space shrine

Chapter 225 Encounter

Chapter 225 Encounter
Xiao Bin murmured, "I'll just tell you! If she really comes, can you deny it? I'm afraid she won't recognize me then! But that's all going to disappear! The most important thing now is your physique Master said, the longer you wait, the more conspicuous your physique will be, and you will only attract more monsters in the end! What's more, you are good-looking and rich, and the ordinary and extraordinary are all mixed together, which is simply worse !"

"Come as soon as you come, or you will die!" Han Shengyi put his hands on the railing with a lack of interest, feeling the sea breeze.The soft and shiny hair dyed purple black was blown loose on his forehead, making him look even more handsome and attractive.

"Oh, brother! Actually, this one is very good now. It can go out of the hall and into the kitchen, and it is also generous and decent. It is not petty like a poor family, and it doesn't like jealousy. It is a virtuous wife candidate! Look, you have been away for so long. She hasn't complained at all. She still calls every day to care about this and that, so you should give me a response!"

Han Shengyi didn't answer, took a beer in the ice bucket and drank it.

Xiao Bin rolled his eyes, and every time he talked about this matter, he always had this expression.He also took one casually, and also propped it up by the fence.

"Brother, didn't Dr. Li say that if you don't cure your mental cleanliness addiction, you will become terminally ill. What's more, it only takes one time to get rid of your physique! If you think about it carefully, it only takes one time, and you will be free from now on! This is a big deal." Hello, me, everyone! Think about it, think about it!"

The purple-haired man rolled his eyes at him angrily, shook his head wildly, and shook Xiao Bin's unreliable words out of his mind.Every time he saw the greedy thoughts in those women's eyes, it made him feel sick!It's a waste of time to stay for a moment, let alone do other things.

He had given up his mind a long time ago. If the disease could not be cured, he would not be able to cure it. It wasn't like he couldn't live without a woman!After being exaggerated by his previous cheap girlfriends, his reputation has been linked to a broken back and incompetence early on, and there is nothing to worry about anymore!
"Also, Uncle Han and Aunt Han are waiting to be hugged..."

Xiao Bin, who still wanted to continue persuading, suddenly changed his face, his baby face became solemn and stern, and his pitiful eyes quickly became extremely sharp.

He walked to the edge of the deck and kept scanning the sea, which was beginning to churn.He moved the communicator in his ear, and ordered in a deep voice, "All personnel should be vigilant, there are foreign objects in the sea!"

Then he said to Han Shengyi, "Brother, it seems that something is coming! Why don't you go back to the cabin?!"

"Okay, be careful!" Han Shengyi nodded cooperatively, patted the shoulder of Xiao Bin, who was a little shorter than himself, and turned to enter the cabin.

Xiaobin's face was sullen, his eyes were like radar, scanning and searching the sea.

When he was talking with Han Shengyi, there was no movement on the surface of the sea except for the sea wind and some small waves, but a life struggle was happening in the sea. A great white shark was chasing and preying on various living animals in the sea.

These movements kept ringing in Xiao Bin's ears, but he didn't pay attention to them, they were all normal things.

But just now, in the sea not far ahead, the breath of the great white shark disappeared instantly!In that instant, a ferocious demonic aura was fleeting, and that was what frightened him.

That demonic aura was stronger and more ferocious than anything he had encountered before!He could imagine that if he and others met each other, unless he escaped alone, the whole army would definitely be wiped out!
"Immediately return to the planned route! The security personnel are on alert level ten!" Xiao Bin ordered.Since he started practicing Fa, he has been in charge of Han Shengyi's security, working hard with multiple jobs!

The private yacht did not dare to stop at all, and turned around to return to the planned route.

Along the way, Xiao Bin stood alone on the deck facing the wind.His brows were tightly furrowed, his hands were clenched into fists, and the tense muscles all over his body were struggling to prepare for battle at any time.

However, unexpectedly, their ship sailed away from that sea area smoothly all the way.

Xiao Bin could no longer feel any evil spirit, and the waves on the sea were still rolling gently, but there was no murderous aura at all, as if the strangeness just now was just his illusion!

"Xiao Bin, how is it? Are you okay?" Han Shengyi talked to him with the communicator next to his ear, and he was watching the movement outside.

"It seems, it's all right again! No matter, brother, let's go back! Be careful!" It's an illusion that I haven't worried so much, I'm afraid it really is!With that kind of aura, it is really difficult for him to guarantee that everyone can retreat unscathed.

Han Sheng has no objection to returning to the voyage. Anyway, he has been out for a while, and it is time to go back!
Just as the yacht passed a reef, Xiao Bin suddenly stopped it.

"Brother, I heard a cat meowing on the reef! Shall I go and have a look?" Xiaobin said.

How could there be cats meowing on this barren reef?He wanted to ignore it, but he was afraid that he would really be the one who died.Maybe something happened to its owner, and the pet cat of the other party called in the sea, but he heard it.

Han Shengyi sat in the cabin and agreed.

With the permission of the boss, Xiao Bin ordered his subordinates to continue to pay attention to the surroundings, and then he checked again, but found nothing suspicious.So he jumped and jumped directly onto the reef more than 100 meters away.

Han Shengyi saw from a distance that Xiao Bin was attacked by a kitten as soon as he stepped on the rocks in the sea.

Fortunately, Xiao Bin's skill is not bad, so he dodges away.Unexpectedly, the kitten was not an ordinary cat, and continued to attack him as fast as lightning.

It may be cleared by the side!Han Shengyi observed for a long time, and found that the person and the cat seemed to be testing each other.He is very clear about Xiao Bin's skills, far more than what he has used now.As for the kitten, it didn't seem like it was doing its best, and it seemed a little puzzled, but it was also full of vigilance.

Han Shengyi told Xiaobin the observation result, so Xiaobin stopped, trying to impress it with words and gestures.Unexpectedly, when the kitten saw that Xiao Bin had stopped, it actually stopped too, and kept barking at him.

After several times, Xiao Bin reluctantly made a helpless gesture in the direction of the cabin.He doesn't know if the kitten can understand human language, anyway, he can't understand cat language.

Seeing that there was no other danger, Han Shengyi thought the kitten was very interesting, so he let the yacht drive over and also went to the reef.

"How did a kitten get here? It shouldn't be a wild cat, right?" Surrounded by rushing sea water, how did it get to this small rock?Han Shengyi looked around.

"Someone was killed! I felt a very weak breath from above! Maybe something is wrong!" Xiao Bin seemed a little anxious, but the extraordinary cat in front of him was not in a hurry, and it refused to let him pass.

However, the kitten didn't attack Han Shengyi when it saw Han Shengyi. It looked at him suspiciously, and then sniffed vigorously around him.

"Yeah? Brother, it seems to like you!" Xiao Bin said pleasantly.Brother's charm is strong enough, even cats can feel it!
At this time, there were two security guards who followed Han Shengyi. Seeing the bosses playing with the kitten, they wanted to go around and look for someone. The team leader just said that there was someone over there.

Unexpectedly, just as their feet were about to cross the warning range, they saw a flash of light in front of their eyes, and three deep scratches appeared on the ground beside their feet!The two were stunned, standing there looking at the kitten who didn't know when it flashed in front of them in astonishment.

The tiger-skinned kitten was staring warily at the two people who wanted to cross the line with their narrow pupils
"Meow..." The little cat stretched its waist and stretched its paws forward. The cat's eyes shone with an unfriendly light, as if warning: trespassers die!

Xiao Bin hurriedly stopped Han Shengyi and the two colleagues, and said to the kitten in a friendly manner, "Nana, Maomao, we are good people! We came here because we heard your cry and knew that someone was killed here. We are here to rescue your master! The one behind you is your master, right? Her breath is very weak, and she will be finished if you don’t give first aid! We have no malicious intentions, you see, we don’t have anything on us!"

To show that he was telling the truth, he even patted the only pair of shorts on his body in front of the cat.

But the cat was very vigilant and still refused to let it go.So Xiaobin and the kitten got together like this, one person and one cat were looking at each other vigilantly.

Han Shengyi took a step forward, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Within Xiaobin's blocking range, he raised his hand and gestured towards the kitten, "Little cat, we really don't mean any harm. If you are spiritual, then get out of the way, let us go over and take your The master rescued it. If you don't let me, then we will leave!" After speaking, he looked at the kitten with indifferent eyes.

He really did what he said!Since the other party is not ordinary, there must be a way to save himself.Even if you don't have it, don't worry about it. Who told it to stop it?He doesn't have that much time to convince a cat who doesn't understand the language!At most, make an emergency call for it before leaving.

Xiao Bin nodded fiercely, "Little cat, be sensible! My brother will do what he says, and then ignore your master and let her be eaten by great white sharks here! There are many great white sharks here. Met one!" But then disappeared again, probably eaten by something.

The kitten's eyes lit up at Han Shengyi's finger first, and then a trace of contempt flashed at Xiao Bin's words.

Then, while everyone was stunned, it twisted its fluffy and sexy little butt, swayed its little tail high, stepped on an elegant catwalk, walked three steps and turned around and meowed, as if it was leading the way forward.

The four stood there in a daze, and it was Han Shengyi who was the first to laugh out loud, "It's a cat with only personality!" Such a human cat is really rare!Then strode up to follow, and the other three quickly followed.

Soon, in a corner of the reef, they found a light green figure lying motionless on the sand.

When they took a closer look, the four of them were startled!He took several steps back again and again.Damn!Is that really human? !Could it be another monster?But the aura on her body is human's, that's right!Why is it like that? !

Judging from the long black hair scattered on the ground, the other party is a woman!This is also proved by the light green dress on her body.However, her bare hands, feet and neck, including facial features, were covered with hideous cracks!She couldn't see her real face at all.

The slightly turned flesh can still be seen at the cracked wound, which may have been soaked in sea water. There is no blood on the flesh, just like her own skin, dead white.If you just look at her appearance, you can't tell that she still has vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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