space shrine

Chapter 17 Approval of the cabin

Chapter 17 Approval of the cabin
"I don't care. I always confess what I think. There is nothing to worry about." Qin Lei shrugged and said nonchalantly. Of course, he was only honest with his family.In front of outsiders, he is a simple and honest person who is a bit dull.

"It doesn't matter to me. Although I'm not honest enough, I'm not going to do something that kills the chicken and takes the eggs! You are the owner of the house, and it doesn't do you any good." Qin Yu said with a smile, watching too much TV, Know that some dirty thoughts will always happen to the people around you.

Everyone gave her a white look, and then Qin Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, the usual thoughts cabin will not be reflected to me, you still have a great right to privacy. In addition, after you freely enter the space, if you bring other people or animals , as long as they are alive, they will only be allowed to enter with the consent of the hut. Of course, these are the hut's sole discretion, and I don't ask. But anyone who can't get in is someone with bad intentions or wild and ferocious animals. You will have to Raise your vigilance."

After talking about a series of precautions, everyone agreed unanimously.Qin Feng didn't bother, his heart moved, there was a sound in the center of the hut, the wooden floor in the center disappeared, and what appeared in front of everyone was a Tai Chi Bagua diagram of unknown material.

The four members of the Qin family stood next to the Taiji diagram according to Qin Feng's instructions. Qin's father looked left and right, and always felt that each of them stood in a wrong way: "Xiaofeng, did we stand wrongly? The dry, Kun represents your mother and me, Xiaolei should be in the position of shaking, and Xiao Yu should be in the position. Would you like to ask the cabin? Will there be a big problem if you stand in the wrong position?" People of the older generation trust Fengshui more, these gossip Although Qiankun can't be said to be fully understood, Fu Mao still understands a little bit, at least much better than the three stunned youths in front of him.

"Ah? Oh, it doesn't matter. There's nothing special about this gossip map. It's like the brain of a hut, which just maintains and controls the magnetic field formation in the whole hut. It doesn't matter how you stand." Qin Feng was taken aback, and then explained clearly.

After hearing this, Qin's father felt relieved, and stood in his place according to the words.

I saw Qin Feng got a silver needle with a cold light from nowhere, pricked each person's finger, and then asked them to squeeze the blood drops into the yin-yang fish.

Drops of blood dripped to the ground, first glowing slightly, and then slowly disappearing into the yin-yang fish.

Seeing this strange situation, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and at the same time looked at the spokesperson of the hut——Qin Feng!
After the blood drops of several people disappeared, Qin Feng said to them with a smile: "Great! You have all been recognized by the hut. When you want to come in, you just need to say "I want to enter the hut" silently in your mind. I brought it."

It turned out that the reason why the blood beads disappeared was precisely because the hut recognized them and integrated their blood into its consciousness.If the blood beads are always there, Qin Feng will have to be troubled to act as a teleporter when going in and out in the future.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but smile.

I thought it was so difficult, but it turned out to be so easy!
They didn't know that Xiaoxiao was willing to admit them because they detected that their characters were the same as Qin Feng's. Although they had some minor flaws, they would not affect Qin Feng and Xiaoxiao.As long as they have the slightest intention to destroy Qin Feng and occupy the hut, the hut will kick him out immediately, even if Qin Feng objects, it will be ineffective.

Although Qin Feng is the owner now, and because of this, the hut will 100% protect the rights and safety of the owner, even Qin Feng himself cannot reverse its thinking inside.

Of course, there are no elves or weapon spirits in the hut. It is integrated into Qin Feng's consciousness. About its prohibition, which aspects are rejected, and who is recognized, will appear in Qin Feng's consciousness one by one and become a part of her thoughts. .

After everything was ready, Qin Lei and Qin Yu were the most excited among them. They had been trying to find out what the functions of the hut were, and there were several rooms on the second floor. Xiangxiang.

It's time to go on an adventure!
Qin Feng glanced at them, knowing that his elder brother and younger sister were curious, but she still stopped them, frowning and said: "I know you are curious, but it is already midnight, although the tea in the hut can cheer us up, but You can't use consumption like this. Let's sleep first and look for opportunities later. Parents are also tired, so they have to lie down to digest and absorb the spiritual water."

Although the expedition duo was a little disappointed when they heard the words, they thought it was true. Anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future, so there is no need to waste those spiritual springs and make parents suffer.

So they all agreed, but they agreed to make it clear next time they come in, and Qin Feng also agreed.

The room of Qin's father and Qin's mother is also on the first floor. Qin Feng has always regretted that the three of them left in a hurry when they were in G City, and it was too late to add new daily necessities such as beds and quilts. The so-called new house and new furniture, but now they can only use the ready-made ones at home.Parents, brothers and sisters think it doesn't matter, the things at home are the best.

But Qin's father and Qin's mother were worried about the house outside, or maybe they were not used to such unreal things, they always felt like a dream, and unanimously asked to spend the night outside.

Helpless, the three brothers and sisters had no choice but to agree. They were worried that their parents were outside. Although they could even feel the air flow outside in the hut, they insisted on sleeping in the outside room.Only living in the same space can you have the sense of solidity that the family is together.

Qin Feng shrugged, she doesn't care, as long as she can be with her family, anywhere is good!

The five of them left the space together without turning on the lights. With the clear light of the moonlight coming in from the window, they could clearly see the direction in the dark.The effect of the Lingquan is very powerful. I only drank a pot of Lingquan water and some fruits. Qin's father and Qin's mother always wear presbyopic glasses during the day, and now they see things as if they were in the daytime.The two elders were extremely excited, not to mention the three siblings.

There was nothing to say all night, but the Qin couple still woke up early in the morning. All three children had returned, and they wanted to prepare more delicious food.

The three brothers and sisters had a small amount of food when they were separated. Qin Lei's unit provided meals and provided meals, so he had limited food. Unless he was very hungry, he was always too lazy to order takeaway. Qin Feng didn't have to eat at first, the salary was too low, and she was too lazy When cooking, I basically eat whatever I have. If there is no food, I cook porridge and do nothing.Although I later found a job with a higher salary, that is, the one that just resigned, but the pressure was too great. I was either worrying about this or that that was not done well; Willingness, even thinking about these things in dreams, how can a person whose mind is full of work have the intention to cook delicious food?It's good enough that she can keep eating every meal!

As for Qin Yu, as long as she rests, the snack bar near her home is the first dining hall, and she complains while eating, not to mention how good her appetite can be.

The sons and daughters are always coquettish and complaining to their mother on the phone, and they always covet their father's cooking infinitely every time (the Qin family is the chef of Qin's father).

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart!The person who listened was my old mother again, and when she hung up the phone, Lu Lan said to Qin Guoguang distressedly.

This time when the three came back together, the parents naturally tried their best to make them some delicious food.

(End of this chapter)

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