space shrine

Chapter 281 The Vision Begins...

Chapter 281 The Vision Begins...

In the cold evening, another bonfire was lit in the open space.

Most of the people roasted on the iron rack, only Xiao Bin and Che Yuanni put a whole chicken on a fork and put it into the fire to roast. While roasting, turning and scratching with a knife, the skin of the whole chicken gradually turned brown. , the fragrance is overflowing, and the oil that comes out falls into the fire and makes a sizzling sound.

Yinmaoqiu and the two eagles kept screaming on the sidelines, and their food for tonight could be solved with the help of these two.

Seeing this, Qin Feng and Qin Yu thought it would be more interesting, so they put some of the seasonings beside the campfire, and they sat by the fire to roast all kinds of vegetarian food.One person holds three skewers in his hand, and turns them while applying seasonings. They are so delicious that the two of them are salivating!

Because the fire is bigger and stronger, vegetarian food such as dried tofu is roasted quickly.After the two sisters finished roasting the bean products, they continued to roast mushrooms and green pepper skewers, and then helped to roast the meat, which was enough for the parents of both parties and the brothers and sisters-in-law who were watching the children, before they ate while roasting.

"Shengyi, this way!"

Seeing Han Shengyi sharing food for both parents, Qin Feng quickly waved to him, completely ignoring his sister's resentful eyes!Showing affection in front of single girls, is it too despicable and tasteless? !
Before Han Shengyi approached, suddenly an invisible wave of strong air came from afar and rushed to his face!Qin Feng's face changed slightly, his figure was shaken slightly by the air current, and the small plate in his hand almost fell off.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Han Sheng stepped forward one by one, supported her, and just held the plate firmly.

"Oh, it's okay! Maybe I've been sitting for a long time, and my blood is not flowing enough." Qin Feng sat down while supporting his hand, and at the same time, Qin Lei's voice sounded in his mind.

"Xiaofeng, you and Xiaoyu are watching here, I'll go take a look."

After speaking, a wisp of his spiritual consciousness floated into the distance.

Qin Feng looked around and found that the little bun Qin Lei was holding had been taken by Lu Lan. He himself was sitting at the small table, propping his head and closing his eyes to rest.

Yuntong on one side sat peacefully, as if he didn't know anything, or maybe he was used to it.

"Then sit down for a while, and then do some activities later. I'll bake these." Han Sheng believed what she said. After helping Qin Feng to sit down, he took some food and baked it on the iron rack.

Qin Yu asked her with his thoughts: "Sister, what happened just now?"

The Qin family has noticed the gloomy aura emanating from the distant land, only the disciples who have not yet reached home can't detect this strange phenomenon.

"It seems that some kind of seal has been broken..." Qin Feng didn't say much, he wanted to wait for Qin Lei to come back and ask for clarification.

She thought of the big lake where Lin Jianzhi made the Lingquan, and there was also a seal there.Alas, China is a thousand-year-old country, so it is not surprising that there are many strange phenomena.However, the strength of that breath is very powerful!To be able to sweep here...

At this moment, Qin Lei's voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind again: "Xiaofeng, come and have a look!"

As soon as Qin Feng heard it, he immediately said to Qin Yu: "You stay here and watch." He propped his head up and fell asleep, and a ray of spiritual consciousness floated out, heading towards Qin Lei's direction.

She came to a devastated barren mountain, and found an underground palace in a dangerous depression.It has been exploded by human beings to the point of collapse. It can only be seen that it used to be magnificent, but it cannot be seen how magnificent and original its interior was.

In the middle of the underground palace, there is a gossip array inlaid with granite. The yin-yang fish pattern in the middle has been destroyed, and it has become a dark hole, like a giant beast with its mouth slightly open, as if all the food that passes through its mouth will be swallowed by it. Like devouring, it is frightening to watch.

Qin Lei, who was dressed in a black shirt, stood on the edge of the black hole like a god, with a thin layer of purple light rising from his whole body, suppressing the cracked ground under his feet, preventing the cracks from spreading.Those evil spirits are oozing out of the holes and cracks one by one.

Affected by evil spirits, his purple-black eyes are constantly changing color, sometimes red and sometimes purple, and even the thunder and lightning mark drawn to his forehead, faintly glowing red from time to time.

"Brother, stay away! You are infected by the virus!"

One look at his situation and you can tell what happened. Those evil auras came from this black hole.Listening quietly, you can still hear dull and strange sounds coming from the distant underground.

Qin Lei raised his eyes, glanced at the girl in snow-white clothes floating down from the center of the underground palace, and said lightly: "Stop talking sarcastic! There is a fierce beast below, and its seal has been lifted by humans." This little infection I can't stand it, will he still use it in the future?

"What about the seal? Just put it back in place." Qin Feng looked around for something similar to the seal.

"That seal is a thousand-year-old night pearl! It was taken away by humans as a treasure! Is there any way for you to recreate it?" Qin Lei's tone was light, he was pissed off by the humans who came to dig the treasure.

Bombed a few tons of explosives at the underground palace, blasted open the door and entered, then bombarded the protective formation inside, smashed the stone box that guarded the night pearl, picked up the night pearl and walked away happily, not knowing what he was doing. A catastrophe has been caused!

I don't know if it was because they were infected by evil spirits, or they had ulterior motives, but when those few humans left the underground palace, they had already started a new round of killing each other.

It's a pity that Qin Lei couldn't go to stop them, the ground is cracking too fast!He had an intuition that if he didn't suppress the crack, the consequences would be serious!
As a last resort, he had to call his second sister for help.It's okay to make magic tools, but he really doesn't understand things like making seals!The spell is too long and too much!This kind of thing is better for the erudite second sister.

"Humans?! The remaining two who just died over there? It's too troublesome to rebuild, I'll go and get them back." Qin Feng wanted to rob after he finished speaking.

"No way! Xiaofeng, let them go! As long as there is news that the treasure here has been lost, no one will come to dig it in the future! You can rebuild one before they go far away." Qin Lei persuaded.The implication is that if you can't make it, go grab it again.

Qin Feng curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "If you don't seal it, kill it directly?"

"You try?" Qin Lei gave her a white look.If he could kill him, he would have killed him long ago, and there was no need to ask her to join in the fun.

Qin Feng looked at the black hole with his head in disbelief, and then stuck out his tongue: "Oh, my god?! Immortal beasts?! There are such monsters in the world?! No wonder they need to be sealed with a god level!" what!She was completely unaware that she too was one of the incredible legends.

She stopped talking nonsense, and raised an ice edge straight into the black hole.But the ice edge was bounced up immediately, and exploded in mid-air with a bang.

The one next door to Mary... Fortunately, it flashes fast!Qin Feng's eyes were wide open, and he stared at the debris on the ground with a look of surprise and disbelief until they all melted away.

No one has ever been able to break free from her ice edge!Continuing not to believe in evil, he raised his hands high, and a reinforced ice edge appeared in the sky, and then thrust down hard.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the ice edge was bounced and exploded again, giving the siblings a refreshing ice flower bath!
"Ah bah bah~! What the hell is that?!" Qin Feng took two steps back and picked out his ears. The distance was too close, and the noise made her ears itch!

"Can you be serious? If you don't go back, your parents should be worried." Qin Lei shook the icicles on his body and said angrily.

no solution anymore!I had no choice but to borrow the moves of the ancient gods!She has never liked to use that move in front of people, and she still has a nice title in the West: witch or witch!The witch also reluctantly accepted.But in China, it has to be called a god stick, or a witch!The title of ecstasy to the extreme~!

Qin Feng stood helplessly on the periphery of the gossip formation, thought for a while, and threw a section of ice edge over the black hole.She stood on the ground with a solemn expression, her eyes were half-closed, her hands were placed on her chest in a mudra, and she began to chant a passage of scriptures incessantly.

The god-level seal is bright and holy, and any kind of object will shine brightly, which will easily attract the greedy eyes of human beings.Then she should use Buddha seal instead!The seal of Buddha is low-key and peaceful. While sealing, it can also form an enchantment to block the sight of humans who come to hunt for treasure. It should not be a problem to maintain it for thousands of years.

There was silence all around, only a soft voice with extremely soothing and impetuous magic power rippling in the underground palace.Voiceless turned into a series of golden text particles, scattered from her sealed fingertips to repair the cracks around, and most of them were entwined on the suspended ice edges.

Even Qin Lei closed his eyes slightly to calm down the impetuous body and mind infected with the evil spirit.The cracks on the ground gradually closed, and the intact ground was restored, and the cracks expanding outward from the edge of the black hole were slowly disappearing.

Soon, the crystal-clear ice edge was shining with golden light, very dazzling.

After the scriptures were chanted, Qin Feng looked up at the ice edge filled with golden particles, and his ice blue eyes showed a dull, waveless and desireless look.

"Brother, go away!"

Qin Lei jumped up, as if he had sensed something evil in the black hole, and wanted to rush out like crazy.

Qin Feng immediately jumped to the top of the ice edge, and pressed down hard with both hands.In the underground palace, an invisible and huge aura floated up, as majestic as a churning ocean wave.

Following bursts of roaring roars drilled from the gap in the hole, the ice edge completely submerged into the black hole.The entire underground palace trembled violently for a while, and the golden light in the gossip array flickered on and off.Qin Feng, who was hanging in the air, was still pressing down on the seal with both hands, until all the evil spirits around him dissipated invisible, all the noises disappeared, the hole on the ground disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

"Finally successful! Let's go." The sorceress Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, clapping his hands and saying.

"Should we just destroy this underground palace? To save people from committing crimes." Qin Lei suggested.

The existence of this ancient underground palace is like a glaring piece of fat hanging in the air, attracting people to commit crimes!Even if there is no treasure, people will dig three feet into the ground, and the seal will still have to be untied.As for the crime of destroying historical sites, they are almost destroyed by human beings anyway. For the sake of world peace, it is better to destroy them!

After thinking about it, Qin Feng thought it was right, so he sealed a layer of enchantment on the gossip array just in case.If someone touches the barrier, she will immediately know and rush over to destroy it.The one next door to Mary, the seal she made is not for human jokes!
(End of this chapter)

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