space shrine

Chapter 309 Wen Xiumei's Invitation

Chapter 309 Wen Xiumei's Invitation

"Be merciful?! She acted recklessly! How dare she implicate my family! Do you think I will let her go?" Qin Feng said coldly, his uncle and nephew were speaking with his thoughts.

"Uncle, it's not a pity for them to die, but they dirty your hands. Think about Brother Han's feelings! He definitely doesn't want you to want to kill. I will wipe their memories and let them go back to Qian Linglong obediently." , I will never come here to bother you again." Jin Duobao begged, and he was rushing here in Huaxia.As a monk, the most convenient thing is that you don't need to waste time to apply for a passport when you cross the border.

It has to be said that Jin Duobao's words can always speak to her heart.

Qin Feng's heart moved, "Remember what you said." After speaking, she let go.

When she let go, all her memories, including the psionic techniques she had learned and all her relatives, would be taken out by the way.Her cultivation has not changed, but she can no longer remember all the spells, spells, etc. unless she learns it all over again.This is Qin Feng's punishment for her, and it is also a warning to those who have evil intentions.

Chu Li, who had only the last bit of breath left, fell to the ground like a dead fish, and Chu Ling who was beside her screamed sadly and rushed to her.

At the same time, Jin Duobao had already arrived in a flash.Although he was the first to get started and entered the hut to practice from time to time, although he has not fully learned teleportation, his speed has reached an astonishing level.Before entering the studio, all the lights were turned off, and the two sisters of the Chu family were taken away during the chaos.

According to Chu Ling's guidance, the three returned to the hotel where the Chu sisters stayed.In the room, Jin Duobao helped Chu Li, who was unable to inhale, to resume her normal breathing, and then took advantage of Chu Ling's anxiously leaning over to check her sister's physical condition, and extracted her memories.

Of course, his actions were relatively gentle, and he only deleted the memories about Qin Feng and him.

Looking at the two identical women on the bed, Jin Duobao sighed slightly.He had already warned them not to bother Qin Feng, but he didn't expect that they, who behaved well in front of him, would act obediently and disobey, and even wanted to reveal the details of his uncle in front of others, and they were to blame for this.

However, after today, he will no longer have anything to do with them!Although he really enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by all kinds of beauties, he doesn't want to be entangled with women like the sisters of the Chu family who are unclear about education and education.

He once said to the two sisters that the Qin family is his closest relatives, especially the master and uncle!Today, Nian pleads for them on the basis of past friendship. If there is another time, everyone will be enemies!He will not show mercy just because the other party is a woman.

After setting up a barrier in the room to ensure their safety, Jin Duobao left.

As for the holy city, just as Qin Feng pulled out Chu Li's memory, he suddenly felt that the aura around him was a little strange.She turned her head, and suddenly found that Han Shengyi was standing at the door, looking at her with a complicated expression.

Seeing that it was him, the coldness on Qin Feng's body dissipated immediately.She faced him with some anxiety, not knowing what to say for a moment.Jin Duobao talked a lot, she was very concerned about Han Shengyi's feelings, and she didn't want him to see her murder!Why didn't she think of setting up the enchantment before she started?

Just as she was secretly annoyed, Han Shengyi walked up to her, scratched his head and explained: "Uh, I, come back and see if I can help..." This is the truth!His wife is a person who draws inferences from one example~ Things will only get more and more, and they are very reasonable!However, he didn't expect to see that kind of scene, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Ah? Oh, it's still in the kitchen. I'll go in and get it." Qin Feng replied, then turned and went to the kitchen.His bewildered look made her feel a little sad.

Han Shengyi silently followed behind her. In the kitchen, Butler Park was assigning someone to prepare the stew for Father Han and Mother Han.The fruit milkshake Qin Feng wanted is ready, and a servant is preparing to serve it out.

"By the way, are you still preparing for barbecue?" Qin Feng suddenly turned around and asked Han Shengyi.She didn't know if he was still in the mood to eat, so she asked this question.

"Ah? Of course, Ah Hui, prepare some barbecue ingredients and go to the grape rack in the West Garden. Everyone is there." Han Shengyi ordered.

Butler Pu was taken aback for a moment, and then he let out an oh.I wanted to start preparing right away, but seeing that the aura between the hostess and the hostess was a bit weird, I winked at the servants and led them quietly out of the kitchen.

The absent-minded Han Sheng was secretly happy when he saw that the kitchen was suddenly empty.In fact, he didn't know what happened between the two of them, and suddenly the atmosphere became strange.He was very uncomfortable and wanted to break the deadlock.

As for Qin Feng, she was annoyed that her true face was seen by her husband, holding a small long-handled spoon in her hand, constantly stirring and poking one of the milkshakes.

"If you poke it further, the fruit inside will be gone." Suddenly, Han Shengyi said next to her.

Qin Feng stopped his hands and took a closer look, it turned out to be her favorite banana milkshake!She turned it over, and the bananas inside were gone, probably she really messed it up! ! !
She stomped her feet angrily, and threw away the small spoon to find another sliced ​​banana.

But Han Shengyi grabbed her, stared into her eyes and said, "Don't be too busy, let's talk."

"Okay, tell me!" Well, she hated the awkward atmosphere, so she stood upright in front of him with a cold face.

When Han Sheng saw that she looked deathly at home, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he probably understood the reason for the cold atmosphere.

He touched the tip of his nose, and then said: "In business, a friend may be an enemy, and an enemy may also be a friend. No matter what it is, once it threatens your own interests, you have to deal with them. The worst result is not Your family is ruined, but I have nothing! This is the rule of the game in the mall."

Hearing that he didn't mean to blame himself, Qin Feng's heart sank, and he leaned against him involuntarily.

Han Shengyi held her waist and gently mosuo, "Do you think I'm a businessman who ruins other people's homes for money?"

"of course not."

"Similarly, I don't believe that you are a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately! We are in different fields and each has its own way of doing things. I will not interfere with you, just as you never ask about my business affairs! So you Don’t worry about me when you do things in the future.”

"Yeah." Qin Feng happily rubbed against his arms, "It's good that you can understand."

"Understand, understand, everyone understands!" Seeing his wife recovering to normal, Han Shengyi was also happy, "They must be waiting impatiently, let's go there."

There are too many desserts to be prepared, so I still have to ask the servants to handle them. The couple slowly walked over empty-handed.

On the other side of the grape trellis, everyone excitedly started to burn food.Butler Pu has already taken the ingredients from other small kitchens, and the necessary tools are complete.

The whole family played until after ten o'clock in the evening before giving up.

As soon as Han Sheng came out of the shower, his cell phone rang just as he was about to throw himself on the woman on the bed.

He sat by the bed and answered for a while, then hung up with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Who, it's so late." Qin Feng asked him lying on the bed.

"Wen Xiumei, she said that there is a problem with the accounts of the Dynasty, and she wants to discuss it with me."

"Accounts? Shouldn't you be looking for the accountant? Why are you looking for you? Did you intentionally cause trouble for me?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes towards the sky.

Han Shengyi put away his phone and lay down beside her, "Exactly! She insisted that I must be there."

"Well, didn't you say last time that the affairs related to the dynasty were handed over to another director? Maybe she was in a hurry and wanted to fight with you?" Qin Feng analyzed seriously.

Han Shengyi laughed twice, then got up and went to the clothes room to change.

"Are you really going?" Qin Feng raised his voice and asked.

"Of course, maybe this time she can break her soap dream of more than 30 years, and we will all be free in the future." He followed a group of people openly and secretly, and was he afraid of her being a woman?Even if she is a monster, the people around her can still deal with her. After all, they are all capable people trained by Xiao Bin himself.

relief? !Qin Feng frowned.For some reason, she felt very uncomfortable when she heard these two words, and she had an ominous premonition.After thinking about it, she also got up and changed her clothes.

"I'll go too." Just kidding, my husband was called away late at night, and even women wanted to go out with him to see if there was any adultery.What's more, the other party didn't say that she was not allowed to go, and the couple went to the appointment together to give each other more face, didn't they?I am looking forward to the other party's distorted face~.

"Alright, if it can be resolved sooner, shall we go shopping in the night market? It seems that I haven't visited the night market with you."

"Okay, okay! Anyway, tomorrow is the weekend!" Qin Feng was so happy that he couldn't find the north.

Just like that, a dark-hearted couple changed into casual clothes and went out, aiming at the top luxury international hotel - Dynasty.

When getting off the car at the entrance of the hotel, Qin Feng immediately felt something was wrong. Looking around, there was a slightly familiar strange aura, which was somewhat similar to the aura that appeared when Qian Linglong used western magic.

It should be a monster from the west, and it's in the Dynasty Hotel!If she guessed correctly, it should belong to a monster summoned by humans!She also made a contract with someone~ she sensed the existence of the prohibition.

I have to admit that Qin Feng felt a little excited!She has only studied Western Demons and Warcraft in books before, and has never seen the real thing.Now here comes one!How to teach her to be calm?
Although she is not a cultivator, and although the opponent's magic power is low-level for her, it is always worth looking forward to the opportunity to take a look at the monsters that appear in the book.Moreover, she had to see how capable the psyker was to protect Han Shengyi.

"You seem very excited. What good things did you see? Why don't you ask me to see it too?" Han Shengyi teased her.

"Ah?! Are you interested? That's good, let's go to see the fun together after we settle your business." Qin Feng said to him a little excitedly.

Han Shengyi raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. He knew the reason when she said that!Suddenly I feel that their roles have been reversed. Usually, men like excitement, and women are content with being ordinary!It's really puzzling why he changed when he got to them~~ Han Shengyi in the elevator touched his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face!
And Qin Feng, who was standing beside him, was in excitement and anticipation~.

However, when the two stood at the door of a presidential suite, Qin Feng was stunned!Pointing to the door, Han Shengyi asked in surprise: "This is it?! Are you sure?!"

"Of course! Room 2020 is here." Han Shengyi gave her a strange look and nodded affirmatively.

(End of this chapter)

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