space shrine

Chapter 293

Chapter 293

Unable to bear the loss of his lover's life, the person hiding in the shadow of the phantom came out.

"It's a woman again!" The heartless brother Anbao was in a bad mood, and was taken aback by Mo Xiao that day!Mobile explosives depot!Moreover, she has extraordinary skills and a vicious personality. I believe no one can calm down when meeting that kind of woman.

And now there are still women... what are they?Time bomb?Human explosives?Or is it actually a humanoid trap? !
"Please don't hurt my companion's life! We only want to take away the person in the car, not her life." The woman holding the crystal ball begged slowly.As soon as she finished speaking, she swiped one hand on the crystal ball, a flash of light flashed, and the wound on the woman's wrist in front of Yu Shuang healed without medicine!Not even a scar was left.

What a magical spell!The security guard looked at him in surprise.Today's women are all women with unique skills!Not only is she stronger than ordinary women, but even men like them are inferior!

"Get rid of the phantom!" Yu Shuang didn't talk nonsense to them, and glanced at the weird crystal ball.

"I wanted to change her environment to make her stay more comfortable. After all, she is a pregnant woman. Since you have to be dedicated to your duties, I will wrong you all to spend a while in the car for a while. When the time comes, I will naturally let you go." The woman holding the crystal ball didn't buy Yu Shuang's tent, her voice was as cold as water.

Yu Shuang exerted a little force on her wrist, and a streak of blood oozed from the hostage's neck.

"This phantom was created with her blood and soul. If she dies, the phantom will be broken! You will all disappear with the shattering of the phantom. I hope you think carefully before making your move." The woman said, continuing to swipe her hand, and was held hostage by Yu Shuang. The woman's wound healed again.

Her words successfully made Yu Shuang and Anbao suffocate at the same time, maintaining their respective postures motionless.

Yu Shuang hesitated for a moment, and decided to give it her own way. She took the hostages and threw them to the security guards.

"Look at her." One dodged and rushed towards the two black-robed women opposite.Unexpectedly, although she was fast, when she swung the dagger towards the crystal ball, it missed.

"It's useless! Everything here is a phantom, you can't hurt me."

Yu Shuang turned around and said lightly to the security guard, "Bleeding!"

Anbao swiftly slashed with the dagger, and a bloody long scar immediately appeared on the woman's arm.Staring at the slightly raised hand of the woman in black robe, Yu Shuang was about to step forward, but she felt the figure flashing in front of her eyes, and the woman holding the crystal ball disappeared.

Yu Shuang was stunned for a moment, and then noticed a short-term aura fluctuation not far behind him.She turned around to kill, but was helpless.Yu Shuang glanced at the hostage and found that the bloodstains on her body were intact.

"Hmph," Yu Shuang sneered silently, "Let's play again."

The security guard gestured twice in a row very cooperatively, and two scars immediately appeared on the hostage.

"Don't go too far!" The woman in black robe was angry.Flashed to another place again and swiped at the crystal ball, looking at the hostage with distressed eyes.

She knew that as long as she was still nearby, the two in front of her would continue to torture her apprentice.But she can't do without, because the phantom is created with the spiritual blood of the apprentice, and it must echo each other within a certain range to control the phantom.

Yu Shuang and An Bao saw her distressed look, and this time, without using Shuang's orders, Brother An Bao spontaneously slapped the hostage a few more times.

The woman in black robe is angry!Healed the scars for the hostages first, and then held the crystal ball with both hands, chanting spells in his mouth.

It was too late and then quickly, just when the space began to distort, Yu Shuang, who had been searching intently, finally locked the position where the strange energy was emitted, and swung forward as fast as lightning, and with a crisp cracking sound, the bloody The crystal ball exploded brilliantly like a cloud of red smoke, and the bright red fine grains scattered all over the ground.

The crystal ball shattered, the distorted space flickered, and the environment in front of everyone changed immediately!Although it is not a road that everyone is familiar with, at least it feels popular!The sound of cars not far away and the noise of construction poured into the ears of everyone who had been silent for a long time.

The security guy answered the call from the headquarters right away and told the other party where they were now.

At this time, another black-robed woman who had been serving as the background board walked up to her companion and whispered softly, "Senior, is this your strength?" It seemed that she was overestimated!It was rumored that her skills had disappeared, but she didn't expect it to be true. She found the wrong partner.

The woman clutching a little crystal shards snorted coldly, "You only said that the other party is a psychic expert! You didn't tell me that she has a psychic killer as her bodyguard!"

"Hmph, I've reminded you to bring more apprentices, but you said you only need one! Now you're blaming me? How funny!" Zhang Zi'er sneered.

"My people are all outside and I can't come back in time. It's you who insist on doing it today! Stop talking nonsense and help me rescue them. Without her aura, I can't continue." The black-robed woman was not in a hurry, her tone remained the same. Faint.

"It's too late!" Zhang Zi'er gritted her teeth inwardly as she watched the cars approaching in a hurry.

Annoyed that he believed too much in the words of the black-robed woman, thinking that if she stepped forward, he would be able to catch him easily.The black-robed woman also said that even if she failed, it would be more convenient for three people to escape than to bring a group of people, so she didn't bring bodyguards out.

Zhang Zi'er glanced enviously and jealously at the car from time to time, she and she are both supernatural beings, but their fates are quite different!
One sat safely in the car, surrounded by many masters arranged by her husband to protect her; the other was alone, looking for masters to remove obstacles for her fiancé.The difference is really uncomfortable.

"Still leaving?! Do you want to wait for them to catch you?" Zhang Zi'er said angrily and anxiously.It is not practical to leave on foot, the Han family's bodyguards have already come to the front and got out of the car, watching them all around, and now they can only rely on the black-robed woman to show off her magical powers to escape from this place.

"You can go first, I won't leave my apprentice alone." After the black-robed woman finished speaking, she raised her hands, and all the crystal ball fragments on the ground suddenly returned to her hands.

"Please let my apprentice go! As I said, only take the person away, and I promise not to hurt her life! If you are too aggressive, don't blame me and die with you!" Say.

"Who are you scaring?! Let it go if you say so? Have you eaten too much kohlrabi?! What a big tone!" Brother Security shook the immobile hostage like a chicken.

The woman in the black robe was silent, she spread her hands holding the crystal shards, and everyone saw a strange phenomenon.I saw the pile of crystal fragments scattered without wind, staggered and scattered along their respective tracks as if they had a sense of life, as if forming bright and shining red ribbons in the air, but quickly disappeared in the air.

Everyone was shocked, and immediately realized that something was wrong.The soles of their feet seemed to be stuck by something, and their whole body felt very uncomfortable, as if their souls would be pulled into the ground at any time!Realizing that the other party was not lying, everyone's expressions suddenly became very ugly.

Not only the security guards of the Han family, but even Zhang Zier who was on the side put away his contempt, and once again felt ashamed of his blindness.There are countless strong people in the world, even if the opponent is a useless person, there is always a skill in him that others cannot match.

The black-robed woman looked calm and looked at the hostage with pity, "I have no spiritual power, and all the methods I use are due to borrowing her spiritual power and blood. Of course we are not unprepared when we are so weak. People, I am determined to win! The blood spirit silk net you are stepping on! If I don’t break it within half an hour, everyone will turn into blood and melt into this formation.”

"So, either hand her over to us and take her away. There is still a glimmer of hope for everyone, and you will have a chance to rescue her in the future. Otherwise, we will all die together today."

It was a matter of life and death, her words were still very light, as if she had already put life and death aside.

For a while, the people present fell into a moment of silence.They didn't know who the other party was, and they didn't know whether what she said was true or false.The strangeness under their feet made them dare not ignore it.But if they want to watch their wife be taken away, they might as well die.

There are so many people, but they can't even protect a woman!What face do you go back to meet people? !How to explain to the boss? !
Therefore, the security guards of the Han family present all looked at Yu Shuang.They wanted to send a signal to Xiaobin for help, but unfortunately there was no response to the signal, and they probably couldn't send it out because they were trapped in the battle.Then we can only rely on Shuang, because her ability is second only to Xiao Bin!

Yu Shuang ignored them, went straight to the front of the car, and said respectfully: "Yu Shuang is incompetent, please give me your advice!"

When the security guards of the Han family heard this, their eyes suddenly brightened.Yes!Forget that the person they want to protect is actually the most powerful big boss of the Han family!What teleportation, what floating~ This kind of weird human will definitely not be stumped by a small formation.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter! It's the first time I've seen this formation. However, she will be merciful, after all, we are acquaintances."

The woman in the car smiled briskly, then opened the door and walked out slowly.

When she heard her laughter, the expression of the calm woman in black robe changed drastically.Especially after seeing clearly the whole appearance of the woman who came out with a big belly, it was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight. The woman in black robe took a few steps back, trembling all over.

"You, you, you... Qin Feng?!" I couldn't believe my eyes, staring at the pregnant woman she was going to take away, I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"It's me! Long time no see, Linglong, how are you doing?" Qin Feng smiled lightly and approached her step by step with his stomach outstretched.She took a step forward, and the woman in black took two steps back in horror.

"You, you really didn't die?!" The mental shock caused by the sudden encounter couldn't match the shocking fear of looking back on the past.She tried to maintain a stable mind, and began to shrink and feel uneasy.

"Of course! Didn't Sister Pearl tell you? Oh, I heard that you went out to find a witch doctor. Don't you even have time to go back and visit your sister? Or, is it because you can't bear to see her suffer? By the way, it's almost here. It's August, and that day is coming soon? Has the witch doctor been found? Sister Pearl is so pitiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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