space shrine

Chapter 221 Robbery

Chapter 221 Robbery
"Ah?! Where is it suffering? Lao Zhi helps it!" Jin Duobao stood up and rolled up his sleeves and said.

Qin Feng glanced at him angrily, "There are so many relatives of it in the world, which one can you help? Go, hurry up and practice! If you quarrel again, I will throw you out!" A few pages, bored to death!
Seeing that the uncle's face was turning ugly, Jin Duobao didn't dare to say anything, so he touched his nose, knelt down and said to Fuqiu, "Furqiu! Ordinary cats have to experience three disasters and six disasters. Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal. Just get used to it in the future! Don’t cry! When my brother comes out of cultivation, he will take you to the primeval forest to catch meat!”

After speaking, enduring the sudden soreness in his heart, he walked into Lei Xiu's space step by step.By the way, the little hairball looks so pitiful!Like a helpless little boy abandoned by his relatives!
Alas, why not myself!Isn't he used to it?well!Jin Duobao thought sadly, and opened the door of Lei Xiu's space.

In the garden, the kitten continued to bark at the south, while the woman in Hanfu continued to read a book with a cold expression.

However, if people are careful enough, they will find that the pages of the book she is holding have not been turned over since she sat here...

At the same time, on the originally beautiful island in the far south, the originally blue sky gradually became cloudy!The rolling dull thunder accumulated thicker and thicker in the clouds, and from time to time there was a muffled sound, which became more and more regrettable; while the frightening electric fire snake was tumbling through the dense clouds...

"Benefactor Qin..." Yuan Ming stared in shock at the woman in white who had stopped struggling in the golden light.

"Old monk! Since you are so nosy, wait to die with me! Hahaha..."

The cold woman who was struggling painfully in the golden light had a little bit of red light hidden in her icy blue eyes.The pain of being hacked into pieces further aroused her deep-seated hatred for human selfishness and cruel methods.

Hehehe!Didn't it mean that if she used this image to kill people, it would lead to a catastrophe that would destroy the god body?Come on then!She would like to see if she, who is physically and mentally broken, can survive this catastrophe that makes people's faces change!

The surrounding golden light became tighter and tighter, and the pain on her body became stronger and stronger, as if it was about to tear her soul apart, causing the resentment in her heart to become stronger and stronger!

What I usually learned kept flashing through my mind, and the feeling of being frozen while practicing in the humble house became more and more clear!That kind of coldness can make her forget all the pain!

The icy blue eyes were gradually stained with a thin layer of white light, making the already cold eyes even colder!The pain on his face became lighter and lighter, and he only felt a tightness in his body.But in my heart, there is a force about to explode...

Swish a few times, the golden light surrounding the body was suddenly reflected and bounced off, part of it shot towards the island, causing a wave of howling ghosts and wolves; part of it shot at Yuan Ming's extravagant cassock, and shot it to pieces!

Yuan Ming backed away in shock.

The pain on the woman's face in white had completely disappeared, and her expression became even colder, as cold as if she was facing a pile of lifeless dead things.

She flicked her sleeves at the icicles of Qian's sisters, and the two icicles snapped apart, and she was swung directly into the sea thousands of miles away, falling into the ocean and floating.

As soon as Yuan Ming saw it, he looked at the Jieyun gathered in the sky, his face turned pale, and he knew that he could no longer stop Qin Feng.

He quickly turned around and shouted luckily: "Disciples, take people on board and leave quickly! Leave quickly!..." The voice resounded throughout the island, making the humans and undead who were scared out of their wits by the strange scene that appeared in the sky even more With a broken mind, he fled around!

The woman in white glanced at Monk Yuanming who was leaving in a hurry. He was still rescuing people on the island and absorbing the undead, preparing to go back to transmigrate!As she said, saving one counts as one!
"Third uncle of the Qian family, it seems that no one remembers you!" His icy blue eyes were bent, and he raised a cold smile.

She clenched her hands tightly, and there was a strange gurgling sound from the open throat of the desperate old man, and the dark clouds in the sky rolled more violently.

"Look! How merciful I am! I have been here for so long, and I was framed by so many of you, but I only killed you!" She laughed, and her hands tightened again. The ice climbed up the old man's neck, making his body The expression is more painful.

"Qianzhu met me, and then told you my situation, and then you proposed to the family, and ordered Qian Linglong to arrest me! It was you who stripped my friendship, and it was you who first made my family bear the bereavement The pain! That’s why Qianzhu pays for it with the pain of her body, so Qian Linglong must bear the pain in her heart forever, so you must die! And I will also bear the fruit I planted!”

As for those members of the Qian family, it has nothing to do with her!Those who eat and kill them are the sins created by them and their ancestors!Didn't you hear?If the ancestors accumulate virtue, the blessings will continue; if the ancestors do evil, the disaster will affect the descendants!

Clenching his hands tightly, the solid ice on the old man's body was broken from his knees first, then his hands, then his waist, and then his neck... Every time a part was broken, the old man let out a miserable sob from his throat, and the dull thunder sounded in the sky. It got a little heavier, and the air pressure, which was suffocating, began to press down on the island layer by layer.

The monks who were busy rescuing people and collecting spirits on the island frantically collected the dead souls into their magic treasures, and threw them onto the big ship without knowing their severity.They can use magic weapons to leave, but ordinary creatures can't, so they can only leave by boat with them to protect these creatures.

Soon, the old man had only one undead head left.And above his head, several sharp ice edges appeared.The white light flashed in the eyes of the woman in white, and the ice edge immediately stabbed at the head from different directions!Black blood spurted, brains splattered... Breathless!
boom--!The thick and dense clouds pressing down on the entire island frighteningly couldn't bear the roar of thunder anymore, mixed with purple-black and golden-red electric lights, bombarded the woman in white above the island overwhelmingly!


The teacup in Qin Lei's hand shattered!With a pale face, he held his heart beating violently as if it was about to jump out of his chest, and beads of sweat kept sliding down his forehead.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Lei, what's wrong with you?!" Yuntong who was sitting next to her was frightened and threw away the music book in her hand. She was giving the child prenatal education for artistic cultivation.

Since the whole family felt uneasy, they all stayed at home, looking for things to distract their attention.

"No! Something must be happening! But what is it?!" Qin Lei cried out in pain.Ever since he was a child, he has never felt so heartbroken!

There were bursts of restless barking from Ah Yi and Er Er in the yard!

With a bang, the door was opened roughly, first Qin Yu rushed in, then Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan, they were not as fast as Qin Yu.Finally, Xiao Ji, she didn't know what happened, but seeing the master who was teaching the mind suddenly changed his face and left, she followed.

"Brother, something must have happened! What's going on?!" Qin Yu couldn't help but feel his heart ache, tears streaming down his face along with his mother Lu Lan's.

"Xiao Lei, let's go back to the house! Ask Xiaofeng!" Qin Guoguang said decisively, his heart was tightened, and his physical and mental anxiety made him forget Yuntong's existence.

Qin Lei's eyes were dark purple, he hugged Yuntong with one hand, raised his head and said resolutely: "Let's all go back!" With a wave of his hand, he brought all the people present, including Ah Yi and Er Er who was screaming in the yard, into the room. up the cabin.

I can't figure out what's going on now, and no one can be left alone.Moreover, if someone has a different heart, the hut will not allow people to enter.In extraordinary times, I can't take care of many things.

After entering the hut, Qin Lei carefully placed Yuntong on the bed.His wife has a big belly now, so she shouldn't be too stimulated, so before he came in, he knocked her out.

Xiao Jiyuan opened his eyes, staring dumbfounded at the strange faces in front of him.

Qin Lei is no longer a 40-year-old middle-aged man, but a handsome young man in his twenties.It's just that his handsome face was tense, and his dark purple eyes were full of evil spirit.What's more special is that the purple-black mark on his forehead is flickering with faint electric light.

And my master's already beautiful and plump face became even more tender and white!But there was no smile on her face, and she pursed her lips tightly.Her jet-black hair turned dark green, and her green eyes exuded deep worry and sadness.

There are also teachers and teachers, who are no longer 70-year-old father-in-law and mother-in-law, but a middle-aged couple in their 40s and [-]s, who are sitting nervously and worryingly, staring at the woman in Hanfu with a cold expression on the opposite side.

However, surprises are surprises!Now that Master's family is not in the mood to talk to her, she won't ask this or that indiscriminately!Therefore, Xiao Ji automatically and consciously acted as the background, sitting quietly in the corner of the living room, not daring to lift his lowered eyelids.

"Xiaofeng, are you hiding something?! We are very uneasy!" Qin Lei was the first to ask.

Everyone in the Qin family nodded.

"No! Are you guys thinking too much? Aren't we all here well?" Qin Feng was slightly surprised.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable?" Lu Lan asked her choked up.What happened to these two girls?Maybe I haven't seen each other for many days, and I feel that the mother and daughter have become more distant, and the intimacy between mother and daughter in the past has completely disappeared.

Qin Feng shook his head amusedly, "Just for this matter, you are in a hurry and brought all the people in?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Ji's whole body trembled, while the others felt ashamed and uneasy.Only Qin Lei, he lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

At this moment, the door of Lei Xiu's space on the second floor was suddenly opened, and a tall figure with a scorched black body and a panicked appearance appeared in front of everyone.

"Eh? Master, the two senior uncles, the master's wife, and Xiaoji's junior sister, why are you all here? Something really happened?!"

Jin Duobao, who had only one white tooth left, asked in surprise, lying on the railing on the second floor. .

"Why did you come out?" Qin Lei scolded.

Jin Duobao quickly explained, "I don't know what happened just now, I panicked and almost lost my temper! It took me a while to calm down, so come out and calm down!"

Qin Lei's pupils narrowed slightly, and he glanced at the woman sitting calmly in the crowd.

"By the way, uncle! Is the hairball better? Are you still crying?" At this moment, Jin Duobao suddenly remembered this and asked casually.

(End of this chapter)

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