space shrine

Chapter 227 Placement

Chapter 227 Placement
I don't know if there are few monks in country H, or because Han Shengyi took over and built a house and planted things, so that the aura eye was covered up, but no one has discovered this treasured place for cultivation.

After Xiaobin told Han Shengyi, Han Shengyi allowed him to come here when he was practicing, and also allowed him to change the living room of the spiritual eye into a training room.

The castle is very large, with countless rooms, gym, swimming pool, library, etc. are all available!The servants live in a separate staff dormitory outside the castle, but the security personnel are divided into two groups, one is in the staff dormitory, and the other is mixed in the farmers. It is difficult to distinguish which are farmers and which are security guards. Anyway, there are patrols all the time. And monitor the movements inside and outside the castle.

The equipment in the staff dormitory is also readily available, the benefits are good, and the host family is friendly and friendly.So even though the host family seldom came back, everyone did their best to love every plant and tree in the castle, every table and stool.

It is convenient for the host to come back, and he will be greeted with a neat and clean elegant environment!
The place where the woman was moved was the practice room!Because Xiao Bin said that his master urgently needs spiritual healing.Of course, Han Shengyi would not object to this.

Since she put on the ring, her body has been floating, and she can be taken away as long as someone pulls her.After leading her to the spiritual eye in the practice room, Xiao Bin and Han Shengyi, who were holding her alone, let go, and she immediately floated over automatically and suspended in the room.

Immediately, it was visible to the naked eye that the aura rising from the center of the earth echoed and merged with the aura on her body, enveloping her in a cloud of white mist.The white mist gathers and does not disperse, and a slender figure can be vaguely seen sleeping inside.

As for the vicious cat, after seeing that the owner had been settled, it left the room, hiding somewhere.

However, as long as the person coming is not Han Shengyi or Xiao Bin, they will all be lucky enough to see its ferocious appearance.Even though its figure is still a small lump, its thin scarlet eyes are fierce and dark, and the sharp teeth exposed between its grinning mouth are enough to scare people out of their wits!

It is very domineering, within 30 meters from the training room is its forbidden area, whoever does not understand the situation will bear the consequences!
Fortunately, Xiao Bin had given instructions in advance not to allow people to approach the practice room, even if it was for sanitation, he had to make a detour, and he also arranged for people to guard the place 30 meters away. Within 30 meters is the range of the cat. It is very fierce. In order to avoid innocent casualties, he disdains and dare not compete with it for territory.

In addition to its own security system, the holy city also has two levels, Xiaobin and Kitty.Although this move attracted the attention of the people in the manor, no one dared to inquire about it, and everyone did their jobs well.

At the same time, Xiao Bin told the members of the supernatural team who knew about this matter to keep silent, and if he leaked anything, he would definitely kill him.Ever since he stepped into the road of cultivation, he has found that the road is full of dangers, and if he is a little careless, he will be killed at least, and even the phrase "still a hero after 18 years" has become a luxury.

The battle between monks is very cruel, and often even the soul is taken away by the opponent!Want to be reincarnated?Difficult!

However, without the ring protection, Han Shengyi's situation is even more worrying.So Xiao Bin suggested that he go back to live in the Holy Fort, where his ability was much stronger than usual.

But Han Shengyi refused, he said: "No need! Your master is healing there, so as not to disturb her!" It would be bad if the old demon was introduced there!
Xiao Bin thinks so too, but the protection of Han Shengyi will have to be upgraded in the future!He has to be by his side [-]/[-]!Also increase the intensity of training!Not only Han Shengyi and Xiaobin's own, but also those supernatural team members!
At the beginning, the banshee master gave him three sets of exercises, namely basic, entry, and classification.The foundation is to draw qi into the body, the entry is to learn how to use aura, and the classification is to choose the one that suits you best and continue to practice in depth.Later, Xiao Bin finally knew that those types of spiritual energy were exactly the five systems of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth mentioned by monks in the world, and it was better to be practiced by monks with spiritual roots of the same line.

What surprised him the most was that when he chose an aura that was most suitable for him, he found that it contained the exclusive cultivation method of that department.That is to say, there were actually eight sets of mental methods given to him by the banshee master back then.

But it's a pity that he has too many troubles in the world, so he only has time to learn one of the most convenient ones.And because of the cumbersome things, he has barely been able to beat little demons and imps so far. After a hundred years, he will only have to be beaten.

Xiaobin gritted his teeth, and he decided to teach everyone the master's basic method to improve their fighting ability.It is really difficult to support him alone.After they were able to draw qi into the body, his master might have woken up, and then he would consult her opinion and decide whether to continue the practice for them.

As for being punished by the master, he admitted it!
The recent century-old demon is too powerful, and other ordinary security personnel belong to the dish category in front of her.And those supernatural team members belonged to fish with thorns. Although they had slight thorns, they would still be killed by her in the end.

Xiao Bin felt physically and mentally exhausted all by himself, but now he found out that his master had been beaten so badly that he fell into a coma!He couldn't swallow this breath no matter what!But he also knows that even the master himself can't beat him, and the current self can't even count as a dish in front of others!
So he must concentrate on practicing kung fu, hoping that when the master wakes up and seeks revenge, he, as a disciple, can also help her!To be able to beat her like this must be the best of the best!
Han Shengyi can't be negligent here, so he needs help.Of course, he would not bring people to the holy city to practice, that would be like digging his own grave!Who knows if they are loyal or traitorous?The purpose of giving them exercises is to use them, but you can't expose your old background.

"Brother, before the old hag is caught, you'd better not go out! It just so happens that your rest period is coming soon, and I've arranged for you two months of vacation time! Where would you like to go for vacation?" Xiao Bin Take a notebook and check the track.

Han Shengyi pondered for a while, "I'm not going anywhere! Just handle business at home, so as not to keep your aunt complaining that I'm not doing my job properly. By the way, aren't there still two contracts? Which two are they?" Goblet, through the bright light, admiring the clear and transparent golden yellow liquid in the cup.

This is the white wine produced by a friend of his manor owner. He said that it was the first batch to be released on the market. Let him try it and give some advice.

"One is the endorsement of Italian furniture. They proposed that they hope to come and help us update the furniture in the Holy City in the near future. They said that it has been three years and it is time to change. Now this batch is more gorgeous and noble than last time! The other is Y The wine endorsement of Mr. Femmel, which is the one you are drinking now. By the way, the old Duke Femmel sent you an invitation card, inviting you to attend his No.17 wedding banquet at the end of next month! Cut , A lot of age, old cows eat young grass!" Xiao Bin curled his lips.

Ever since the rumor that Han Shengyi had a broken back came out, the father of his young friend Femel, the old Duke Femel, always dragged the two little ones with him every time he got married or some big man got married. join.Because his family's little Femer is in his 30s and hasn't married yet, he thinks it's because of Han Shengyi's influence, so he wants them to see more about the happiness of a normal marriage, hoping that they can stay away from the road of no return. , on track!
He loves his only son very much!Although he doesn't have the habit of passing on the family line in the East, he still hopes that his son's sexuality is normal.In his mind, the only things that can bring happiness to a man are money, power and a soft and smooth woman.

Old Femmel got it, and he hoped his son would get it too.

As soon as Han Sheng heard this, he raised a charming smile, "Reply to him for me. I don't have time recently. I'll wait until Little Femel gets married!" They were 12 helpless for their friend, who was a very old and strong father. !

"As for the furniture, don't change it yet, wait until your master wakes up."

"Oh, good!" Xiao Bin immediately wrote down, "By the way, I plan to recruit some more security personnel, and then send some people to Huaxia to see what kind of god my master has offended! I want to make preparations early. "He is short of people and strength now!Urgent need for supplies!

"No need! I have sent people from the intelligence department to Huaxia. I also invested in some projects in the Huaxia sea area and told them to secretly investigate and pay attention. If your master is really a banshee, it is definitely not easy to defeat her, and the movement and movement should not be too difficult." Small. In that case, if you send someone from the ability group to go, it will easily attract the attention of others."

Han Shengyi said indifferently, his long and narrow eyes stared intently at the beautiful golden luster in the cup.She came floating in the sea, and the conflict most likely happened at sea.

When Xiao Bin heard this, he was immediately pleasantly surprised.He can only mobilize the ability group, and other things such as the intelligence department and the monitoring and security system are beyond his scope.

Han Shengyi lacked the ring, and the power group almost came out in full force, and the holy city had to be guarded.That's why I want to continue to recruit people, he is too short of people!
In the starry sky above the moon, Han Shengyi came to a high-end apartment in the urban area.The design of the three-bedroom and two-living room in the apartment is simple and elegant, but there are fewer people living in it, usually only one hostess is at home.

"Come on, brother, how about a bowl of ginseng chicken soup? See if my cooking skills are better than last time!" The gentle and virtuous woman smiled lightly.Han Shengyi's fans always like to call him brother, and the woman in front of him is no exception.

The woman's name is Li Xianshu, and she lives up to her name. She is a clerk in a famous brand clothing store in the city.However, since she was discovered by netizens as Han Shengyi's new girlfriend, she resigned and lived in the apartment arranged for her by Han Shengyi's people.

Usually Han Shengyi seldom comes here, and she also knows that he is very busy, and she has a gentle personality, and she is not used to chasing after her boyfriend all the time.Although her relatives often taught her to pay attention to her boyfriend's movements at all times and guard against men and women's mistresses, she just smiled lightly.

After graduating from the flower arrangement class held in the community, she enrolled in the handmade fabric class and home economics class, which can not only pass the free time, but also develop the good skills that a wife must have-cooking!
She disdained to stare at her man all the time taught by her relatives, that would only arouse his resentment.She always believed that if she wanted to grab a man's heart, she must first grab his stomach!There is also a virtuous and virtuous temperament, and a delicate and graceful figure!
She has all these conditions. Even though Han Shengyi seldom comes over, she has been with him for nearly a year, which has proved that her approach is correct. She believes that she is his terminator!
Therefore, no matter what outsiders said, she continued her usual style calmly and freely.

(End of this chapter)

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