space shrine

Chapter 24 Land Division

Chapter 24 Land Division ([-])

What surprised Qin Yu even more was that in addition to the beautiful scenery full of fairy tales, the aborigines, the elves, not only possessed various defensive skills, but also specialize in various folk songs and dances. The songs they sang were like sounds of nature. so beautiful.It can not only make the listener intoxicated and blend into it, but also heal all kinds of traumatized minds. No matter how serious the psychological disorder or distorted psychology is, under the washing of this natural sound, it will disappear and disappear. Exhausted, reborn.

For Qin Yu, who majored in music and dance, it was like a heavenly existence!
Almost without thinking, this room is hers!She said that she must make all life in the elf world accept her as the only human being in a short period of time, and then learn their skills and unique songs and dances.

Qin Yu named this room: Rain of Heaven!The meaning is that she is determined to learn the sounds of nature in it, and make herself a person who can sing the sounds of nature!

When saying this, Qin Yu raised his small face, showing a firm expression, coupled with his clenched fists.Everyone laughed when they saw it, and then encouraged her to work hard, so that they could also feast their ears in this mortal world as soon as possible, and listen to the unique and beautiful feelings of the sound of nature.

After hearing this, Qin Yu nodded and said confidently, "Well, this is necessary!"

Qin Feng smiled, and then took out a ring for her to wear.The function of this ring is also the same as Qin Lei's, but the environment and method for it are slightly different.

However, Qin Feng finally reminded the two of them solemnly: "Brother, sister, in addition to those functions, your ring also contains a lot of books suitable for cultivation in that environment. You should always remember to read and practice more. Don't be like an idiot who doesn't cherish the rare treasures, but desperately seeks them out!"

Qin Lei and Qin Yu listened, and they looked at each other, then nodded heavily at Qin Feng and his parents who smiled and said: "Yes!"

No matter how hard it is, they will never forget their original intention, protecting their families and maintaining stability is their unanimous and ultimate goal!

For some reason, when he came to the fourth room, Qin Feng didn't stop, and led everyone to the first room opposite, opened the door, and found a different dimension warehouse inside!

As long as there are crops in the world of each room, they are all there, and they are already harvested.Such as rice, picked eggplant, tomato, corn and so on.Each type of crop is placed in a square wooden grid about two meters in size, and there is a small delicate plate on the edge of each grid, which is marked with the name and the characteristics of the species in detail.

"Wow, this is too convenient!" After so many surprises, Qin Yu's nerves still maintained the original state - making a fuss!
"Hehe, from now on, if you want to cook, you can just get it from here, and you don't have to go outside to buy it." Mother Qin happily grabbed a handful of snow-white and slippery rice, watching them slopping through her fingers. The land slid down, and bursts of rice fragrance came out.

"Hey? Why is there so much food here? Did the previous owner clean it up again?" Qin's father looked around in surprise.

Obviously knowing that this is just a room, there are countless miscellaneous grains in it, and many unnamed condiments used for cooking. I know there are star anise, cinnamon and other raw materials here, but I don’t feel bored. On the contrary, there is a faint fragrance of plants filling it, which makes people feel fresh and natural as if they are in the wild.

"Of course not. Don't look at the small size of these grids. In fact, these grids are different-dimensional grids. The food in them is enough to feed a person on the earth for several years. These grains are all matured in various dimensions. They are automatically stored in. Once harvested, they will start to wither, and in the right season, they will slowly germinate from the stump roots buried deep in the ground, and then grow to maturity again, and this cycle will lead to the current number." Qin Feng explained, "Of course, if you want to plant your own plants, that's fine. Anyway, if you plant yours, they will grow theirs. Any place that has been touched by agricultural tools such as iron hoes will only grow what you planted for the time being. When you no longer When planting, as long as the roots are left, they can return to the automatic growth mode."

"As for these grids, because they are different-dimensional grids, they can hold infinitely many things, so they have never been filled. Even after thousands of years, the food will always be as it is now, and it will never be full again. It won't be less, and it won't be bad, so even if we don't have to work, we can live comfortably for the rest of our lives." Speaking of this, Qin Feng smiled happily.This is what she is most satisfied with. It seems that she can live a happy life of counting food until her hands cramp, and sleeping until she wakes up naturally!
This is probably the favorite way of life for thousands of housewives!She is so happy!
Qin Feng, who was proudly flirting with himself in his heart, didn't even notice the contemptuous looks thrown by his relatives around him.Even if she pays attention, she won't care. Every person who has achieved great things will have a particularly broad mind!I won't care about these petty things with them~!

The last two rooms that were opened, one is a study room, which is a collection of books from all over the world. In addition to the division of plates and lands in various corners of the earth, there are many books that seem to be from other dimensional worlds, especially those local customs and legends. Books are Qin Feng's favorite~~ It's so interesting to read them as gossip novels.

And they also have one thing in common, that is, the contents of the books are all true and true, and no matter how rare or popular books such as fictional novels are, they will not be included in the list.

This is a very characterful cabin that refuses to accept fakes.

But Qin Lei's favorite are all kinds of books on self-cultivation, such as self-cultivation, loose cultivation, magic cultivation, demon cultivation and ghost cultivation. He is worried that he is surrounded by treasures, but he can't find a way to train himself.It's all right now, with a small world of his own practice, and unexpectedly a study room that collects the essence of the world, now his wish is just around the corner, how can he be unhappy!
At this moment, he is holding a copy of "Sky Thunder Jue" and giggling aside...

On the other hand, Qin Yu raised her head with hatred on her face, staring fiercely at the towering bookshelves in front of her, on which were placed many books of various music scores that she had never heard of, and some books that she had only heard of but never seen before. The title of the unique book of dance art.

In the past, she had been longing for even a classic dance textbook that she could practice by herself, but she never got it.Looking at the mountain-like bookshelf in front of me now, I know what it's like to be "stressed". I don't think I can read it all in my life, let alone be familiar with it.

Qin's father and Qin's mother were much calmer than these three juniors. The two of them were holding a book of Huangmei opera that they found from nowhere. It was the best and most authentic, and I thought in my heart that this would be a good time. I will watch dramas outside in the future, and then come in to read these historical records to see whether history has denied reality, or reality has subverted history.

In short, this room unanimously meets the spiritual needs of the public, and also provides a place for everyone to pass the time when they are bored in the future.And the books inside are all classified in detail, which is very convenient to find.

Therefore, this room was named: Zangshuge!
(End of this chapter)

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