space shrine

Chapter 276 Untitled

Chapter 276 Untitled
"Mom," Qin Feng said to Han's mother calmly, "my family's physique can't eat these things! Once they eat them, they will get angry! So they usually pay attention to exercise and their bodies are very healthy. Those ginseng and antlers should be kept at home. Let it go too, just accept it!"

She calls her mother in Chinese, and calls her mother-in-law in H, so there will be no confusion.

"Oh, that's it!" The Han family suddenly realized, and looked at the Qin family enviously.

Hearing what Qin Feng said, Father Han asked Han Xiuen and his wife to take the things into the warehouse and put them away, and put some dried fruit and tea on the table for everyone to taste.

"Hey? In-laws, why did you only bring one suitcase? What about your clothes and luggage? Didn't you put them in a hotel? Don't you stay in a hotel! There are many rooms at home. Where do you put your luggage? We'll ask someone to help you with it Come."

Papa Han asked Papa Qin strangely. He looked left and right, and found that the family had a food box in their hands.

"Uh, luggage...?" Everyone in the Qin family looked at Qin Feng. Let her solve this problem by herself, and let her taste the consequences of her relatives' willfulness!

They put all their clothes in the ring, and they were too lazy to carry so many things.Dried fruits had to be taken out on the spot, so I reluctantly pulled a box.

Qin Feng saw his family look at him with trepidation, blinked his eyes, and said calmly, "Oh, I have prepared all the clothes and daily necessities, and put them in their room." He will not be easily stumped.

Everyone oh, and then the elders continued to chat happily.

Han Shengyi looked at his wife who was rubbing medicinal wine on his arm, very speechless.

This woman really lied without blinking an eye!He clearly heard that she just ordered the housekeeper to find someone to clean up the room this morning. There are several sets of pajamas in the room, and there is not a single wool for other clothes!He also asked if he wanted to prepare it, but she said no, and said that the family would bring their own!

Really!As expected of an administrative officer!He is best at talking nonsense with his eyes open.No wonder her former boss still misses her after so many years, talent!And fooling his family in front of him, hiss... This woman has so many eyes!
"Is it okay for ordinary people to eat the things your family brought?" Han Sheng glanced at the dried fruit on the table, and worriedly bit his ear with Qin Feng.

In case the whole family has a pure physique and Xiao Bin is not crazy, he himself will go crazy first!

"Don't worry, it's been soaked in water! Ordinary people can only strengthen their bodies if they eat it. Those hundred-year-old ginseng are all local products, and it won't affect people if they eat them!" Qin Feng whispered while he was rubbing the bruises on his arms. .

Soaked in water!Centennial wild ginseng is all local products! !This answer left Han Shengyi speechless for a while.It's obviously very rude, why can she say it with a sense of pride? !
The words and deeds of the two of them naturally couldn't be hidden from the ears of the Qin family. They glanced at the young couple thoughtfully, and then silently glanced at the brown gold engraved ring worn on the man's little finger.

To get Qin Feng to look at him differently and promise him with his body, there must be merits!Moreover, it is a human being who has been verified and trusted by the hut!Otherwise, Qin Feng would not let him know his details.

However, he is still an ordinary human being without cultivation, so his life span will be very short.At least Yuntong is willing to eat spiritual spring water to strengthen his body and prolong his life, but according to him, he is not even willing to eat spiritual fruit!Xiaofeng poured out his heart and soul to him, is it really all right?
If she doesn't marry, her family will worry; if she marries, her family will worry even more!This is the current rhythm of life of the Qin family.

After having breakfast together, the large team was divided into three batches.

Qin Guoguang followed Father Han to visit the manor. The two elders were both farmers, and they both had an unusual intimacy with the fields.

Although the fields in snowy days are nothing to look at, looking at the fields owned by my family, I suddenly have a state of mind that "there is no panic when the family has a good farmland", and the common topics are a basket of baskets.

Qin Lei, Han Shengyi, Xiang Zhongyuan and Xiao Bin, although they are in different fields.But Qin Lei intends to investigate his sister-in-law, and Han Shengyi also hopes to establish a good relationship with his uncle, so everyone still talks happily.

Then there are the women!
Lu Lan is not a long-sleeved woman who is good at dancing, but has a gentle and tolerant temperament.If Qin Feng hadn't gone too far this time, she wouldn't have behaved so badly.Han Ma's personality is more outgoing and forthright. Seeing Lu Lan beating her daughter fiercely with a stick, she felt that everyone was in the same group, so the topic came up.

She and Han Xiuen took the girls of the Qin family to visit the whole picture of the holy city, and then discussed with Lu Lan what to eat at noon.

This is also one of the reasons why Han Ma quickly fell in love with Lu Lan. Both of them don't like to sit and wait for dinner.No, it was only past ten o'clock in the morning, and the kitchen became their world, discussing which dishes were better to cook.

And the young women are looking after their children in the back garden. Yuntong and Han Xiuen talk about their children besides their husbands.Although Yuntong can't speak H, she can speak Y, and so does Han Xiuen, and they are mothers, so they chatted happily.

Qin Feng is very rare for his two white and tender twin nephews, they are only two years old, and it is time for fun.The key is that they don't like to cry. For her aunt whom they met for the first time, the two brothers stared at her curiously with their big black eyes flashing.

It was so funny that Qin Feng couldn't help but ravaged the two brothers' bun faces from time to time, and then was stared at by their mother.

After two years, Qin Yu's gloomy and decadent body has faded away, but there is still a feeling between his brows that the sea was too difficult for water.It is true that love can make people grow.

Stepping into a rich man's house for the first time, the Qin family thought it was very fresh, so they decided to stay for a while.No one in the Han family objected, the house is too big, it would be good to add more popularity.In particular, the Qin family is straightforward and doesn't know how to plot against them, which makes Father Han and Mother Han feel very comfortable.

So, Han Ma immediately made an appointment with Lu Lan to go out to the city for a good stroll.When there is no conflict of interest, everyone gets along well.

Minnie, who has traveled around the world, came in the afternoon, looking travel-stained.Meeting the Qin family by chance, she was overjoyed and went forward to learn the customs of China, bowing to the Qin family to celebrate the new year, and finally received a bunch of spiritual fruits and other gifts, which made her laugh from ear to ear.

When Han Sheng saw her, he suddenly remembered something, and pulled Qin Feng aside.

"Baby, make the most of everything! Mei Ni has traveled around the world and is skilled in martial arts. Why don't you ask her to collect information on impoverished areas in various countries, and in the future you can entrust her to investigate the poverty alleviation donations in various places. It is very rare free labor, so don't be sorry."

Qin Feng was very worried, "But she is easy to soften her heart. If she is deceived by someone, wouldn't our money be thrown into the water?" She doesn't want to hire anyone who may lose money.

Han Shengyi smiled, "She's just not deeply involved in the world, and she understands after a few lessons. She is the best candidate to be a pioneer, and she is worthy of our investment and training." As long as it is used properly, waste can also come in handy.What's more, Mei Ni is still a fighter and a believer in God. As long as she arranges it properly, she will be more useful in the future.

Seeing what her husband said, Qin Feng agreed.

When she said this to Minnie, Silly Nizi responded in surprise and joy.Doing good deeds, Master has finally corrected his evil ways and returned to righteousness!It also led the master who is as rich as the enemy to serve the people of the world!

Oh, God!Under your bright and correct guidance, the world will become more and more beautiful!
Qin Lei and the others saw Mei Ni looking up at the sky, muttering to herself with a face of swearing to follow, with tears in her eyes, and asked Qin Feng curiously: "What's wrong with her?" It was like being bewitched!But she didn't find evil in her body!

"It's okay! She is a die-hard fan of God, and she is communicating with her idol." Qin Feng said indifferently.

After learning about Qin Feng and Han Shengyi's plan to benefit the world, everyone in the Qin family was very excited to recommend themselves.

They usually don't stay in the hut very often, and they come out to roam around when they have time. Most of the places they go to are remote mountainous areas to treat the poor, and they are most suitable to be pioneers.

At the same time, they have a new understanding of Han Shengyi.As an ordinary person, he not only created tens of thousands of fortunes at a young age, but also was willing to use the money to do things that benefit the country and the people, not being a miser, and not being public.

With this character, it's no wonder that both Qin Feng and Xiao Xiao recognize him.

Han's mother complained a little about this, but her son's hard-earned money was spent!But the son and daughter-in-law are doing good deeds and accumulating virtue for themselves!In addition, seeing that the Qin family collectively agrees, if they oppose it, it will appear that their consciousness is low.So she held back her silence, so as not to embarrass her son in public.

After hearing that the Qin family often traveled around, Mother Han couldn't help asking curiously: "Family, do you often travel around? Travel around the world? That's great! Someday we will travel together together? By the way, where do you live? Next time we will go to your house to have fun." Anyway, we are not short of money now, and we have like-minded in-laws, so going out together is much more lively!
Lu Lan laughed and said: "That's the best! We live on a snow mountain in Switzerland, which is relatively remote. Give us a call before you go, and we will pick you up at the station." Go back and build a big house on the snow mountain, It will be convenient for the two families to come and go in the future.

With Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan's current cultivation, building a house would be easy, and Qin Lei would not be needed.After the house is built, it is very convenient to set up an enchantment when it is not used.

When the Han family heard this, their hearts brightened!Let's just say they are not ordinary farmers, look!They all immigrated abroad!The most rare thing is that they are straightforward and don't like to take advantage. With such in-laws, they must have more contacts.

Therefore, even without the mediation of the children of both parties, the Qin and Han families still had a good time talking, and even made an appointment to go out together.

As for the two children, they have already been urged by their parents to go back to the room to rub the medicinal wine!Although Qin Feng was not beaten, Han Shengyi was beaten several times on his arms and back.In addition, Qin Guoguang deliberately tried to test how strong his son-in-law was to protect his daughter, and he used a lot of strength, and his back must have been bruised!
Han Ma and Lu Lan have already planned dinner for the Lantern Festival. There are not only local traditional food, but also Chinese glutinous rice balls, both salty and sweet.

Since Qin Feng said that there was one person who hadn't come back, everyone waited while eating snacks.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Che Yuanni, who was out of breath, jumped down from mid-air and came to Qin Feng in a mess.

"Master, I'm not late, am I? The task is completed!" After speaking, he smiled triumphantly, and then fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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