space shrine

Chapter 258 The Plan to Rebuild the Lingquan

Chapter 258 The Plan to Rebuild the Lingquan

"I want to re-establish a spiritual vegetable and fruit farm! The resources in the military compound have been strictly controlled by them. Although most of them are for official use, they have indeed helped many wounded and disabled soldiers! So... and you know that our country's The physical fitness of the people is declining day by day, and various chemical toxins are emerging one after another. If this continues..."

After Qin Feng listened, he glanced at him lightly, "Whose fault is this? It's not because you high-ranking officials only care about taking advantage of your power to make profits, and you are lazy and lazy to enjoy yourself! Look at every meeting held, which one is not Fat head and big ears?! I look desperate!"

Every time she saw the scene of the representative entering the arena from the news, she felt sad and hated in every way!Then turn off the TV.The citizens are skinny and toiled to survive, while the high-level people are as fat as pigs enjoying life comfortably. What a dazzling scene!
Lin Jianzhi was weak, "There are also many who really plead for the people..." Although there are a little less, most of them end up very miserable.He also looked sad and helpless.

"Hmph, if this goes on, don't say it's me, even a god can't help it! Forget it, I don't understand major national affairs! It just so happens that I have something for you to do here." Business matters!She couldn't change that group of people no matter how stupid they were.

"Master, please tell me!" Lin Jianzhi quickly sat up straight.She felt guilty just now, so it would be best to change the subject.

"The spirit vegetables and fruits in the compound of the military region are watered with spirit spring water, and I can give you the resources to recreate the spirit spring. But there is one thing, it must be grown in impoverished mountainous areas!" Qin Feng emphasized.

"Why?" Lin Jianzhi was slightly taken aback.

His original intention was to acquire a large farm and then send soldiers to garrison it.Some of the fruits and vegetables grown go to needy officers and soldiers, and most of them are sold to every corner of the country according to the prices in different places, hoping to improve the physical fitness of the people so that the soldiers recruited in the future will have better physical fitness to defend their homes and the country.

"I have some spare money here, which was given by Han Shengyi. I want to build schools in those impoverished areas, and then recruit a group of teachers who love education to teach the children. We must pay attention to psychological quality, and don't teach a group of white-eyed wolves. The school's The scale is the same as that of a medium-sized city, and advanced hardware equipment such as computers must be readily available. In addition, each school will invest a certain amount of teachers. After two years, the various expenses of the school, including the salaries of teachers and other staff, will be borne by the school. Take responsibility for yourself."

"The fastest way to make them achieve self-sufficiency is to grow spiritual fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables are sold to the metropolis and the price is raised, but they cannot be bought by others and monopolize the market! Every teacher and student in the school has to work for This is a labor and painstaking effort to maintain the school's expenses! The excess income is handed over, and then it will be collected and built in other places where there is a need!"

With limited money, she can only start at the beginning, and how to go next depends on the strength of the masses.

Lin Jianzhi was listening beside him, his eyes were getting brighter and brighter!
"That's a good idea! At that time, I can arrange some veterans and supernatural team members to station secretly in a radius of hundreds of miles. Some of them will go to the school to work as nurses or other positions, and they can secretly guard those spiritual springs and fruits! The issue of employment and the ability to train the children’s physical fitness can be achieved in one fell swoop! Let me do this! I know a lot of people involved, and I believe it will be done soon.”

Calm, he became a little excited. He was worried that the master would not agree, and he was prepared to be scolded, but he unexpectedly got a better idea!
Qin Feng nodded, and said with a smile: "This matter was originally planned to be entrusted to you. I just want to get a rough idea. The other details are up to you to deliberate and grind. Be sure not to let those who have evil intentions keep it for themselves! If If you can't get it right, come and tell me!"

She said the last sentence very gloomyly.Originally, it was very helpless for her to be missed by Chinese people, just delete her memory; to be missed by foreign people, she didn't have such a good heart to serve them!Not to be soft!For example, those island countries with animal faces...

Lin Jianzhi smiled, "Don't worry! In China, besides Brother Jin, Zhao Wen, and Deng Xiaolu, I have also attracted many patriotic and strange people. If we all work together, we will definitely handle this matter well." Time to get in touch with those guys!Especially the guy who successfully transformed into a gentle scum!
"That's good!" Qin Feng nodded reassuringly.

"However, master, does he have any objection to you using Han Shengyi's money like this?" It was really difficult for him to call Han Shengyi his master, and he was glad that Han Shengyi was not here today.

Qin Feng said indifferently: "This is my pocket money, and he didn't stipulate how to use it. However, I don't want him to know before this matter fails, so as not to be laughed at!"

After Lin Jianzhi heard this, he couldn't help feeling sad.It seems that she has a good impression of Han Shengyi, otherwise she would not use his money!Back then in Xizi City, those who pursued her didn't even have the chance to buy her a drink, they were all under the AA system!
Although she usually has a gentle face, she is actually very proud in her heart, and she doesn't even bother to spend money from strange men!
Qin Feng didn't pay attention to his expression. Since Lin Jianzhi agreed, she took out a few thumb-sized spirit stones and asked Yu Shuang, who had been standing behind her, to bring them into a box and put them in a box for Lin Jianzhi to put in. in the ring.

"One is enough for one place! Throw it into the river, or into the well."

"Huh? Such a small one...Master, have you ever thought about throwing one in every river in the country? In the future, you don't have to throw one every time you build a school! Everything has improved, It has become an issue of land and water resources. It will not cause any disputes if it is found out by other countries in the future! After all, it is an issue of our country’s land resources.”

Qin Feng glanced at him again, "You are content! This is the amount for Huaxia! For other schools, you should find a way to solve the predicament yourself! We Huaxia people like fighting in the nest too much! If the water quality of the whole people improves, it will not be long. A new virus is going to break out! Maybe even I can't solve it! I don't have the patience to serve a group of people who are asking for trouble all day long."

"Besides, in the crowd, there is a clear contrast between the very strong and the very weak. Some people will always be alert, right? The strong don't want the pure living environment to be polluted and protect it, while the weak pursue a pure environment and work hard to create... Well, anyway, I hope this time I can really help!"

"Those who can save themselves can be truly rescued! Jianzhi, I'm ugly to say before, if these few spirit stones cause a greater disaster... I can also take back the water that was thrown out! Do you understand?"

Lin Jianzhi nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I will definitely use them properly! Master, on behalf of all the beneficiaries, thank you..." After finishing speaking, he solemnly saluted and thanked Qin Feng.

"It's too early to say thank you! Don't cause big problems in the future, just thank me! By the way, when do you plan to go back?"

"I'll go back tonight. The sooner this matter is resolved, the better..." Although he couldn't get more spirit stones, he was still very excited and hoped that the blueprint in the minds of the master and apprentice could be realized as soon as possible.

The master and the apprentice talked for a long time, and they also agreed to use their minds to communicate in the future. Who said that the technology is too advanced now, and it would be so troublesome if someone eavesdropped on it!

Until the evening, Butler Park came to ask if he would like to stay for dinner. Since Qin Feng was too embarrassed to bother the kitchen, he excused that he wanted to cook dinner himself.In her mind, the reason why the staff in the holy city fear her is because of Han Shengyi's relationship.

And Lin Jianzhi is her person, so she has to be responsible for receiving him.After all, she still failed to get used to and understand the position of the hostess in the family.Although Steward Pu hesitated, she dared not disobey the hostess' orders, so she let Qin Feng lead Yu Shuang into the kitchen.

She cooks in person, which Lin Jianzhi naturally wished for.Speaking of the farewell that year, he really missed the warm time together in Xizi City.

He wanted to help in the kitchen, but was rejected by Qin Feng. How could he let guests into the kitchen to help?This statement made Lin Jianzhi dejected again.

As for Yu Shuang, she was Xiao Bin's person to Qin Feng, so Qin Feng seemed to have no pressure to handle her.

It just so happened that after the two entered the kitchen, Che Yuanni came back.Before she stepped into the living room, she smelled an unusual smell in the air... The relationship between law-breakers and law enforcement officers has always been delicate!
For example, Jin Duobao and Lin Jianzhi, and then Che Yuanni and Lin Jianzhi!

Vigilantly, she entered the living room cautiously, and found a soldier sitting upright inside without any surprise!Although he was not wearing a military uniform, his stern and gunpowder-smelling aura, as well as the awe-inspiring righteousness she hated most, all showed his identity.

She is an excellent professional killer and has a keen sense of distinguishing other people's occupations.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for?" Che Yuanni walked in with her face tensed and her whole body on guard.

Lin Jianzhi sized her up, another killer!Still a little killer!It seems that education must start from the baby!Did Master start the idea of ​​running the school because of her?Well, school matters must be done quickly!

"My name is Lin Jianzhi! Who are you?" His expression was cold and serious. The other party was a bloody killer, and he really couldn't treat him like a child.


When Qin Feng cooked the food and Yu Shuang asked the servants to bring it out, he found that the atmosphere in the living room was tense, and Lin Jianzhi and Che Yuanni were staring at each other silently.

"What's the matter? Jianzhi, her name is Che Yuanni, she is your junior sister! Xiaoni, he is your second senior brother! From now on, you must love each other and dare to kill each other. I will abolish you!" Qin Feng raped them glance.

The atmosphere between these two people is clearly the prelude to a blind date!No suppression!
Same door again? !Lin Jianzhi was a little astonished, he always felt that the master's school accepted disciples too casually!For example, Jin Duobao, the little gangster back then, and Che Yuanni, the little killer in front of him!And he is a soldier!With this kind of combination, he couldn't think of any other way out except blind date and killing each other.

Che Yuanni in that compartment also kept wailing in her heart, this guy turned out to be her senior brother!Not alive anymore!Being crushed by her nemesis, her life has no future at all!In particular, the master threatened not to kill each other... Do we have to live in peace in the future?Wouldn't everything she had learned before be in vain? !She also plans to open her own door to take orders~!
(End of this chapter)

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