space shrine

Chapter 241

Chapter 241
When the woman passed by, a faint and quiet scent of jasmine flooded into her nose.Not strong, very light, smelling it can make people feel refreshed, and even the thoughts of going to the night market to fish for a night of passion have been completely washed away.

That is a Chinese woman!Why was Minnie so sure?Because she inadvertently caught a glimpse of the woman's clothes, just like the ones she saw in fashion magazines, it was a retro and fashionable Hanfu that had been improved!

Mei Ni also has one, which was bought when she was 13 years old with the pocket money she saved from working for her family for half a year!Too bad it's no longer available! At the age of 13, she was only 1.6 meters eight, but now, she is 1.8 meters...

The Huaxia woman was wearing a flowing white dress, barefoot, and walked briskly on the road, without any ups and downs, as if she was floating.

For some reason, Minnie suddenly had a desire to get to know her.Such a pure Chinese feeling was something she had never encountered before.

Even though several of her classmates and friends are Chinese, although they occasionally wear curvaceous cheongsams, they still lack some taste!Maybe they are very adaptable, and they have completely integrated themselves into the local habits, and their tone of voice and demeanor are similar to those of the locals.

Therefore, even if they wear cheongsam or Hanfu, they always give people a weird feeling of being Chinese on the outside and foreign on the inside, which is the same as Mei Ni herself wearing Hanfu.
Mei Ni quietly followed behind the woman in white, and saw her standing in front of a handicraft shop, with her head turned slightly, looking closely at the various long and short musical instruments in front of the stall.Then he pointed casually and asked the shopkeeper to bring her a green jade flute. With a slender jade finger, a few banknotes fell down.

The shopkeeper counted, and then sent the woman in white away with a smile on her face.Until the woman walked away, the shopkeeper was still looking at her back in a daze, as if he saw something through her.

Oh oh oh ~ Minnie is even more excited!That must be a talented Chinese woman!Should she go forward and make friends with the other party?That woman looks a little difficult!But she likes pinching~!She is super fond of people with great personality, both male and female!

He was hesitating whether to go forward to have a relationship with her, but, just as she did so, the woman in white in front of her turned a corner and turned into another street.

Mei Ni hurried to catch up and stood at the turning intersection to look around. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people, but the figure in white had disappeared without a trace.

Does she live on this street?There are many hotels on this street. Compared with the bustling street just now, this place is much quieter.

Therefore, Mei Ni used her indomitable spirit to ask passers-by and check hotels, hoping that she could find that pure Chinese beauty again, and then get acquainted with her!The Chinese charm emanating from the woman in white really fascinated her!
However, the road to the ideal is always rough and tortuous!Minnie asked all the hotels on the street, but none of them had received such a woman.Not to mention the hotel, even those passers-by said they had never seen it.

It's strange, I saw her turning in, even if she could fly, someone must have seen her, right?The whereabouts are so strange, could it be... could she be the legendary Chinese Goddess? !
Yes, for sure!It is said that the prerequisite for distinguishing a Chinese demon girl from a goddess is that the demon girl dresses beautifully, while the goddess is mostly dressed in white!
"Oh my god! That's really amazing! The goddess of Huaxia actually came to country M? To visit? To travel? Or to conduct cultural exchanges between China and the West? Oh no, I must find her and ask if I want a tour guide! I am the most famous beauty guide in the local area! Most importantly, I am free! Yes, it is our duty and sacred duty to introduce the local culture to the goddess of China! Of course, for others, my price tag is very expensive……"

Mei Ni, who had been jumping for nearly 24 hours, stood on the side of the road and screamed in shock, ignoring her crazy eyes.This is Chinatown. Although I know the style of foreigners, there are still strange eyes.

Mei Ni was dazed by her own imagination, and began to search around in several nearby streets, determined not to rest until she reached her goal.

Soon, everyone in Chinatown knew that there was a foreign girl looking for a Chinese woman in a white dress, and most people in Chinatown were eager to help and stare at the pedestrians on the street.

Of course, it's not all because of good intentions, but also because Minnie's description is so curious.The other party was wearing a long skirt, her long hair was tied casually behind her back, her feet were bare, and she was hugging a kitten... The foreign girl also described her as a fairy descending from the earth, although she didn't know what the Huaxia fairy in her mind would be like, But it is undeniable that people's curiosity about gossip has been aroused, and they also have some expectations.What kind of person can make a foreign girl so obsessed?

The Chinese people are both proud and looking forward to it, and being in a foreign country, seeing a woman with such Chinese characteristics can also slightly understand their homesickness and nostalgia for the motherland, right?
It's a pity that the woman who is as beautiful as a fairy did not appear under the eyes of everyone's expectations, and the foreign girl who was still looking frantically did not know which street to find. Someone originally wanted to tease her if she was possessed by a demon , but she didn't show up in Chinatown that night, so I guess she was far away.

Unknowingly, the time has come to more than six o'clock in the morning, and the sky is getting bright.

Mei Ni walked on the sparsely populated street with a tired look, listless.She searched all night, but still couldn't find a piece of the other party's clothes, she felt exhausted and flustered.The exuberant energy was finally exhausted, she decided to give up searching and go home to sleep first.

As I walked, I inadvertently raised my head and looked in front of me, and then I was stunned!
The woman who walked more than 30 meters in front of her, with her back turned to her, was not the woman in white she had been looking for most of the night?Take a closer look, the knee-length black long hair behind her, bare feet... these two alone can be sure that the other party is the Chinese goddess she is looking for!

Mei Ni covered her mouth excitedly, not to let herself scream out, so as not to disturb the other party.

"Oh! I finally found you..." Thank God for giving her the chance to meet each other again.This time you have to seize the opportunity, don't miss it again!
After thinking about it, Mei Ni hurriedly wanted to run over to strike up a conversation with the woman in white.But, strange to say, no matter how she ran, the distance from the woman in white was always kept at 30 meters.

Minnie was sweating profusely, why couldn't she catch up?She was running by herself, but the other party didn't!Although walking seems to be floating, in fact, her white feet are really walking, and it is not too fast.

But why can't she keep up?Mei Ni was not discouraged. Although she was very tired, she still mustered up her energy to chase after her.

Later, she didn't care about it, she chased and shouted, not caring about disturbing other people's rest.It was obviously loud, especially since the street is still relatively quiet now, but the other party continued to float non-stop as if they hadn't heard it.

Is she deaf?That shouldn't be a goddess, right?Minnie, who was out of breath, could only think so.To tell the truth, she was already a little dazed from exhaustion.

In a blink of an eye, he came to another corner, and saw the woman in white turning in again.

Mei Ni was in a hurry, and hurried to catch up, "Hey, the lady in front, wait for me! I have something to say..."

What I wanted to say stopped when I turned the corner.Because the person she was looking for really stopped and was standing by a high wall at the moment.

It turned out that this was not a street, but a half alley, and the wall in front blocked the way of the woman in white.

oh god!I love you forever!
Minnie screamed in her heart, bending over and panting heavily, she had to recover before she could continue talking.There was no road on the opposite side, and the intersection on this side was blocked by her again, and the woman in white had to pass by her if she wanted to leave.

However, she soon realized that she was too naive!
The woman in white suddenly turned her face and looked at Mei Ni, who was panting, with a slight smile on her indifferent face.Then, with Minnie's blank smile back, she turned her head and continued to walk towards the high wall unhurriedly.

"Hey, there's a wall over there, didn't you see...see..." Before finishing speaking, he looked at the woman in white in horror, her whole body slowly merged into the reddish-brown high wall, and then disappeared...

"Ah...!" This visual shock finally made Minnie let out a high-pitched, hysterical scream.It attracted protests from people who were disturbed unbearably, and then Minnie was sent to the police station...

A melodious flute sound echoed in the deserted forest.Beside the gurgling stream, Qin Feng sat on a self-made ice stone and played his jade flute.

These days, she has been eating spiritual milk and spiritual fruit to nourish her body. She spends two hours in the morning and evening practicing exercises, and she can purify the fresh breath in the forest into spiritual energy, so her spiritual power is beginning to recover.

Occasionally, I feel bored, so I go shopping in the busy city for a few laps. It is best if I have prey, and go shopping if I don’t have any.

The blue jade flute in his hand was bought in a street full of Chinese people. As for the money, he got it from the garbage that fed the fur balls.In line with the character of being able to spend and not waste, before the fur ball eats, she will always plunder all the money from them.For her, this is just a matter of thinking.

Of course, it was limited to banknotes, other hard objects such as cards, she thought it was troublesome, so she stayed where she was without moving, so that those people could come and identify the dead body!Although there was no body left at the scene...

The reason why she learned to play the flute to relieve boredom may be because Han Shengyi peeped at her dancing, so she felt repelled from dancing psychologically.It's not a solution to be in a daze all the time. I went out depressed and found this jade flute.I bought it because of its beautiful color.

Randomly picked a forest stream where no one would dare to come, let the fur ball drive away two wild bears to clear the field, and asked the hut how to practice playing the flute.It was the first time she asked the cabin for something since she survived the catastrophe. Of course, the cabin quickly put the learning method into her mind.

Of course, all this is kept from the family.According to the cabin, the family is doing well now, and there are two more young members, the twins.The cabin also showed Qin Feng the photos, all of them were white and tender and very cute.

The hut didn't ask her when she would come back, there is such an advantage in being connected with each other, you can know what the other person thinks without having to say it out loud.

Qin Feng's aptitude was not bad when he was a mortal before, no matter what he learned, he could quickly get started.It's even worse now, after only two hours, she can play a beautiful flute at will, which is a good way to relieve boredom.

After she finished blowing, when she was about to continue to be in a daze, Fuqiu asked her: "Master, do you want to dispose of that woman?" Being idle is also idle. It has never interfered with the master's thoughts, but it is somewhat curious.

Qin Feng was slightly startled, "Woman? Which one?"

"It's the woman who saw you pass through the wall! I thought you were going to scare her to death, but it seems that she is not dead. I feel her vitality is still very strong." And there are many evil spirits around her .

"Oh, her!" Qin Feng was stunned, and then said with a smile, "No need! That girl is very interesting, let's tease her." She is bored ~ very bored!
 Dear book friends, I have something to apologize for!Due to various factors, Zhuye had to ask for three days off!Sorry, the number of chapters is missing, I will try my best to make up when Zhuye comes back ~ Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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