk enviously about who got the lottery ticket and became a millionaire, four sons married seven wives~, maybe this year Is Feng Shui finally our turn?
Qin's father didn't say anything after thinking about it, and motioned for Lu Lan to follow the two daughters to the second floor, while the son turned off the lights behind.

It's so mysterious, it's probably close to ten, and I can't help feeling a little excited.If they really won the lottery, then the two elderly people would no longer have to worry about their children's future life. Going home and farming is probably just a small trouble to pass the time.

Thinking of this, Qin Guoguang finally let go of his heart hanging high because of the collective unemployment of the three children.

The five went up to the second floor. Qin Feng and Qin Yu consciously closed the window first. After their parents sat down, the three brothers and sisters looked at each other and sat down beside Qin's father and Qin's mother. Qin Lei went to close the window again. lamp.

"Dad, Mom, please don't talk, just stretch out your hands and hold each other." Qin Feng, who had been silent all this time, said, sitting between her parents, stretched out her hands to hold the skinny and veined hands of her parents.

When everyone held hands and formed a circle, Qin's father and Qin's mother only felt their figures sway, their minds were a little dizzy, and their eyes closed involuntarily, but the dizziness disappeared soon.

"Okay! Successful landing! Dad, Mom, welcome to my magical cabin!" This is Qin Feng's brisk voice.

Qin's father and Qin's mother opened their eyes curiously, drink!The surrounding environment has changed!
The expression of astonishment was the same as that of Qin Lei and Qin Yu when he came in for the first time, and then he looked at the three smiling children standing beside him in bewilderment.

"This, this is..." Qin's mother, Lu Lan, was so frightened that she couldn't even speak smoothly, while Qin's father also looked around with a surprised expression, feeling a strong sense of uneasiness about the strange environment he was suddenly in.

"Okay, let's stop scaring our parents! Sister, now that everyone is here, you should tell me about the origin of this hut, right?" Qin Yu walked up to the panicked parents and held their arms comfortingly, fearing that they would Keeping it secret will scare the parents into thinking that their children are mutated.

At this time, Qin Feng didn't hide anymore, let everyone sit down first, and under the suspicious eyes of his parents, he went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea and bring out a plate of fruit.There are more varieties of fruits this time than last time, including juicy and sweet fruits such as bright green jujubes, yellow pears, and brightly colored lotus mist.

Generally, people who have just entered the hut, it is best to drink some water that has been diluted in the hut and is rich in aura.This pot of tea is the same as the one made for Qin Lei and Qin Yu before. She added some unpolluted springs from the mountains outside with her thoughts in the hut. The tea is naturally taken from the storage room in the second floor. Yes, in the outside world, she doesn't have the spare money or the mood to buy tea to drink.

"Dad, Mom, let's have a cup of tea first! Brother, Xiao Yu, you too, drink more to get used to the aura inside." Qin Feng handed the exquisite small cups filled with green tea to Father Qin and Mother Qin one by one.

Qin's father and Qin's mother have calmed down under the comfort of their children, but they still feel like they are dreaming.

"Xiaofeng, this, this is, yours?!" Qin's mother asked a little nervously, this fact is shocking.

"Yeah!" Qin Feng nodded vigorously. She glanced at her relatives present, the family was in the same house, and she smiled inwardly. She picked up the tea in front of her and took a sip. The wooden wall suddenly showed the situation that Qin Feng was almost in distress that night.

Originally, Qin Feng was the person with the least right to speak in the Qin family. It wasn't that the parents treated the children differently, but that Qin Feng's language skills were too bad.When I was young, the sky was dark, and as long as she said it would rain, the sun came out in less than 2 minutes; based on her many years of experience in raising starling birds, she had to eat raw meat, but after the friend next door listened to the "slander", the cute bird died Yes, until now Qin Feng still hasn't figured out what went wrong. This happened in early childhood.

In elementary school, Qin Feng's intuition was very good since she was a child. Every time she went out with her classmates for picnics or mountain climbing adventures (little kid's dream journey), she would always be in the deep mountains or on strange roads. Intuition comes out.As the number of times increased, she also began to feel a little flustered, telling her younger classmates that she had supernatural powers, and she knew which direction to go in the right direction.

Under the envious eyes of the younger students, when Xiong Jiu was ready to lead the younger ones to the bright road, he lost his way!
Since then, big talk has become her trumpet.

When she was in middle school, because the family situation was not very good at that time, she was only eleven or twelve years old, and she was also hazy and anxious.For some reason, when she pays attention to making money, her keen sense always allows her to figure out which time period the most profitable business should be.After guessing a few times, she tried to talk to her parents, because she was young, so the family only thought she was joking.When time proved that she was right, she started to follow the trend to do business, but it failed; after two or three times, the family no longer cared about what she said.

(End of this chapter)

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