space shrine

Chapter 290

Chapter 290
And when they were jostling and jostling, some of their collars were accidentally pulled a little, revealing the traces of tattoos on the corner of their necks.

Yu Shuang knew it in her heart, her eyelids drooped slightly, and she stood in front of Qin Feng calmly.

Seeing that the target has been blocked in the best position, at the same time, the stairs up and down are blocked, and people are not allowed to go up and down the stairs for the time being.

Several girls on both sides looked at each other and blinked their eyelids twice, signaling to start doing something.The security guards and janitors in the school were all stopped by people, and they couldn't get up for a short time.As long as the fight is quick, they have plenty of time to get away.

"Smelly woman! You want to die! How dare you push me, sisters, hit me!"

So, following the yelling, the two teams rushed towards Qin Feng Yushuang, who was on the sidelines.

There were bursts of screams, causing unidentified students upstairs and downstairs to look at the source of the sound, but they couldn't see anything.Not far away, several security guards and school workers were rushing over.

When they rushed halfway up the stairs, they saw two women, one of whom was pregnant, slowly descending the stairs.

The security captain suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and waved his men to hurry up to the scene of the incident. He hurriedly stepped forward to ask them what happened upstairs, and whether the pregnant woman in front of him was injured.

After learning that the pregnant woman was fine, he was relieved.

"The troublemakers are still upstairs, and I just saw them fighting. Fortunately, we left quickly. Your security is so poor that you let some unscrupulous girls into the school. You have to review it." Yu Shuang said coldly. .

The security captain apologized again and again, and claimed that he would definitely find out.After Qin Feng and the others left the teaching building, the captain hurried upstairs to clean up the mess.

The next day, there were rumors that a group of unscrupulous girls sneaked into the school yesterday to make trouble.But because she was an underage girl, and no students in the school were injured, the matter was left unsolved under the coordination of the parents who promised to compensate the school for the losses and the court.

However, according to reliable gossip, the fighting that day was very tragic, and they beat and maimed each other until only half of their lives remained.It may take a year and a half to recover.And some people, even if they are cured, are still disabled...

Although accidents happened again and again, Qin Feng still insisted on going back to school.The semester will be over in half a month, and she doesn't want to give up her pursuit because of these trivial things.

And on this day, it was time to leave school in the afternoon.

On the small road in the campus, Qin Feng sat quietly on the stone bench beside the road, equal to frost.A woman fainted in front of them just now. According to past habits, someone will come out to deal with it at such a time, and the two of them can just make a detour.

But today, Qin Feng gave Yu Shuang a wink, and Yu Shuang immediately picked her up knowingly and went to the school's medical room.

"Huh? Sister Qin, why are you here alone? Isn't get out of class over? Didn't brother come to pick you up?"

As soon as he saw the person coming, Qin Feng smiled and said: "He is on a business trip and is not in the country. Yu Shuang took someone to the medical room just now, and I will wait for her here. Why, come to your senior sister for something else?"

"No! I came here specially to see you and the little baby. By the way, Sister Qin, I bought a small sachet on the street today, and the shopkeeper said it was purchased from Huaxia! Can you help me see it? He If you dare to lie to me, he is good looking."

Su Wenjie sat down beside her, and took out a delicately embroidered sachet from her bag.

As soon as Qin Feng took the sachet, he smelled a strong and strange fragrance, then his eyes went dark, and he fell down.

The girl who had a cute face just now, her expression and eyes were dull and dull, watched a few strong men walk out of the side, and quickly took the unconscious woman and herself away.

After they returned to their car and sped off, another car followed.If the people in the car in front saw it, they would be shocked!Because the person sitting in the back seat of the car was one of the women who were taken away by them.

At seven o'clock in the evening, in a luxurious presidential suite, Zhang Zier received a call from Li Xunran with a calm expression.

"I heard you caught a big fish?" Li Xunran asked frivolously over there.

Zhang Zier's face was condensed, "You sent someone to follow me?!"

"Nonsense! Don't tell me that you didn't arrange for someone to be with me! Stop talking, are you sure it's that woman? I heard that she has a child? It's wonderful! Kill two birds with one stone. It's worth all my hard work this time, Stopping Han Shengyi's return to the country."

"Hmph, you're so cruel! You didn't even let the pregnant woman go! You arranged for the young lady to go to school to make trouble last time, right? You want her to die twice? Be careful of retribution." Zhang Zier said contemptuously.Although this level of means is naive, the important thing is that his intentions are chilling.

"Hey, Zhang Zi'er! Why are you so lofty? Don't forget that you captured people. I'm despicable, you're not bad, I'm an adulterer and you're a poisonous woman, a match made in heaven! To be honest, I'm really more I like you more and more. Come on, you have worked so hard, don't trouble you to send it here, I will send someone to pick it up later!"

"You're dreaming! People will stay with me in peace. Do you have any plans to start as soon as possible. This time it was a fluke that I found the opportunity to strike. With the ability of the people around him, I can't stay for long." After finishing speaking, Zhang Zier hung up phone.

However, her phone rang again immediately.

"Dad? Yes, she is with me. Take her abroad? Okay, but I have to follow. Without my formation, you can't hide her. What, let Li Xunran take her away? Ha, Dad, you believe he has that ability Is he just a hypocrite, and everything is fake! . . . Does it matter to you? Now that you know who he is, you want me to be engaged to him? Last resort? Expediency?"

Zhang Zi'er suppressed her anger, "Okay! Let's talk about this later. Dad and grandma once told me that hurting a pregnant woman is a serious evil, and if you are not careful, you will lose the life of your family's children and grandchildren. I I won't let her leave to affect your plans, but I can't hand her over to Li Xunran either!...Don't waste your time, Dad, even though I'm not good at learning, it's okay to hide someone."

After hanging up the phone and smashing the phone on the thick carpet, Zhang Zier walked up and down the room in frustration.When she caught a glimpse of the protruding person on the bed, she couldn't help but approach the bed, and carefully looked at the woman selected by the first nobleman from thousands of beauties.

This woman looks very ordinary, but she is very young, about twenty or so.

"Hmph, no matter if it's a big star or an ordinary man, women are either beautiful or young, even Han Shengyi, who is said to be as noble as a god, is no exception. Men are really a bunch of vulgar species!" Zhang Zier stood in front of the bed and said coldly. Talk to yourself coldly.

"Hehe, you are right!" Qin Feng couldn't help it, opened his eyes and smiled.

Zhang Zi'er was so frightened that she took a few steps back, and looked at the person who sat up on the bed in astonishment.

"You, you, you... Impossible! Less than three hours..." The ecstasy is her special ecstasy. Although it is not harmful to the body, ordinary people will have to sleep for at least a day after smelling it!But why did she wake up so quickly? !
"It can only be said that you underestimate me! Whether it's my age or my ability." Qin Feng got out of bed, ignored Zhang Zier who was still terrified, and reached out to Su Wenjie who was lying quietly on the sofa. .

"She's fine, she just fell under my illusion. As long as you stay here obediently, I guarantee that their family will be safe." It means that if Qin Feng leaves, she will take action against the ordinary Su's family.

Zhang Zi'er's ability to accept is very fast. She realized that she had misjudged her opponent, so she had to recover and deal with it calmly.

"That can't be done! I have to go back on time every day, so that my family can rest assured." Qin Feng Buyi said.

"Hmph, it seems that Han Shengyi's vision is nothing more than that. I heard that he is the person who is the most close to the people and the most considerate of fans, but what a pity he is attracted to an ordinary woman who is selfish and selfish! Showing the nobleness and holiness in front of the people, revealing the true nature of the queen. It's vulgar. As expected of an actor, they are all the same."

Zhang Zier sneered and sneered, and at the same time once again despised men in the entertainment industry!
"Hey, then you are wrong! Not only men are selfish, women are the same. You kidnapped other people's wives for your own benefit, and you are still a pregnant woman. What right do you have to say that others are selfish? As your fiancé said, we are all Same traveler."

"You, you can even hear these words?!" Zhang Zier was shocked again.

"What is this! Let's not talk about how extravagant and corrupt your brothers and sisters live, just talk about your parents' love in front of each other, but each finds a lover to make fun of them behind the scenes, etc. I know it all well. And your superficial Kind father, he used dirty tricks to deal with his colleagues, no one knows, but once it is made public... Miss Zhang, what do you think will happen?"

"Hmph, so what? Do you have evidence? If so, you would have made it public long ago, so why wait until now?" Zhang Zier said calmly.

Qin Feng walked to the TV with a smile, raised his hand and tapped the fuselage, the TV automatically turned on with a bang, and truthfully broadcast the scene of Zhang Zier's father and Li Xunran talking on the phone at the moment.She tapped again, and the TV immediately turned off.

Seeing this, Zhang Zi'er's expression changed drastically.

She has been familiar with the art of astrology and divination since she was a child, and she has only dabbled in witchcraft, and more is listening to the elders talking about the abilities of various strange people.But she always thought that those were just rumors, and even if there were, they might have been lost, because she had never seen those strange arts with her own eyes.

But today, her self-righteous thinking seems to have to change.

"I don't know if Shengyi has any evidence. He has his own way of doing things. I don't care about the disputes between men. We play with us. No matter you, or who you invite to help, I will accompany you. But if If you want to implicate innocent people, don’t blame me for dragging your whole family to be buried with you! Believe me, the scene of the whole family showing their faces in front of the world must be very lively.”

Before Zhang Zi'er could answer, there was a sudden knocking sound outside the door.Then, with a bang, the door was knocked open, and several people rushed in together.

(End of this chapter)

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