space shrine

Chapter 243

Chapter 243
In the back seat, Che Yuanni avoided the driver's view from the interior rearview mirror, and gently wiped the silver gun.She is just a child, and larger weapons cannot be hidden, and the weapons she carries on missions are all small.And now she only has these small weapons on her body. Other more advanced weapons are kept in the secret room at home, but going back to get them now is tantamount to death.

Once the organization finds something wrong, it will definitely send someone to monitor your home around the clock.Her guardian was arranged by the organization to show to the world, and has nothing to do with her, so she escaped at ease.

"Actually, I know how to drive." Che Yuanni raised her head and said to the woman sitting next to her.

Seeing her sticking the muzzle of the gun to the back of the driver's seat, Qin Feng said with indifferent eyes but a gentle tone, "I prefer the prey that comes to my door." Although she is harming the world, she never thought of harming the innocent, at least not now.

Minnie, who was sitting next to the driver, couldn't help but feel a headache after hearing the conversation between these two murderous people.It was enough for her to try to stop a big devil from committing murder, but now there was another one.Although young, it sounds more vicious than the older one.

Seeing Qin Feng's eyes casually aiming at a certain place, she turned her head vigilantly and looked behind.When she found the silver gun in Xiao Ni's hand, her expression changed drastically, she covered her mouth tightly and stared at them silently.

Che Yuanni gave her a sweet smile, then turned her head and said to Qin Feng, "But we will be in trouble in the future." She rebelled against the organization. Although she was forced to, she should try to erase her traces on the way to escape.

"It's okay, the feeling of catching prey without going out, you will like it in the future." Qin Feng comforted her.With her personality, going out to find prey can only be motivated to do it when she is extremely bored, and she would rather sit and wait for someone to come to her door the rest of the time.

Without the approval of the big boss, Che Yuanni had no choice but to curl her lips and take back the silver gun not very readily.

And Mei Ni, who had been staring at the two of them in the front seat, finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she withdrew the human weapon.Oh, God!Will she go up and report early if this continues?should be!Minnie rolled her eyes as she stared at the front window.

Qin Feng, whose novelty of taking a taxi in a foreign country quickly disappeared, asked the driver to park the car at a sandy beach.

Looking at the taxi leaving in the dust, Xiaoni expressed her worry: "Master, I will be very troubled if you do this, he will definitely betray us."

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "He won't betray, he will only tell the truth. Okay, the sea view here is good, let's sit over there." While talking, he walked to the place where the largest sea stones are densely packed.

The strongest boss does not listen to persuasion, but Che Yuanni, who is a weak girl, can only obey.

Because of the presence of Mei Ni, Qin Feng and Che Yuanni spoke in a language that everyone could understand.According to Qin Feng's intention to stay at the seaside, the seaside area is spacious, and the position of the three of them is conspicuous. For ordinary people who are hunted down, the situation is very dangerous.

However, she is not an ordinary person, so there is nothing to be afraid of!Mei Ni, who knew Qin Feng's tricks well, followed calmly.

As for Che Yuanni, who knows how powerful Qin Feng is, but doesn't know exactly how powerful she is, the pressure is enormous~!And besides the silver pistol and some small hidden weapons on her body, she doesn't have any particularly advanced weapons in her hands, so she is in a very dangerous situation~!She was very worried for her own life.

Thinking about it, I really feel wronged for myself!She has seen with her own eyes how miserable it would be if she was coerced and made the people in the organization think she was a traitor!what to do?How about...after the people from the organization find them, think of a way to make them understand that they are innocent?

This idea won't work!For killers who have escaped the organization's control, the organization will only destroy them, and will not reactivate them or allow them to pry them away.

So, let her stay here in peace!Anyway, there is someone with higher skills than her to stand up for it.Maybe she can catch a leak and let her break away from the control of both parties, and then she will make a lot of money!

After making up her mind, the young and thoughtful Che Yuanni followed behind the two adults with peace of mind, and found a seat on a rock.

This stone was the largest on the entire beach, and there was room for the three of them to somersault on it.

It was night now, and the wind and waves on the beach were stronger than during the day, and they beat against the rocks one after another. The splashed seawater seeped into the clothes of the three of them, and Mei Ni couldn't help but sneezed a few times, shrinking herself into a ball.

Che Yuanni has undergone rigorous training, so she still has some resistance to the chill.Although she was wearing a princess dress, she impatiently pressed the hem of the skirt under her little butt, or pressed it with her legs and feet, and then looked at Qin Feng as if nothing happened.

Qin Feng is very satisfied with this. She thinks that the flowers of the motherland should thrive in this way, so that they can become pillars in the future, not the kind of depressed sick seedlings.

But seeing that Mei Ni was frozen like that, Qin Feng still kindly set up an enchantment, which made the surrounding temperature much warmer.

"Oh, it's because your enchantment is so powerful! It's much warmer now." Minnie let go of her body happily, and stretched her waist greatly.

"Boundary?!" Che Yuanni, who was puzzled by the sudden change in temperature around her, was stunned when she heard Mei Ni's words!

"That's right! Oh, you don't know? This is Feng's specialty, it's called a barrier! And the so-called barrier is..." Minnie wanted to explain the confusion to the new members.

"I know what an enchantment is!" Che Yuanni interrupted her, ignoring Mei Ni's hurt eyes, and asked Qin Feng directly, "Please tell me, who are you? Why do you know how to set an enchantment? Is it true that there is immortality? Could it be that you are a legendary cultivator? Also, why are you looking for me?"

Since I was forcibly poached by her, I have to let myself know what unit I got into, right?The generous benefits are just floating clouds. It’s okay to not sign a labor contract and recruit child labor illegally, but at least let her know who she will get?What are you going to do for her?Talk about it roughly so that she can have a bottom line in her heart.

Regarding her long list of questions, Qin Feng, who was very satisfied with this sea-watching position, said to the two with a smile, "I just wanted to talk to you about this question."

As Qin Feng spoke softly because all the noise from the outside world was blocked, the two people in the barrier could hear him clearly.

"I am a monk. Although it is the same as cultivation, it is different. You will know this in the future. Xiaoni, you will be my third disciple in the future." Qin Feng decided unilaterally very domineeringly, "there are two Brother, I will introduce you to you if there is a chance in the future."

Che Yuanni nodded seriously, she had to accept that she was meat on the cutting board.I have known a rule since I was a child, never let the expression on your face betray your mind!
So, even if she is a little excited, curious, and fresh in her heart, outsiders can't tell it from her face.This made Qin Feng love her a little more. The result of robbing others is to save time and effort, and she doesn't need to bother to teach the basic things.

When Mei Ni heard this, she became anxious, pointing to herself and asked, "What about me? I knew you earlier than Xiao Ni!"

Qin Feng smiled, "As I said, you didn't meet the standard, so I can't accept you."

When Mei Ni heard this, she immediately froze, and begged bitterly, "Can't I change to another test?" She is just a novice, not a killer, so can't she be considerate?Minnie's face was full of sorrow.

"No." Qin Feng shook his head, "I don't want future apprentices to question my words."

Minnie immediately sat aside in disappointment, like a child who was rejected by others, looking extremely pitiful.

"But I will teach you some kung fu mentality, and you can practice slowly by yourself in the future." Qin Feng said.

"Hey? Really?! That's great! Learning Huaxia Kung Fu has always been my desire! I never thought it would come true! Feng, I'm so grateful to you!" Minnie rushed towards Qin Feng in ecstasy, wanting to give her A grateful bear hug was blown away by Qin Feng's palm.

"Don't get excited! I owe you this, and I'll talk about the reason later." Qin Feng said, pointing his fingers to Mei Ni's forehead, and some of Huaxia's lost kung fu techniques were introduced into Mei Ni's mind.After thinking about it, I injected a piece of aura into her by the way, and broke through Ren Du's second channel, and then circulated that aura in her body for three weeks, and then turned the aura that tended to be thick into internal energy to stay in Mei Ni's body .

Qin Feng's action is tantamount to directly turning the ordinary Mei Ni into a master with deep inner strength.

"Your current internal strength is equivalent to that of ordinary people who have practiced hard for 50 years. If you use the moves in your mind proficiently and practice more, your ideals will be truly realized."

Minnie, who was still in a daze, didn't know what to say. She only knew that there were a lot of things in her mind, and she could understand them.

"You mean, those things in my mind are kung fu?" Mei Ni only understood this, and shouted at Qin Feng excitedly.

Qin Feng nodded, "You punch the rock over there."

Mei Ni is a Westerner, so she doesn't know enough about inner strength, and Qin Feng is not a person who patiently explains the basic skills, not to mention Mei Ni is still a fast learner, and it will take a long time to explain in detail.

Therefore, Qin Feng wanted her to practice it on the spot and experience the wonder of inner strength.

Apart from killing people, Mei Ni obeyed Qin Feng's words.Jumping off the boulder, Mei Ni hesitated a little and punched a stone next to her as hard as she could.

With a bang, the stone shattered into dregs and scattered everywhere!Minnie was petrified, frozen in place like a statue.

Qin Feng saw that she couldn't wake up for a while, so he didn't explain much, and let her digest it by herself.Turning his head around, he passed some ideas of drawing air into the body into the mind of Che Yuanni, who was also dumbfounded.

Seeing with her own eyes how Qin Feng turned an ordinary person into a generation of masters, Che Yuanni realized that she was following an extraordinary person, and obediently closed her eyes to absorb what Qin Feng passed on.

Mei Ni and Che Yuanni's abilities have officially entered another level, and it takes time to absorb and refine them, so this beach has become a temporary place for them to practice.

What the two of them didn't know was that when they were engrossed in entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness to look at the exercises and practice them, because they were too focused, they didn't realize that in the past few days, someone had been searching around outside the barrier.

Although Qin Feng knew it, she was lazy, and only raised her eyes when someone walked past the barrier, and then closed her eyes again to rest her mind.

As for the hairball, it is much more lively.I usually drill into the bottom of the sea to find seafood to satisfy my cravings, and occasionally play with dolphins on the sea surface.If when it returned to Qin Feng's side and prepared to squint its eyes for a rest, it found someone ghostly and ghostly outside the barrier, it would usually knock them unconscious with one claw, and then throw them into the sea to feed the fish.

It understands that animals in nature are much tastier than humans!Maybe human beings are too complex in their minds, and the food they eat is rich in various chemical toxins, causing their bodies to be full of various toxins, and the meat on their bodies looks sour and unpalatable!That's why it has temporary indigestion, just get used to it.This is what the owner told it.

But the meat was too unpalatable, so it didn't want to get used to it, so it decided to only eat other lower animals from now on.As for humans, just knock them out and let other animals eat them or simply let them disappear!Anyway, it won't abuse its stomach anymore.

Since some members disappeared on the beach, it proved that there was something suspicious here, so those people continued to send people here.In this way, the cat will not be bored anymore, and can have fun playing in the sea and on the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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