space shrine

Chapter 284 Accident

Chapter 284 Accident
Awwow~ little girl!Sister only now realizes that you are the cutest person in the world!If it wasn't for you pestering me to watch a movie with my sister, I probably would have missed the chance to meet the male god!When I go back, I must give her a lot of pocket money as a reward!

Although these two are not biological sisters, and there is a difference of more than ten years, their relationship is still very good.

"Sister, what's the matter with you? Have you chosen? It's rare for you to come out with me." The girl named Wen Jie pouted displeasedly.She is not a sister-in-law, but a money-in-law!Going with my sister has meat to eat and money to spend. Maybe when she is happy, my pocket money for this month will be doubled.

"It's decided! That's it!" Su Yayun was so excited that she pointed to the horror movie.

"Request! I'm an underage girl!" Wen Jie protested dissatisfied. In fact, she and her classmates had already visited secretly.

"Then I'll buy you Doraemon tickets! Let's go our own way!" Su Yayun rushed to the ticket window excitedly, because she saw that the male god had already gone to buy tickets.This is a rare opportunity, she wants to try to sit next to him.

"Sister!..." The underage girl stomped her feet anxiously.

Heaven pays off!I really bought Su Yayun a ticket next to the bearded man and his wife, but only two tickets!Because I was too excited and nervous, I forgot my sister's protest just now!In order to keep up with the footsteps of idols, let's come together with my sister!
"Sister, I've seen this film!" Wen Jie protested dissatisfiedly after taking the ticket from her sister.

"But you didn't watch it with me! It's okay, don't make noise! ​​At most, I will go back and give you more pocket money!" Su Yayun interrupted her dissatisfaction with unconcealed excitement.

"Okay then!" Wen Jie was satisfied when she heard that the pocket money had increased, "By the way, sister, let me introduce you, this is sister Qin. Sister Qin, this is my sister Su Yayun, she is a super powerful magazine illustration Master!"

"Hey?!" Su Yayun was stunned, and looked at the ordinary woman holding popcorn and mashed potatoes in disbelief, that is, the woman next to the bearded man. Idol's wife? !
Also, it turns out that the male god's surname is Qin!Breaking news!
Today's distance allowed her to take a closer look at the delicate appearance of this woman who had captured the heart of the male god.Although nothing special, but very young.

She, Su Yayun, is not that kind of superficial fan!She has always firmly believed that a woman who can be admired by extraordinary idols must have something extraordinary in her body!It's a pity that she only said her surname Qin, but didn't say her name. She just met her and was too embarrassed to ask, so depressing~!

The bearded man was slightly surprised: "Honey, do you know each other?" She has never been out before, but she actually made friends?Are you a netizen?That would have to be checked out.Although the other party is still young, there are many little liars nowadays.

Oh, it turned out that the idol called his wife a baby!The relationship between the two must be very good!His wife is so happy!The idol's voice is so nice...!As a super fan who loves all happy scenes, the idol's love history is definitely the most exciting in the world!

"That's right! Shuang and I went shopping that time, and we ate at the same food stall." The ordinary woman smiled.

Wen Jie also held a bucket of popcorn in her hand, and nodded happily, "Yes, yes! Sister, she is the one I told you before, who has a super cute and super edible kitten! But it's a pity that the little cat didn't come with me today! It can eat! And sister, sister Qin invited us to eat popcorn and mashed potatoes!"

Proudly raising the two-person popcorn in his hands, he casually stuffed the mashed potatoes into Su Yayun's hands, then picked up a popcorn and put it in his mouth to eat with gusto.

"Ah?! Wen Jie, how could you..." Seeing that her sister had already eaten a bit, Su Yayun had no choice but to thank the couple embarrassingly.In front of idols, the performance of the foodie sister made her too embarrassed, is there any reason? !

"It's okay! Oh yes, husband, I haven't bought a drink yet, which one do you want?"

"Hey, hey, I'll treat this one, I'll treat it! I must come!" Su Yayun became excited when she heard this, and stuffed the mashed potatoes back into her younger sister's hand.

Having the opportunity to treat her idol to a drink is a blessing from her previous ten lives!True superfans bazooka to buy drinks.

"..." The other three were stunned, and they didn't say what flavor to drink~!

In the movie theater, Su Yayun peeked at the male god couple through her sister from time to time, watching the sister Qin screaming with her arms around the male god.Anyone with a discerning eye could immediately see that she was faking it. There was no look of panic on her face, she just screamed along with the people in a timely manner.

Under the light of the screen, the male god who had taken off his sunglasses revealed his iconic pair of enchanting red phoenix eyes, and looked at his wife with a smile from time to time.

Knowing that she was feigning fear, but he hugged her and screamed together, looking at her so tenderly that water could be squeezed out!
Seeing the sour water in Su Yayun's heart keep bubbling out, she bit her finger and wished she could immediately take the place of an ordinary woman.But that's impossible!She can only sit here obediently, envious and jealous!
As for Wen Jie, I don't know if she is nervous or if she has seen it once before and her resistance is stronger.

Among the four, she was the only one who was kindly explaining to her friends what would happen next while eating~ What a disappointing child!

It was only after two o'clock in the afternoon when they walked out of the theater, and then the couple decided to go to a fashion clothing store.

The Su family sisters, of course, followed with shamelessness.No, it should be corrected. In order to spend more time with idol couples, the sister of the Su family had the cheek to say that her sisters rarely go to those stores, hoping to follow them to open their eyes or something.

Her younger sister Su Wenjie felt quite ashamed at the time, but she was shocked by her sister's threat of halving the pocket money!Ignoring my sister's clumsy excuses and turning a blind eye to her dog-legged expression, I brazenly formed a shopping group of four.

As for Qin Feng and Han Shengyi, they looked at each other and agreed with a smile.So, what used to be a couple's trip has now changed to a four-person trip, with two extra large wattage light bulbs.

Walking around the clothing store is very casual, and the four of them will always go in for a stroll if they look pleasing to the eye.

As long as it is what Qin Feng thinks looks good, or what Han Shengyi thinks is suitable for his wife, Qin Feng will happily try it on.The bearded Han Shengyi sat outside and waited, giving his wife advice from time to time.

He is a big star who is at the forefront of fashion, and he has a good taste and vision for clothes.His comments not only brightened the eyes of the Su family sisters, but even the clerks in the store stood aside and listened with gusto.

Under Han Shengyi's suggestion, Qin Feng still bought two sets of spring clothes.She is not very interested in buying clothes. If Han Shengyi didn't say they look good, she would definitely not buy them!She never had to worry about basic necessities of life.

No, after visiting two stores, Qin Feng's desire to try on clothes disappeared, and she and Han Shengyi sat and commented leisurely, while the Su family sisters who were full of interest spent trying on clothes.

Under Han Shengyi's guidance, the Su family sisters also bought two sets of clothes that were unique to the two of them.Being able to get advice from her idol, Su Yayun was so happy that she couldn't see her eyes with her smile, and she was so happy that she could hardly find her way.

Seeing that it was late, Qin Feng and Han Shengyi planned to go back.

"Huh?! So early?! Sister Qin, I know some places with beautiful night views! Why don't you go and see them?" No matter if she is younger than herself, as long as she is willing to continue shopping, Su Yayun can call her ancestor!

Qin Feng shook his head and yawned sleepily, "No! Let's do it next time! Maybe I won't come out to play, I'm a little sleepy." She didn't lie, she was really sleepy.It's a strange phenomenon. She hasn't dozed off since she practiced.

Maybe I'm used to taking a nap, but I didn't have one today, and I'm still playing like crazy, so I need to catch up on it now?Well, it is possible!Her biological clock is hard to change!Qin Feng comforted himself.

On the contrary, Han Shengyi was more worried, "Are you tired? Then let's go back quickly!" He knew his wife's physique very well, but the sudden sluggishness made him very worried.

Seeing this, the Su family sisters couldn't stop them, so they followed them all the way to the underground parking lot of the shopping mall.

Su Wenjie didn't understand why she still had to follow Sister Qin and his wife, but since her sister insisted, she could only accompany her.The strange thing is that Sister Qin and his wife didn't think they were acting suspiciously, and went to the parking lot talking and laughing with them.

However, when the four of them got down to the parking lot, they encountered an episode.In a corner without surveillance, seven or eight people walked out of two small cars, drew out knives and surrounded four people, threatening to hope that they would contribute all their money!

Obviously, the four of them were robbed!
Fortunately, Han Shengyi himself is a master.Let the three women stand against the wall, and he stood in front of them, beating the seven or eight pompous trash to the ground, while the Su family sisters cheered on.

Qin Feng called the police at the same time, but a burst of drowsiness hit her, and her hands softened, and her mobile phone slid to the ground with a thud.When Han Sheng heard the sound and turned his head, he immediately noticed that his wife's expression was not right.

"Feng, what's the matter with you?!" Han Shengyi returned to her side and half hugged her, startled by how weak she was about to faint.Because he was too anxious, he didn't notice that the trash behind him was still awake.

"Be careful behind you!!" The Su family sisters exclaimed in unison, and Su Yayun subconsciously wanted to rush forward to block the knife for the idol.

She hadn't taken two steps yet, but when she heard a slap, the man who raised his knife and slashed at Han Shengyi's back had already been kicked to the opposite wall, and then fell off the wall with a slap, and twitched twice They stopped moving.

Su Yayun looked in horror at the husband and wife pair who were kicking at the same time!There is too much tacit understanding, is there any? !As expected of an idol!She is indeed a woman whom idols like!Just say she can't be a mortal! !

However, that extraordinary woman may have completely fainted in the arms of the idol due to exhaustion.

"Shit! Feng, stand still, we'll go to the hospital right away!"
Annoyed Han Sheng said while picking up Qin Feng and went straight to the car, while the Su family sisters had already helped pick up Qin Feng's cell phone and other things, and then hurriedly followed them into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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