space shrine

Chapter 229 The investigation came out

Chapter 229 The investigation came out

He is a person who knows his mistakes and corrects them, and is able to bend and stretch!
While talking to himself, Xiao Bin drew out the golden lightsaber from his palm, and was about to slash at the old demon.Unexpectedly, the old demon was not stupid either. When Xiao Bin was talking to herself, she broke away from the golden rope and fled in a flash. She also said, "Wait! I will be back !"

Xiao Bin raised his head, narrowed his eyebrows and eyes slightly, "Want to leave? Where is it so easy?"

After a few dodges, he jumped to the top of the environmental protection tree, and then jumped to the highest floor of the building next to him.All of this made the three supernatural beings open their mouths for a long time and couldn't close them.

The team leader is so mighty tonight!Beautiful moves, especially that old demon who fled!In normal times, the people who escaped were themselves.

Han Shengyi also raised his head, silently looking at the distant figure.

Besides, Xiao Bin, standing on the top of the building, "The evil breath is cold and stinging. With your current cultivation base, as long as you calm down, you will definitely feel it." With his eyes slightly closed, he quietly felt lucky.

found it!The gloomy and cold air that fled in a hurry is still within the range that can be killed.

He opened his eyes, and with a smile, jumped into the cold direction to chase.While chasing, his hands formed a bow-drawing posture. In an instant, a bow formed of golden light appeared in his hand, and a golden arrow was put on it. He pulled the bow, "Pour all your murderous thoughts into the arrow tip, and shoot it!"

The golden arrow shot out, followed by a shrill scream from that distant place.

"Hmph, what a crime! Killed again!" Xiao Bin sneered, turned back to Han Shengyi, fell forward as if a thread had been broken, and passed out!


In the holy city, in an open space as big as a football field surrounded by fir forests, golden lights shone everywhere in the field, some of which were like sickles, balls, and sharp arrows... concentrating on shooting at the graceful figure jumping in the middle, he Sometimes the whip is whipped, and sometimes the sword is raised to resist the slash, and there are constant clanging sounds in the field.

Unknowingly, a few hours later, Xiao Bin raised a golden shield to block the light-shaped weapon fired at him, and collapsed and lay down on the ground covered in sweat profusely, gasping for breath.Those sickle light balls were all sent out by himself, and then he practiced on his own.

After resting for a while, Xiao Bin stood up wearily. His whole body was soaked, his legs were extremely heavy as if they had been filled with lead, and he dragged his feet slowly towards the holy city.

Back in the Holy City, he first cleaned his mess and put on clean clothes.Then walk through the corridor with a strong European style, and walk through the gorgeous and elegant large living room.When you came to a room, gently pushed open the door carved with exquisite wood grain.

The room is very spacious, but not overly luxurious. A few simple pieces of Italian-style furniture are neatly arranged in the room, but there is a sense of comfort and warmth.

There is a large bed in the middle, four smooth mahogany bedposts, a delicate gauze curtain, and a soft quilt exuding a fresh and natural breath. A woman with black scabs on her face and black hair is lying quietly. Sleeping in bed.

"Master, I can use what you taught me proficiently. It's just that my spiritual power is still weak and my attack power is still very low, but I will work harder. Brother's two endorsement jobs have been successfully completed, and now he has returned to his company Do other work. Get rid of the old demon queen, I don’t know if they have scruples or something, they have been very peaceful recently! However,” a look of high spirits flashed across his face, bringing a bit of childishness to his baby face, turning the original A promising young man who appeared to be quite mature and stable, became like a hot-blooded kid who didn't graduate from junior high school.

"However, even if they come over, I won't be afraid anymore! That old demon is right, she is the only one in this area that is more powerful, as long as the others are properly defended, they will be food for me!" Xiao Bin said happily.

The days of being suppressed and beaten by the old demon are over, he can finally look up and be the master, and he can beat them like soft sticks.

Chirping, chattering, Xiao Bin's nagging features started to play out, and he stayed in the room for a full hour before he considered that he would disturb the woman's deep sleep, so he reluctantly walked out.

As soon as he stepped out of the room, the mature and stable leader of the ability team appeared!He straightened his collar, coughed twice, and told a short-haired woman standing outside the door, "Yu Shuang, take care of my master! Let me know as soon as you wake up!"

The woman's cold face was expressionless, and she replied in a deep voice, "Yes."

This woman's name is Yu Shuang, and she is truly as cold as ice!I haven't seen her smile once in a thousand years.With the blood of Huaxia and Country H, he is a delicate and beautiful mixed race, and he is also a person with superpowers!It was the first opponent Xiao Bin came into contact with after he first started practicing, a cold-blooded killer with superpowers.

Xiao Bin, the supernatural being, was defeated by this first opponent when he first debuted, but fortunately he survived.He was so shocked that he practiced to the death, but in the second time, she was ordered to attack Han Shengyi for a while, but was finally defeated by Xiaobin.

Later, due to various reasons, Xiaobin saved her dying when she suddenly detoured past a garbage dump during a morning exercise.Later, she became his right-hand man, and later, she was transferred to guard the sleeping banshee master.Once she wakes up, she needs a maid by her side.

Ordinary Xiaobin can't believe it, so Yu Shuang is the best choice.

On the night of defeating the old demon, Xiao Bin was taken back to the urban area by Han Shengyi and others.

The moment he woke up, under the admiring eyes of the team members and Han Shengyi's doubtful eyes, Xiao Bin sat up and burst into tears.

He said that he was not the person that night, and the moment he passed out, he felt that there was a soul in his body.Although he couldn't see the other person, he could hear the other person's voice, and he could clearly see everything that person did with his body.

And that person is the woman who fell asleep in the holy city, his master who was seriously injured and unconscious!Before his body recovered, his spiritual consciousness came and taught him something he had never thought of before.He also made fun of him as a weak chicken, and allowed him to pass on the exercises to some qualified subordinates, so as not to collect their corpses for them when she woke up!
Hearing Xiao Bin's words, Han Shengyi and him rushed back to the holy city overnight, only to realize that the woman suspended in mid-air had been lying quietly on the floor at some point.The fleshy cracks on her face were already tangled together, making her face even more terrifying, but it was a sign of recovery after all.

When the two saw this, they were both pleasantly surprised and sad.

Seeing the miraculous effect of the ring's function again, the two felt mixed feelings.If she hadn't handed the ring to Han Shengyi, she probably wouldn't have suffered such serious injuries.Even if you are seriously injured, you will recover quickly.

Look, it's only been a few days since she came back, and the scars on her body have shrunk and scabbed.If they hadn't found her at sea, was she still alive among the rocks?Will the cracks on her body heal slowly?Or will it fester even more because it has not been nourished by spiritual power for a long time?Even if the internal injury is healed, can the skin on her body be as good as before?

There are no answers to these questions, because there are no ifs in the world!

Also since that day, it has been more than a month now, and Han Shengyi has not been back once.Usually when there is something to do, I will only call Xiao Bin who is practicing in the holy city, or have someone notify him, which seems to dislike this place.

"Mr. Zhang, the president invites you to go back to the company and talk about something!"

After Xiaobin left the master's room, he was about to go back to the practice room, not wanting to be stopped by the servant at the door, and conveyed Han Shengyi's words.

Xiao Bin was taken aback for a moment, then hummed, turned and walked towards the garage.

Back at the company in the city, Xiao Bin went directly to Han Shengyi's office.

"This is information from Huaxia!" Han Shengyi pointed to a stack of documents on the desktop and said to him.

"Wow, so many?" Xiao Bin was stunned, two inches thick!Did those people even check how many times the people around her went to the toilet?

"Yes! These are Miss Qin's materials before high school, and those who worked in various places, hometown, background, family, etc. are all in it! These original materials have been extracted separately, and they can't be found in their files in various places. .As far as we know, it was the Chinese military that took out the information of their family."

Lin Changyu, the head of the intelligence department, a shrewd man in his 40s, sat in the room and explained.

"Huaxia military? What does this have to do with them?" Xiao Bin sat down and picked up the information on the table in some astonishment.

"That's right. It's funny to say that at that time, our intelligence agents sneaked into the crew on the southern coast of Huaxia to work, and were questioned by people from the Huaxia military with Miss Qin's photo." Lin Changyu smiled.He looked up at Han Shengyi, and after being signaled to continue, he began to speak slowly.

"I heard that there was a super strong thunderstorm in the south of China. The local fishing boats also saw many animals on the sea fleeing to other sea areas. But the strange thing is that after the thunderstorm, many people went to search, but found nothing It was found that there was not even a single piece of wreckage."

"But people around the coast said that it did happen! The thunder rumbled all night, and the residents who were closer felt the strong vibration of the house, and all ran out of the spacious high ground. Looking from a distance, they could still see the south In the middle of the ocean, thunder and lightning flashed so brightly that half of the sky was illuminated! Unfortunately, they thought it was an earthquake, so they ran out in a panic, and they didn't have the camera tools to capture the picture."

Lin Changyu said regretfully.

"The residents who came out to take refuge later saw many ships sailing on the sea from a distance. Later, when it was completely bright, the wind calmed down and those ships disappeared! However, we were lucky enough to meet a few people, They're going out to sea to catch sharks in the middle of the night." Crazy about shark fins.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a sudden disaster. I was almost hit by the waves. Fortunately, I was rescued by the boats that escaped. They found that there were several monks on each boat, as if using divine power to drive the boat quickly, because the boats No one is at the helm, so guesswork."

"There are still many distressed people on board. They are dressed in rags, some fainted, and some stared blankly at the place where the lightning flashed and thundered, muttering in their mouths, 'Our home is gone! Qin Feng, no Terrible!' Wait."

"Qin Feng? Isn't that my master?" Xiao Bin exclaimed.Wasn't she injured?Why did it sound like she was seeking revenge?Could it be that she deliberately destroyed other people's homes and was bombarded by thunder?

It's not impossible, she is a demon, and demons always like to cause trouble everywhere!Moreover, lightning strikes bad people... no way?Is Master this kind of person?

"Xiao Bin, don't interrupt! Changyu, you continue." Han Shengyi cast a displeased glance at Xiao Bin who lost his composure, and said to Lin Changyu.

(End of this chapter)

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