space shrine

Chapter 307

Chapter 307
Wen Xiumei smiled indifferently, "I checked your background, although my brother blocked your information. But the name Qin Feng has never appeared in the social circles of the upper class. You are just a commoner. I understand, brother It's because you have seen too many stunning beauties that you have provoked a sense of novelty. I also respect his choice, after all, "

She sighed softly, with sadness and guilt on her face.

"I caused him to be single for more than 20 years! Knowing that each of his relationships lasted for a short time, here I am," she raised her wrist slightly, covering her heart lightly in pain, "I have always been happy and sad! He is letting go He didn't leave me, that's why he got mental cleanliness. Those women are in his heart, and they can't replace me at all. "

Her bragging made Qin Feng speechless, and could only silently listen to her continue to make up.

However, although her words and deeds are very artificial in Qin Feng's eyes, in the eyes of outsiders, she is still noble and extraordinary.Because her expressions and movements were very subtle, only Qin Feng who was sitting opposite could see clearly.

"Curious why I know he has a mental cleanliness? Other than the people around him, the outside world knows nothing about him. But I am different. I pay attention to him all the time. But I also have my own wars to deal with, so that period I can’t stay by his side for a long time. I didn’t do well in that incident, but he was still young and didn’t understand that exposure and hype would be a win-win for everyone. It’s a pity that he escaped and left me alone Ling stands alone on the altar of the goddess."

"When I heard that he got married, I was very happy for him. Finally someone can take care of him for me. He is in his 30s, and he is a normal man again. He needs a woman for him to vent, otherwise I really I am afraid that he will become a broken back. So, Miss Qin, I am very grateful for the time you have spent with him in the past ten years. "

"I think, ten years is enough to make him tired of this marriage without emotional basis! So I decided to go back to him, and you can retire. I know you love him very much. Unparalleled top-quality men are indeed rare. However, you have to see your identity clearly."

"I don't know if he has told you that 50% of my dynasty's shares have been officially transferred to his name. In the future, he will be the largest shareholder of dynasty! And I will be the second largest shareholder. Now I can make his Stepping up to a higher level in his career, showing his brilliance on the world stage. Miss Qin, this is something you can never give him. So, if you love him, please let him go! He deserves the best."

Qin Feng couldn't bear it any longer, and laughed out loud.Wen Xiumei stared at her displeasedly, and then felt that this was a normal behavior.Civilians are all vulgar and rude people.Even with Han Shengyi for ten years, he is still a pheasant.

"Miss Wen, your acting skills are wonderful and your expressions are in place, which opened my eyes! To be honest, it's really different to see a live performance live." Qin Feng applauded lightly symbolically .

When Wen Xiumei heard it, her eyes turned cold, and she said in a soft and firm tone: "Miss Qin, I haven't been an actor for many years! At that time, my brother and I were forced to make this decision by life, please don't take the previous to insult us."

"Oh? Do you think that is a shameful experience? But my husband likes it very much, because he can realize many wishes in the play, see various faces, and experience various lives. However, he You have completely come out of the play before. But you, Miss Wen, still seem to be stuck in the play."

Wen Xiumei looked at her coldly, "What do you mean?"

Qin Feng put the newspaper aside and said with a slight smile: "In your world, you are the protagonist, and everyone in the world must revolve around you. Although there is life in the play, if you get stuck in the play and cannot extricate yourself, you will only Make you a mental patient in real society."

"As for the so-called true love you mentioned, I think it may be your selfish desires at work. You don't love him, and that kid who refused to follow your plan dumped you, which made you feel ashamed and angry. You always wanted to He pulled back to prove that he was right, you are the protagonist in this world, just like a child thinking about a lost toy."

"Unfortunately, he is human, and he has already come out of the play. But you have been trying to bring him back into the play. I have to kindly remind you that the shares of Dynasty may be very important to Ms. Wen, even if It’s not all of your property, it probably accounts for most of it. But to him, the dynasty is just a hair on a cow.”

"So, Miss Wen, do you think I will give up his inexhaustible golden mountain for a hair?"

Wen Xiumei turned blue with anger at Qin Feng's sarcasm, "What do you know?! The important foreign guests that my brother receives every year have always held banquets in the Dynasty, and many domestic businesses are also inseparable from the cooperation with the Dynasty. Oh, I'm so crazy! How can you, a pariah, understand the importance of the dynasty to my brother and me?! Forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you. If you leave voluntarily wisely, it's because you have been with him for many years First, my brother and I will pay you a fee, which is enough for you to spend the rest of your life in luxury. Besides, you are still young and have money, so you can’t find any handsome and beautiful men? As for your children, I will take good care of them. You can rest assured."

Of course, those three little bastards can't be left outside, only by being close to her can she completely control their life and death, and she will never let anyone threaten her and her brother's future offspring.

Wen Xiumei was intoxicated with herself for half a second, and then continued her wishful thinking, "If you don't leave... Humph, believe me, you will definitely live a life that is worse than death! Including those three little ones. For yourself, for Your children, you better think clearly."

Not giving Qin Feng a chance to refute at all, she stood up maintaining the queen's proud posture.Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he turned around and added coldly: "I can't wait to go back to my brother's side, so don't make me wait too long! Otherwise, you will definitely regret it."

After finishing speaking, I really left this time, and what was left to others is still a graceful and noble back view, which is unforgettable for a lifetime~.

Qin Feng sighed slightly at her.At this time, two figures, one big and one small, walked over from the side and sat directly at her table.

"Did you hear that? That woman is too involved in the drama! You are determined to win! Be careful." Qin Feng said to Han Shengyi, holding his chin.She was sitting facing the door. She had seen the father and son early in the morning, and seeing them quietly walking to another table, she didn't bother to say hello to them.

"That's her business! What does it matter to us? Leave her alone." Han Shengyi took Qin Feng's water glass and took a sip indifferently.

"Mom, who is that old woman? I don't like her." Xiao Yunxuan asked her mother with a cold face.He and his father sat next to the boss for a while, and wanted to come over to say hello, but his father said it was impolite to interrupt other people's conversations, so the father and son quietly sat aside.

Granny? !Good boy, you should tell her face to face!Definitely bring her back to her original form.

Qin Feng put on a smiling face and said to his eldest son: "I don't like it either. Son, you must be vigilant when you see her in the future, you know?" Seeing his son nodding obediently, but his little face was still tight, Qin Feng was unwilling Carefully pinching his cheeks and pulling them to the sides.

"Son, you're only nine years old, okay? You make me feel like I've picked up a little old man to raise. It's not cute."

Xiao Yunxuan tried hard to break free from his mother's clutches, and said in a babble, "Yah, scum, it's sand... change it to a goose! (Mom is the little old man, let me go)"

"Isn't it, isn't it? I became a little old man when I was three years old, and now I'm a little old man who is nine years old..." Qin Feng molested the eldest son viciously.His hands let go of his face and changed into the little boy's clothes, scratching him vigorously.

The little boy with a stern face giggled out loud, just like when he was a child, his immature voice was clear and sweet.Seeing that he finally looked like a child, Qin Feng teased him for a while before letting go.

When I looked up, I found that the husband sitting opposite was smiling slightly, looking at the two of them softly.

"It's almost six o'clock, let's go back!" The man said to his wife and children, and raised his hand to call the waiter to check out.

"it is good."

The woman tidied up her son's messy clothes just now, then took his little hand and left the coffee shop with the tall man.

The days when they are not working are leisurely, and when their husband and children are not working or going to school, they spend time in their own manor.Occasionally going back to the countryside, Han Shengyi took her and the children to revisit every road and every place he walked when he was a child and went to school.

Although the scenery of the country road has changed, with his detailed description and some photos of his childhood as a reference, everyone can still imagine the environment at that time.

Except for Han Shengyi, the rest of the family didn't know that Qin Feng would leave.The children are still young, so there is no need for them to live in the fear and reluctance that their mother will leave at any time every day.What's more, they have a long life span, and the mother and son have a lot of time to meet each other.

Han's father and Han's mother are getting old, although there is food from the Qin family to nourish their bodies, but it is still not appropriate to think too much.It's better to tell them before leaving that it will be fine after a few days, and Han Xiuen and others are the same.

Since the day Han Shengyi and Qin Feng spoke, they never mentioned that topic, and lived as usual.

One day, Qin Feng and the three children sat on the lawn at the gate of the holy city, listening to Sanwa recite the text.But not long after, shouts from the gate of the manor broke the tranquility of the mother and son.

"Senior Qin, Chu Ling and Chu Li have something to ask! Senior Qin..."

There is an enchantment in the manor, and ordinary people are fine, but monks are not allowed to trespass.Xiao Bin made a rule back then that anyone who sneaked into the manor without permission would be caught and interrogated. Those who simply passed by would have their memories erased, and those with impure purposes would have their cultivation bases abolished, and their memories would be erased by the way.

Chu Ling Chuli didn't know whether she had heard about these rules from Jin Duobao or her master Qian Linglong, so she didn't dare to trespass.But after reporting his name and even the name of his teacher, Qin Feng still didn't see him.

 Today I finally got at least one more chapter, so double update!But tomorrow will still be updated~.In addition, ask for tickets, all kinds of tickets are required~!Thank you~! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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