space shrine

Chapter 270 Under the crowd~

Chapter 270 Under the crowd~

"It smells like gunpowder, it's a gunshot wound! Is there any way to save it? It's almost out of gas." Crouching in front of the injured female eagle, Han Shengyi frowned.He has a pure physique, and his six senses are many times stronger than ordinary people.The couple's breaths were confused, so they were approved by Xiongying and allowed him to follow.

"I can save it! You squat down a little bit and help me block the sight of those people." If you take it away, you will have to explain it to the onlookers.They all seem to be caring people, and they must be worried that they will be slaughtered or abused.

But there is no time!Qin Feng looked at the eagle with an injured abdomen, the blood on its body was almost bleeding, and its breath was weak.Although the consciousness is blurred and it rolls its eyes from time to time, it still keeps its eyes wide open...

She patted it reassuringly, "Don't be afraid, I'll cure you right away!"

The two turned their backs to the crowd, and Han Shengyi's tall and generous figure just blocked the sight of the gossip.

Qin Feng stretched out his palm to press the bleeding wound of the eagle, and sucked hard, the eagle let out a dull whimper, and a long bullet was sucked out.After stopping the bleeding, Qin Feng washed its wound with spiritual spring water to disinfect it.

The spiritual spring water can dissolve toxins and transform into a spiritual spring, so Qin Feng took advantage of the opportunity to infiltrate the spiritual spring water into the eagle's body without leaking.

Soon, the wound slowly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after a while, the wound completely disappeared.The injured eagle felt that his injury had healed a lot, and he couldn't help stretching his neck and screaming a few times.

As soon as the eagle of the general blocking the way heard it, he knew that his partner was fine!It also barked happily, as if responding to the call of its partner, and excitedly stretched out its long wings and slapped it vigorously a few times.

The strong wind it fanned made those onlookers shiver with cold, but they were reluctant to leave.They haven't gossip about important news yet, so why are they willing to leave?Moreover, the handsome man who just walked over is very familiar...

Those few were men and women in their 20s, and they wanted to know how the two men healed the eagle's injury.I want to know more, is that man the one they think?
However, they soon knew the answer!Because a few bodyguards stepped down from the other cars and took the eagle's place, preventing them from taking a step forward.That is to say, that man is really famous——Han Shengyi!

So, here comes the point of gossip!Who is that woman next to him?Judging from his nervous attitude towards her, the relationship is not simple!

At this time, Qin Feng casually shot the bullet deep into the center of the earth.She thought of an excuse, and later she would tell people it was a scratch.Then she moved closer to its mouth, and again under the cover of Han Shengyi's cooperation, fed it a little spiritual spring water.

The eagle's eyes gradually became clear, and the breathing of his body became steady and powerful.

Under the concerned eyes of the two, it rested for a while, took a few breaths, kicked its legs, then struggled to stand up, raised its head to the sky and let out a long cry, and suddenly spread its wings and soared into the sky!

It came alive!And the vitality is stronger than before!The full strength in his body made him unable to help flapping his wings into the sky, soaring between the heaven and the earth to vent his exuberant strength.

The eagle, which was still eyeing the crowd, found that its partner was intact, and immediately soared into the air happily, circling and gliding around the wounded eagle, staggering back and forth from time to time, and the scene seemed very infatuated and intimate.

The two eagles flew back and forth in the sky a few times, and soon landed again, with their claws on the arms of Han Shengyi and Qin Feng respectively.

Qin Feng stroked the eyebrows of the eagle in his hand with a smile, entered his address, and then softly ordered them to report to his family on his behalf.

"Thank you for your hard work! Please go back and tell my family that I'm married! Let them be mentally prepared! Also, invite them to come over for a reunion on the Lantern Festival. My husband's family is ordinary people, so the gifts you prepare must be ordinary some!"

When Han Sheng heard it, he couldn't help laughing.

"Wouldn't it be rude to explain this in front of me?" A more ordinary gift?It is true to say so, but it always feels weird.

"Where is the impoliteness? Ordinary gifts are a very troublesome thing for my family!" Her family lacks nothing but money!If you don’t have money, you can’t buy ordinary gifts. It seems that my brother has to go to the rich man to see a doctor again!Hope in time.

Han Shengyi also thought about it, it is really difficult to have a non-human in-law!

The eagle in Qin Feng's hand yelled at her, expressing his understanding.

"Then you go! Remember to fly higher, don't let people hit you again!" Qin Feng reminded, and by the way, put a barrier on them, so that human weapons can no longer hit them.

Then, the two eagles spread their wings and floated up, and the blowing wind messed up their hair and clothes.They chirped a few times in front of the two of them, then fluttered their wings and flew high. After circling over their heads several times, they let out a long, sharp chirp, and then the two eagles fluttered in the sky, chasing each other and disappearing into the blue sky. middle……

Qin Feng and Han Shengyi stood on the edge of the cliff and watched until they could no longer see the shadow of the pair of eagles. The couple looked at each other in awe, and couldn't help holding hands, fingers clasped tightly, ready to turn around go back.

By this time, the crowd of onlookers had gradually increased.Everyone has curiosity, and seeing people watching the excitement, more and more people will come, although some people don't know what the excitement is.

The first few young men and women who came saw the eagle not only was fine, but also flew away in a very healthy and happy manner.So, I was pleasantly surprised by the sudden appearance of Han Shengyi, but now that he and a woman rescued the eagle, the surprise turned into curiosity!
They all raised their voices and asked: "Hey, brother! Brother! Did you save that eagle? Brother also knows medical skills?! As expected of brother, what a treat..."

"Brother, who is that woman...?" Hesitant and slightly out of tune.

It was all the women who were asking, as if they were deliberately ignoring something, while the man just stood by with admiration and curiosity.

Suddenly hearing the voice from the crowd, Han Shengyi and Qin Feng, who were about to turn around, froze for a moment!
Han Shengyi suddenly realized that he was a public figure!Because of the delay just now, other passing vehicles also stopped out of curiosity, and more and more people came out to watch.

"Shit!" Han Shengyi, who had his back to everyone, was annoyed, and gave the middle finger to God in his heart.I rushed out just now because I was worried about my wife, without any pretense!Recognized!

"What should I do? Do you want to escape?" Qin Feng also felt the intense X-rays around him, and asked softly.

"Of course not! I never run away!" Han Sheng raised his eyebrows, reached out to put the hat of her coat on her, and took her head into his arms.It must be seen by others, what he can do now is to try not to let the onlookers take pictures of her.

Once the photos are spread, public opinion from the outside world will flood her.He was said to be used to it, but he didn't want to harm his wife because of himself.He has always hoped that the person he likes can live freely in the crowd, instead of being the object of others' pointing and talking, or even insulting.

After meeting Qin Feng again, he has been working hard for it.Today, because of his momentary mistake, his efforts may have been in vain.It's a pity, it just takes a little longer for him to fade away completely.

However, it is useless to say anything now!
After Han Shengyi ensured that the woman in his arms was concealed, he lifted his handsome face generously, showing his usual calm and elegant smile.

"Hello everyone! Happy New Year..." While waving to the onlookers and congratulating each other with the fans, he walked towards the car with a steady pace and a calm expression.

Although he tried his best to prevent the world from discovering the existence of Qin Feng, he was also prepared for the worst situation. When he revealed the news of his marriage to the brokerage company, a plan had already been prepared.

So even if he was caught by fans, he was still very calm.

"Brother, who is that woman? Is it your girlfriend?" Seeing his protection of her, the female fans finally couldn't help screaming.It's a pity that I can't make it through, I really want to lift the woman's hat and see clearly what kind of stunning beauty makes my brother maintain it like this.

The attention of the onlookers was not only on Han Shengyi, but more on the woman in his arms!In an instant, all kinds of emotions such as envy, jealousy and hatred emerged~~!

There are also some more sensible fans who are cheering for the idol's happiness.

"Brother, we all hope that you can find your other half! Is it her? Is she the one you are looking for?"

"Brother, you must be happy! Whether she is or not, we all hope you will be happy!"

"be happy……"

Han Shengyi slowed down a bit, so he loves his fans very much, most of them are really... so caring!I really hope to share my joy with these people who really love him!But now is not the time.

When he came to the car, he asked Qin Feng to get into the car first, while he turned his head and looked at the voices just now, showing a warm smile, then waved to them again, and got into the car.

His lovely fans, he will be happy!Moreover, he will definitely give everyone a clear explanation as soon as possible!

The five cars left one after another, leaving an explosive topic for the people behind to speculate.It is indeed ecstasy to be in close contact with idols, but the woman in the arms of idols also makes them very heartbroken!
"Oh, who is that woman? Is it his relative? Sister? Sister? Or mother?..." This is a person who does not want to face reality.

"Don't be stupid, he only has one younger sister! That woman looks quite young...may be a cousin!" Another ostrich.

"I saw the woman's appearance, a very ordinary face... Maybe it's my brother's acquaintance, afraid of being harassed by us..." All kinds of excuses and conjectures for the idol, just refused to think about it.

They were fascinated by the idol's beautiful and melodious voice, and they were even more fascinated by his affection and tenderness when he looked at the person in his arms... Woohoo, who is that woman?He De He Neng?To make their male god show such a gentle and affectionate smile?
This caused the fans present to fall to the bottom of the valley slowly because of the excitement of encountering the male god!Although he said that he would bless him, the hearts of all the fans shattered at the thought of the male god having a lover.

 Thank you for the editor’s recommendation, and thank you all book friends for your support... Then continue to ask for tickets, all kinds of tickets~~Thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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