space shrine

Chapter 315 Dismayed

Chapter 315 Dismayed
Han Shengyi was stunned, he thought that someone was trying to make trouble for him again!

"That's right! This is all true!... Besides, the voice of the narration, well, it seems to be Qian Linglong... What is she trying to do?!" Zhao Baihe, who felt that the female voice in the narration was very familiar, listened carefully, and finally Make sure you hear me right.

With Zhao Baihe's affirmation, Han Shengyi, who couldn't figure out the rhythm of the matter, and Xiao Bin on the other end of the phone were suddenly dumb!Under Han Xiuen's translation, Father Han and Mother Han were also stunned!

Besides, when Qin Feng returned to the hut, after learning the details from the hut, she was pale and sat in the living room in a daze.

All along, she has tried to give her family the greatest freedom and never asked the cottage to report their every move to herself.Because she feels that she loves her family in every possible way, and her family must think the same about her.

Even if their abilities can't help you, at least they won't do anything to hurt you!However, she seems to be too self-righteous!
Calling his family back to the hut, Qin Feng's face has returned to calm, and he looked at them coldly with his head propped up.Facing her ignorant family members, she has extremely complicated emotions.

"What did you do just now? I heard that you did a great deed and saved many people." Qin Feng said lightly.

When the four members of the Qin family heard this, their expressions turned pale. Qin's father and Qin's mother looked at their son Qin Lei with a guilty conscience.

"Sister, you can't blame us. You weren't there at the time, that kind of tragedy... and we only stopped a small earthquake, nothing else!" Qin Yu spoke first.

"Yeah Xiaofeng, the people there have just been ravaged by a typhoon and a storm, and many people died! They worked very hard to clean up the mess, and tried very hard to survive! But they are human beings, and they really can't bear to repeat themselves again and again. Three disasters! According to our speculation, although the earthquake was a small-scale anomaly, the earthquake it caused was at least magnitude 7! Xiaofeng, we can't just ignore it! Their situation is too difficult!" Qin Lei Shen Sheng said.

Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan nodded quickly. They discussed this action carefully, and they unanimously decided to hide it from Qin Feng!Because they were afraid that she would stop them, they had to cut first and play later.

Qin Feng nodded with an unchanged expression, "I know! I have seen pictures and videos of disasters everywhere. I will not stop you from rescue and relief..." She looked out the window facing her family who would never make sense.She didn't know what else to say, and she didn't want to.

"Xiaofeng, we have discussed it, and we will bear the consequences this time." Looking at the second younger sister with calm eyes, Qin Lei felt a little uneasy, and quickly told her the result of their collective discussion.

"You can't bear it!" Qin Feng said calmly, "You have changed the fate of many people this time! The disaster you suppressed happened on the other side of the earth, and people who should have lived there died! Because of your sudden Interfering, this group of people who died for no reason has no way to go to heaven or earth, and the resentful souls can only wander in the world."

"Don't you feel it? The grievances between heaven and earth are much stronger than before! For you, these grievances are caused by the beings who died in disasters everywhere. In fact, it was caused by your kind deed just now. Not only did some of them die for no reason. All sentient beings have also aroused panic and anger among law enforcement agencies from all walks of life."

"Because there is no record of the names of the dead in their life and death merit book, they can't accept these ghosts, but the people who have records have not gone down to report! Their order has been severely disrupted. If you think you are fine, if you are not the shelter of the hut , you have now been caught by the law of heaven and earth!"

The four members of the Qin family looked at each other after hearing this, and Qin Lei said hesitantly: "No way?! You said that we are different numbers, and the law should not be affected!"

"I said that although we are both mutations, we are not restricted by the local world. We can only assist from the side, and we cannot change other people's rules! Before you start, can't you ask the hut carefully?!" The last sentence The voice was a little louder, Qin Feng endured it and tried to keep calm.

"Then, what should we do now?! Those who died..." Seeing her husband and son bowed their heads in silence, Lu Lan and Qin Yu looked at each other, and asked the second daughter who was on the verge of going berserk.

"Their resentment was absorbed by the beast..." Qin Feng closed his eyes, opened them after a while and continued, "It has been fully awakened, and its ability has been improved a hundred times. The catastrophe that should have arrived more than four months later ...will be rescheduled to happen in three days!"

"What?! Three days later?! This, this... Xiaofeng, this...!" Everyone panicked when they heard this!Their intention is to save lives!Unexpectedly, not only more people were harmed, but also the biggest catastrophe was brought forward!This, how embarrassing they are!
"Three days later, the tiankeng caused by it's birth will swallow up nearby towns and cities. Brother, Xiao Yu, go back and arrange your family members, and then immediately go to the designated location to investigate. The seals of Master Yuanming and the sisters of the Qian family have been pulled out intact! Either sooner or later, if you can’t save them, let’s just let it go.” Early, the beasts will notice something wrong; late, once the seal is shattered, the three of them will have no chance of life.

"I once again solemnly warn you that you absolutely must not let any race know of your existence, and you must not notify humans in advance to evacuate away from danger! This will not only allow the law to capture your existence, but also make the awakened beasts aware of the abnormality on the ground. The world god is waiting for it!" She said slowly.

"If it has lived for thousands of years, if it hides in the ground and makes trouble, there will only be a lot of people who will die! With the current endurance of the earth, under its anger, it won't take a cup of tea, and it will become a giant in the universe. A bit of rubbish! Of course, you can choose not to believe it."

Whether the family believe it or not, she continued to say to herself: "I will tell all the disciples to go to help each other, and cover your retreat by the way. Brother, Xiaoyu, after the beast enters the hut, you will hide in the world as the image of the shrine. 20 Clean up after the year. Remember, you can only improve, not change! Let alone be seen by humans! So as not to cause trouble.”

After arranging everything, Qin Feng turned his attention back to his family.

"Dad, Mom, you can live with Brother and Xiao Yu from now on! Their images are different in the world, and you need to protect them from being noticed." She looked at the four of them quietly.Three days later, she will be separated from them for decades to see each other...even some people will never see each other for a lifetime!
"Xiaofeng, we are wrong this time... I'm sorry!" Dad Qin lowered his head, not daring to look directly into the overly calm eyes of the second daughter.

"Xiaofeng, I'm sorry, Mom! You have to be strong..." Lu Lan said with a choked voice.

"Sister..." Qin Yu, who had been emotionally hurt, understood her sister's feelings very well, but there was nothing she could do about it!What's more, the culprit who caused my sister to shorten her relationship with her brother-in-law's family was herself and others, so what else could she say.

"Xiaofeng, you... don't worry, we will take good care of my brother-in-law's family, and we will definitely come back to replace you in 20 years!" Qin Lei promised.

"It's not 20 years, it's 50 years! As I said, if there is a fault, I will be the one who will be punished! In the previous 20 years, I believed that I must help them for the sake of Shengyi! Now...forget it! Many things It's not something I should expect!"

Qin Feng smiled softly, "Before I got the hut, when I was looking for a job, because I was not outstanding, even if I was the one with the best ability and education, I would always be the one who was given up; I found a job as a coolie In the end, I, who is not bad in appearance and academic qualifications, was the one who was spotted by a friend's superior, and then was matched by all kinds of efforts of his friends to hope that I would sacrifice to become a mistress; "

"I finally found an easier clerical job. I, who don't know how to please and behave, but only know how to do things in a silent manner, will always be the one who can be bullied at will; after I have a hut, my ability is strong, but I was betrayed by my friends to feed the animals. I was the one...and now, for the sake of human beings, the one pushed out by my me!"

"Xiaofeng! Can you stop being so extreme?! You clearly know the reason is not like that..." Qin Lei seldom stood up and shouted at her violently.

Qin Feng closed his eyes, "No matter what the reason is, as I said before, I can only be responsible for the accident! But you still did it without hesitation!"

"We can't not do it! It's just a lack of consideration! You can't feel that kind of mood if you're not on the scene! You are always like this, thinking wildly whenever something goes wrong! Is it fair for you to think like this?!"

"What about me?! Who has been fair to me?! I caused them to suffer the disaster?! Now this result is my fault?! I have the obligation to solve all the problems in the world?! I want my husband and wife to separate in three days, alone in the Spend 50 years here! Fair?! Your parents, wives and children can be together, and my husband and children have been with each other for 50 years! 50 years!! Is this fair to them?!"

Qin Feng finally lost all reason and roared!Seeing this, the family also panicked, not knowing what to say to her.

"Xiaofeng, calm down! Yes, we know it's hard for you! We also know your worries. Don't worry, we will take good care of Shengyi and the others and wait for you to come back! Trust us..." Qin Guoguang saw the second daughter run away completely, He quickly comforted her.

"Believe in you?! I believe too much in you to make this situation today!" Qin Feng swallowed his anger, and squinted at his family coldly, "I will not let you have the opportunity to get close to Shengyi and the others! It will not be necessary in 50 years. You come back to replace me! I don’t need any guilt or sympathy from you! Since human beings are more important than me, you don’t have to go back to the hut in the future, and live on the ground! I have done what I can do for you! Each."

"Xiaofeng, can you stop thinking about the worst?! Now is not the time to be angry. With our ability, it will be easy for my brother-in-law and the others to live a long life!" Qin Lei persuaded exhaustedly.For the stubbornness and paranoia of the second sister, he felt very powerless.Yes, they did it wrong this time!But this was unintentional, not intentional to harm her!
"Hmph, stop being self righteous! That's right, I'm cold-blooded and selfish, I'm stingy, I ignore the sufferings of the world, and I won't force anyone. Shengyi doesn't want to live forever, so I won't force him! You guys like to tamper with it as you like." The fate of other people is up to you!"

There was a zero-degree smile on her cold face, "Similarly, for my own better life in the future, I must give up on you!"

With a thought, all the family members were moved out of the hut, leaving only a cold sentence in each of their minds:
"From now on, we have nothing to do with each other in the sky and the earth! If someone interferes in the affairs of the world without authorization and changes the fate of my husband and family...then, the next disaster facing the earth will be me!"

(End of this chapter)

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