space shrine

Chapter 300

Chapter 300
"Pork jerky?! Does anyone at home eat this?" Han Sheng couldn't help being surprised when he saw Qin Feng took a pack of meat.Pork jerky appeared on the dinner table of vegetarians!What concept? !

"I bought it for the two boys from Uncle Ham's family at the foot of the mountain. The last time your parents went up the mountain, they helped point out the way and carry the luggage. Later, when my parents came down to pick up people, they heard that they liked to eat these, so let me Remember to take it with you." Qin Feng said.

"Oh, then take this kind, the brand is resounding, it must be delicious." Han Shengyi, who controls the brand, heard that he had helped his parents, so he hurriedly picked the best one for them.

"But this one has less impurities and more weight..." Qin Feng disagreed.She doesn't know whether it tastes good or not, but the key is cleanliness, as soon as she picks it up, she knows the quality.

The whole family bought good things and handed them over to the bodyguards who followed from afar to take them back, and then the family of five continued shopping.

In recent years, some people's life trajectory has undergone some changes.

Xiao Bin was released by Han Shengyi before he was 30 years old!In order for him to leave with peace of mind, Han Shengyi asked Qin Feng for the first time to use spiritual power to cover up his pure physique, so Xiaobin was relieved.

Everyone hopes that Xiaobin can continue to work in Han Shengyi's company. After all, besides security, he is actually an assistant to Han Shengyi, and his ability should not be underestimated.

But he refused, he said he had always had a wish, hoping to travel around the world.It would be best if he could go with a companion, but unfortunately he hasn't found his sweet and gentle other half yet, so he had to go first by himself.But he promised that when he wanted to settle down, he would come back to Han Shengyi for a job.

As for his expenses for traveling around the world, believe him, the salary he has saved over the years and has no time to spend is enough for him to travel around the world and return, and he can still live a comfortable life.

Although Zhang Yunxin and his parents are very reluctant, they also know that his ability is not what it used to be, and he is no longer walking the usual path.After Xiaobin promised to come back every Spring Festival, he let him go.

Yu Shuang also left!Qin Feng doesn't want her to be the second Xiaobin.The most important thing is that she saw that Han Shengyi had been lost for a long time because of Xiaobin's departure, and she felt uncomfortable.

no party last forever!If Yu Shuang's existence becomes as important as air in the future, Qin Feng believes that he will also feel very uncomfortable when she leaves.

So, it would be better for everyone to let her go as soon as possible.

However, very dramatic, I heard that Yu Shuang went to find her former enemy.In the process of inquiring about the whereabouts of her enemy, she wanted to kill those who participated in it, but she didn't want to meet Xiao Bin passing by again, and was intercepted again!Finally, after his assistance, the mastermind was found but he was not killed.

Because he has been disabled, and he is dying of illness.Most importantly, he was also demented and no longer recognized her.

With a heart of hatred, to kill a useless person who doesn't know who he is or what happened is tantamount to cutting a piece of dead pork without feeling.Yu Shuang stared blankly at the disabled enemy with blank eyes, and suddenly felt that the hatred she had accumulated deep in her heart for a long time seemed very ridiculous and sad.

Then, Xiao Bin is a caring person, worried that she will resume her previous killer life, so he brings her by his side to prepare for a good education.Therefore, his global travel alone became a two-person trip as he wished.

In the playground, Qin Feng stared blankly at the couples beside him laughing and playing.In Yu Shuang's situation, she always felt that she was very similar to herself, and even worse than her.Back then, she was asking for trouble, knowing the result but insisting on going through it herself before giving up.

Yu Shuang is not!If there was no cup of potion for Che Yuanni back then, her end would have been even more miserable; if there was no Xiao Bin, she would be dead!No wonder she went to seek revenge once she was free after years of hiding.

"What are you thinking about?" Han Shengyi asked her curiously when he came back from buying a drink and saw her staring at the other young lovers in a daze.

Qin Feng came back to his senses, smiled and said: "It's nothing! Suddenly I feel that Yu Shuang and Xiao Bin are very destined! Hey, tell me, will she and Xiao Bin be a couple?" Somehow, the married woman There is always the urge to be a matchmaker~.

Han Sheng smiled, "Whether it's a couple or not is not up to us. If there is a destiny... I hope everyone can be like us." After speaking, he moved to the edge of her lips and kissed.

"Yeah, it's necessary." Qin Feng nodded with a smile, and the couple smiled at each other affectionately, and then looked at the place where the children were playing.

The children were playing with the wooden horse not far in front, and the couple sat here with just the right angle of sight.

After playing for a long time, the family went to have afternoon tea again.

There, Qin Feng accidentally saw two long-lost figures on the TV in the store.

"Huh? Then Li Xunran is still in the entertainment industry? Zhang Zier is his fiancee? Oh my god, what are they going to do? Come on, then Li Xunran is obviously old, okay? He looks like he is over 40? Why not?" Are you messing around?" Just as outsiders always guess wrong about Han Shengyi's age, she will never be sure about Li Xunran's age!

Han Shengyi said nonchalantly: "I heard that his family's business is not very good, he has to work hard to support his family. And I heard that he is still very popular now, unlike me who got married early, I quit for you , otherwise, how could he be arrogant!" A look like I am great~.

"Just brag! It's too early to get married in your 30s! After all, is it for yourself? We didn't ask you to quit." Qin Feng looked contemptuous.What is for us?Wasn't it because he wanted to go shopping with her openly and decided to quit?How well said!Net will lie to win the admiration and worship of children.

Han Shengyi smiled and did not refute her.

"Okay, okay, let's eat and eat. Xiaoxuan, don't just pick it up for your mother, save some for your dad and me, okay? You brat, dad loves you for nothing..." The jealousy has lasted for several years, and it still remains the same ~.

Li Xunran is still very popular now, one of the reasons for his popularity is his special feelings!For so many years, the woman beside him has always been the fiancée of the astrologer——Zhang Zi'er!Speaking of which, Han Shengyi was able to completely fade out in front of the public, and she also had a share of the credit.

In the eyes of the public, although Li Xunran's business has failed time and time again, he has risen again and again!Although there is still no improvement so far, his unremitting efforts have been affirmed and praised by the public.

As for Han Shengyi, although some people say that he is a business tycoon, there are no media reports about his outstanding performance in the business world.Originally, Li Xunran had robbed most of his reputation in the entertainment circle, and later even the advertising endorsements were all robbed by Li Xunran.

After retiring from the showbiz, I didn't see him making any achievements, and he was suspected of eating his money at home.Even his wife was photographed by Yuji inadvertently on the street when the world was about to forget him and found the couple with a few children out to play.

According to the investigation, this woman is so ordinary that no one even knows her name!It is incomparable with Li Xunran's beautiful and mysterious fiancee Zhang Zier.Such a comparison, Li Xunran's personal charm is more and more praised by many people!
Although Han Shengyi still looks the same, and after a few years of marriage, he has become more mature and sensual as a man.But his superficial but useless life, the ordinary face of his wife, and the background of ordinary people do not arouse the world's interest in gossip at all.

The eyes of the world are sharp!In this way, Han Shengyi's outdated image of being inferior to Li Xunran in all aspects was established in the hearts of the world.

Therefore, against the tragic background of Han Shengyi, who has transformed from a generation of superstars into mediocre citizens, Li Xunran's image full of positive energy has grown up in the eyes of the world!So, even though he became an uncle in his thirties, he was still so popular~.

And the real situation is——

The top ten chaebol families have already reshuffled their cards and become the top five chaebols!In the annual rankings, the Han family has always been in the top three!Han Shengyi thinks, shoot the bird that stands out!As a rookie, he hit the top ten families and caused the reordering to be very eye-catching. Doing business is the same as being a person. Everything should be done in moderation. Too much limelight can easily attract people's hatred.

Moreover, his business is spread all over the world, and he has no time to focus only on disputes in the domestic market.It's better to be low-key, the top three is enough to show his unstoppable strength and status.

The battle between Zhang and Li's family and Han Shengyi ended in a dismal end.

Because of Zhang Zier's reputation in the magician world and Zhang Zier's divination ability, the Zhang family can barely maintain the comfort level in the past, but it is definitely not as luxurious as the past.

As for the Li family, Li Xunran is very popular in the entertainment industry, and his store closed down due to poor management in the early years.At present, relying on the money he earns from shooting TV commercials, he can barely maintain his family's small business in China.

Because of this, the Zhang and Li families decided that it would be better to marry by marriage!With Li Xunran's fame and Zhang Zier's ability, the two of them have the hope of making a comeback.

Therefore, in the end, Zhang Zier failed to break up the relationship with Li Xunran.But Li Xunran is a man who eats from the bowl and looks at the pot. He always feels that with his reputation and appearance, he should have a better choice.

So, at the age of 37, he used all kinds of excuses to postpone the wedding again and again, so far, Zhang Zier is still his fiancee.

Fortunately, the 28-year-old Zhang Zier didn't want to marry him, and he played into her arms with the excuse of procrastination.Therefore, the relationship between the two has always been in a state of ambiguity and speculation.It is precisely because of this that the fame of the two is in full swing, and they are still the most favored and cursed couple nowadays.

No matter what the situation of these two people is, one thing cannot be ignored, that is, they dare not trouble Han Shengyi any more.Whether it's a man vs. a man, or a woman vs. a woman, the difference in strength is too far!
The Han family is no longer on the same level as them.

Early in the morning on the first day of summer vacation, Qin Feng sent the children to school because they participated in the activities of the summer camp.

"Mom, goodbye!" The children shouted happily.

"Goodbye, little ones, remember to listen to the teacher!" Qin Feng kissed the children one by one.

"Don't worry, mom, I'll take care of my younger siblings." This was the crisp little voice of Han Yunxuan, the boss of mother control.

"Yeah! You have to listen to the teacher, and you can't take your friends to take risks without authorization! Last time, the teacher was frightened." Qin Feng warned.

With a small face fixed, Xiao Yunxuan solemnly nodded his promise.

It wasn't until the car carrying the children set off that Qin Feng walked out of the school gate to say goodbye to all the parents.

"Uncle Master!"

Qin Feng, who was just about to get in the car, looked around and found four people standing not far from the door looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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