space shrine

Chapter 223 Search

Chapter 223 Search
A soft spiritual light flashed, and a slim woman in light green clothes appeared in the center of the hall.

"Ah! Everyone is here! I was discovered by you! Sure enough, I still can't make the mountain collapse in front of me without changing my face! If I am in a hurry, there will be loopholes in doing things, which is a disappointment!" Qin Feng in his spiritual sense First, he greeted everyone happily, then said with some disappointment.

"Even if you are a god, you can't do things perfectly! Don't talk nonsense! Where did you go? How did you get struck by lightning?" Qin Lei asked through gritted teeth.This person told them not to foul a long time ago, but she was lucky to take the lead in advance!The person who was kissed by Lei disappeared.

"Xiaofeng, come back! Let's not practice it anymore! Xiaofeng..." When Lu Lan saw Qin Feng's spiritual consciousness appear, he immediately wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by Qin Lei.Doing that will only disturb the spiritual consciousness left by Qin Feng and waste the time of the spiritual consciousness.

"Dad, Mom, I made you worry! I knew it would happen, so I didn't want to tell you. In fact, it's not a big deal. It's like finding out that I'm sick. I went to seek medical advice and was hospitalized by the way. And I'm used to solving it myself. Parents , don’t worry, I’m fine.” Qin Feng comforted his parents with a smile.

"Why don't you worry? You asked us to talk about it when we have something to do, but what about you? Every time you do it yourself without saying a word! If I didn't find out this time, would you be dead? And don’t let us know? You just have the heart to let us live with your puppets?”

Qin Lei asked her worriedly and angrily.When he thought that she was likely to die outside, while he and the others were still talking and laughing happily with the puppet, his heart ached like a knife.How cold-blooded a person can do this?Are they being too negligent to her, or is she getting more and more ruthless?
"No way! I have different views on things from you. Every time you think that I think too much! Later I also think that I think too much. But when things really happen, I have no time to tell you Already!" Qin Feng's spiritual consciousness said faintly, looking very lonely.

"Actually, there is one thing I haven't told you. In the humble house, I always fall asleep inadvertently, and then fall into the memories of the past. This must be very funny to you. It's just a dream, it's all fake Yes! But I don't think so."

"I thought I could look at life with a smile now, and not care about everything in the past. I don't love the world's glitz, don't get disturbed by the world of mortals, don't lament the desolation of the world, don't provoke love and sorrow, just watch the flowers bloom and wait for the flowers to fall How easy it would be to reach that state!" The woman's spiritual consciousness was full of longing.

"On the surface, I did it! But one day, I went back to the past in my humble house and started my previous life again. Then, I killed all those who didn't like it!" A trace of pain flashed across the woman's face "Besides, I took it for granted at the time. Because I was more capable than them, that's how I was trampled under their feet. Survival of the fittest! This is the law of nature!"

"I thought the corpses everywhere were an eyesore, so I made them into fertilizer to make the fruits and vegetables in the small orchard more nutritious and green; I sprinkled blood on the petals in the orchard to make them more bright red and bright. And I, as if nothing had happened Sitting by the side, I continued to watch the flowers bloom and fall... Later, when I went to Xizi City, the red maple leaves in my yard were all dyed with blood! I sat on a soft couch, admiring the beautiful five-pointed maple leaves dripping with blood! It was such a refreshing feeling!"

"That kind of life is so comfortable, I feel that I don't ask for anything anymore, just live like that! Then, I was forcibly awakened by the hut! If I don't wake up, I can only sleep forever! After waking up, I feel The me in the dream is horrible! I don’t know why the self in the dream is so disgusting and cruel! So I rarely enter the humble house, because it is like me, it looks beautiful, but in fact, it has not completely melted. The smell The piercing chill makes me feel that nothing matters."

"I can't tell you this, because you will laugh at me for thinking too much when I have nothing to do! But I have to find out the root cause, and I don't want to be a duplicity! I'm not what I used to be, I don't want to I will always stay in the dream of my humble house. So I came out, and I want to overthrow the resentment I have hidden deep in my heart."

"However, unfortunately, I was recruited again! I didn't know people with my eyes, and I was betrayed by my friends! I was angry for a while, and did what I did in my dream! Even if the catastrophe came, I still don't think I was wrong , I even hate Heaven! Why am I always the one who gets hurt! I don’t want these negative emotions, I’m too tired! I don’t want to be affected by other people’s mistakes, I’m too passive! And those resentments make me feel ugly! The freedom is too far away!"

"So I choose to continue to exile myself. When I can be completely unaffected by others, I will come back! Dad, Mom, I got the hut because of a moment of kindness! Then I use its energy to gain stability for myself and my family And happiness! All these are caused by my heart, it is my accessory tool, and everything I do is executed according to my orders. So, don’t talk about returning it in the future, it is me, I am it! You hate it, you hate me! It has no heart, but I will be sad!"

"Seeking happiness for my family is my lifelong wish! You got it! But my mentality has gone wrong, and I have to find a doctor alone. During this time, you can't find me. I don't know how long I will be away, But I can assure you that I will come back safe and healthy!"

"I hope that when I come back, you are still happy! Don't feel guilty because of me. I am more capable than you. It is easy to hide it. And it is useless to say it. It will only increase your troubles." Heart disease requires heart medicine! You can't help me, just like I can't help Xiaoyu get rid of her heart knot!"

"My spiritual consciousness won't last long, Dad, Mom, brother, Xiaoyu, and sister-in-law! Take care! Xiaobao Xiaoji, you must keep the secrets of the hut. If there are any mistakes or omissions, I will not be here. The way the hut punishes you It will only get more intense, you know?"

Xiao Ji nodded quickly.And Jin Duobao kept his head down, his brows trembling slightly.Hearing Qin Feng's words, he nodded abruptly in agreement, but still did not raise his head and said nothing.


Yun Tong, who was standing behind the crowd, whispered with water in his eyes.Qin Lei couldn't bear to do something heavy, so she woke up early and stood outside the crowd to listen.

Qin Lei hastily walked over to help her come over, and Yuntong tightly grabbed his strong arm.Although she still doesn't know the whole thing, she knows one thing, that is, Qin Feng is about to leave them!Return date unknown!
"Sister-in-law, this is my home! When you come back in the future, you can't tell me to leave! Because this is my territory!" Qin Feng smiled narrowly.

"Yeah!" Yun Tong choked up and couldn't speak, so she just kept nodding, leaning on Qin Lei tightly with her big belly.

"Xiaofeng..." Qin Guoguang couldn't bear it anymore, and helped Lu Lan who was out of breath from crying.This incident made the couple very sad.

"Sister, sister, I saw Chi Yan today! I sank him into the sea! Don't worry, I will definitely open my heart before you! Look, my aptitude is always the best among the three !" Qin Yu promised with a choked voice.

"Okay! Okay! Let's see if it's you first or me first!" Qin Feng's spiritual consciousness gradually faded, and he said to everyone with a slight smile, "Goodbye, dad, mom, brother, sister, take care of yourself!  … "

Then, under the tearful eyes of everyone, the image of the light green woman disappeared!

The moment Qin Feng disappeared, Yuntong, who was finally hit, began to go into labor pain. After a series of turmoil, Qin Lei and Lu Lan delivered the baby, Qin Yu and Xiao Ji assisted, boiled water and cooked food .Qin Guoguang and Jin Duobao waited by the side, waiting for the birth of the little life.

Because Qin Lei kept giving Yuntong the spirit spring water, she didn't suffer much pain during childbirth, and the baby came out soon, a pair of white and chubby twins.

The arrival of the twin brothers dilutes the sadness of Qin Feng's departure, and it's not that he won't come back, it's just that he doesn't know the return date.What's more, it's not easy to think that something will happen with the little beast guarding Fuqiu and the big killer hut secretly watching!
Days passed by, and on the surface, the sad emotions quickly faded from everyone's faces.But until Qin Feng came back, no one mentioned Qin Feng's name, as if she never existed.

Time flies by!Live how you want to live.

The Qin family usually stayed in the hut, and Yuntong was not allowed to go in and out of the hut freely, so the Qin family had to take him with him every time he went in and out.Later, she got bored and really liked the plain and comfortable environment in the hut, so she resigned and stayed in the hut to take care of the children and take care of housework.Occasionally go to Qin Yu's space to wander, as a foreigner.

But she refused to practice, saying it was too dangerous!I would rather spend this life with Qin Lei in a normal way.If she has wrinkles on her face, Qin Lei must grow old like her, or get divorced!She said it emphatically.

Qin Lei had no choice but to quietly infuse spiritual energy into her body, and usually use medicinal food to recuperate her body to prolong her life as much as possible.As for the future, wait for Qin Feng to come back before making plans.That guy likes to go sideways, so he must know the way to live as long as the heavens without practicing.

Due to his good conduct, Jin Duobao has obtained a green card issued by the hut, allowing him to come and go freely.But he seldom comes back. After graduating, he has to find a job!He was deeply attracted by his teacher's wife's theory of the best interests of gentle scum.While being a gangster, he was wearing a suit and tie and leading the defendant and the plaintiff into and out of the palace of law.

This kind of day where red and black intersect makes him feel very enjoyable.Of course, no matter whether it is red or black, he will not do things that are harmful to nature and justice, others and himself.How to distinguish and balance this kind of life, he thinks it is an opportunity to challenge himself, so he often enjoys it.

And Xiao Ji is still in the inspection period, so she has been living outside.

In normal times, Qin Lei's pharmacy is handed over to Xiao Ji, and he occasionally goes out to show his face to see illnesses for others.If Yuntong's family members come to ask for money and make trouble, Yuntong will come out and dismiss them.

Every time, the slobbering between the mother and daughter of the Yun family can always create a small disturbance in the town, for people to chat and laugh after dinner.

Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan seldom went out, most of them stayed in the Qin Garden to entertain their grandchildren, or study the pathology of medicinal herbs.Even if you go out, it's only for a short while.They specialize in walking among extremely remote and barren mountain villages, and they only treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases for those poor people. Therefore, they have left a reputation as a couple of traveling genius doctors among the poor.

Ordinary days flowed like water, and when everyone was living their comfortable lives, in the vast ocean, a huge ice rock slowly rose from the deep trench of the bottom of the sea somewhere.

In the process of drifting with the current, there were constant sounds of ice breaking...

(End of this chapter)

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