space shrine

Chapter 46 The Best Matchmaker

Chapter 46 The Best Matchmaker
The kind matchmaker said a lot, then stopped, and looked at the two elders with wide eyes: "How is it? Uncle, Aunt, what do you think? If it works, I will go to answer now, and I can arrange for everyone to come out and meet tomorrow." I said, these two are one-in-a-million good matches! Don't let go!"

Although Qin's father and Qin's mother didn't show it on their faces, they were so angry in their hearts!Is she treating her family's children as rotten tea dregs, and letting them rub them into rounds and flatten them?Not to mention that his daughter has to be a nanny for others, and he can't have a child of his own. How good can this kind of man be? !
That lucky girl is even more funny, before entering the door, she was thinking of demolishing her family!Ask their two daughters to marry or move out!Their daughter is a treasure, and other people's daughter is a drag? !What kind of golden apple and silver carrot is she, and she also wants to be the master of our house!
Nonsence!How far this kind of selfish thing goes, we don't even bother to see it face to face, so as not to stain our eyes and dirty breath.

"Hehe, this, A-Lian, those of us children are focusing on making money in business now, so we don't have time to deal with it. We can't care about them. The ones you mentioned are all very good, so we will Don't delay them, let them go find someone else." Mother Qin said tactfully, while Father Qin pretended to peel the peanuts, it's his self-restraint not to kick anyone out!
"Hey, Auntie, it's because they are busy that we, the parents, need to worry about them! Young people nowadays don't care about this at all. By the time they think about looking for it, the day lily will be cold! Those who are left, how can there be good families!" The matchmaker Alian tried her best to persuade.Speaking of which, the red envelopes given by those families are very large. If it is said that these two marriages are considered, the expensive decoration money of her house will be much easier.

you are right!There is indeed no good family anymore!Qin's father and Qin's mother thought at the same time in their hearts, hating the woman who was so talkative in front of her to death.To say that other people's children are like the moon in the sky, unattainable, does not mean that our children can climb up to them is the blessing of several lifetimes.

Bah~!You are the ones who are not even qualified to carry shoes for our children!The two elders of the Qin family continued to think in unison.But thinking about Qin Feng's matter in his heart, he was not in the mood to argue with her.

I don't know what happened to Qin Lei and Qin Yu going in. If it wasn't for fear of burdening the children, the two old guys would have gone in to see what happened.

After thinking about it, Qin's father and Qin's mother looked at each other with a tacit understanding, alas, their hearts were secretly bitter.

But their expressions gave a wrong message. That Alian's shrewd eyes saw the distressed look of the two elders, and her thoughts turned sharply, thinking: "Aren't these two old guys dissatisfied? People are a bit too much, and because of too much, no one from ten villages and nine miles agrees, so the red envelopes given to me are so generous. No, no matter what, I have to let them agree."

The snobbish eyes circled around this obviously dilapidated house, and thought again: "It shouldn't be, their family is so poor, and the other party offered such a good offer, normal people would not refuse it. Could it be because ..."

Rolling his eyes twice, he suddenly figured it out, don't they have two daughters, one is married, and the other is there, they are worried about the little daughter and don't know what to do? !
"Uncle, aunt, why are you hesitating? The conditions of the two parties are so good, they are absolutely worthy of your children, and the man also said that not only will he have a generous dowry gift, but he can also help decorate your old house as a gift." Thank you." The last one was added by her, because the man said that he had been introduced by a friend before and met the second daughter of the Qin family from afar. She is a hard-working and introverted person. He is very satisfied, and said that as long as he can talk about things. , it doesn't matter if he gives some sweetness.

A-Lian estimated that although the old house was a bit dilapidated, it wouldn't cost much to repair it casually on the outside, and the man would definitely agree.

"Are you worried that the little girl won't be able to marry?" A-Lian asked tentatively.

Seeing the dumbfounded look of the Qin family, he thought he had guessed right, and the big stone in his heart fell instantly.She smiled and waved her hand and said, "Don't worry! What do I do? My connections are all in neighboring counties! I'm not bragging, I've had tens of pairs if not more than a hundred in the middle of the year. Everyone praised me for bringing them a good marriage and said they would repay me. No, I have one in my hand, which is very suitable for your little daughter."

"That man is a rich man, the number one rich man in the neighboring county. Oh, if your little daughter succeeds, I really hope you will repay me. Hey, he is really rich! His family It is the largest and most beautiful house in the neighboring county, and it is still very young, only 39 years old, in the prime of life! He said he wanted to find a young and beautiful one, who was gentle, considerate and obedient, and would not care about him. Although Your youngest daughter is not young anymore, but I have seen her, she has a beautiful face! So, I will go out and go to him to find out for you. "

Speaking of this, she was rarely embarrassed, "This man's qualifications are too good, and his requirements are too harsh. I don't dare to choose him casually, so I can't guarantee the success rate. I have to ask, hey , By the way, bring me your little daughter's photo later, I'll show it to him, and if he's satisfied, I'll let you know as soon as possible, hehe..."

Hearing the twitching of Qin Guoguang's eyes, Qin's mother smiled so reluctantly!In fact, it shouldn't be too rude to drive people away with a broom, this woman's mouth is really a bit cheap, I feel ashamed of my parents if I don't slap her a few times!

Qin Guoguang and his wife didn't even say the basic polite words. They were already worried about what would happen to their children, and they had to raise their spirits to listen to their children being trampled on. How could they look good.Qin Guoguang glanced around, thinking of driving away the guests with a broom.Unexpectedly, at this moment, a few tall figures walked into the door.

When they saw the appearance of the person who came, Qin's father and Qin's mother were taken aback for a moment, and then showed a ecstatic expression, and stood up abruptly, "You, you..." The person who had been thinking about him suddenly stood in front of him safe and sound. Ma Lulan wanted to say something in a hoarse tone, but she was too excited to say it.

And Qin's father also stared wide-eyed, no longer staring at them with a straight face as usual.

Seeing the strange expressions of the two people in front of her, A-Lian couldn't help turning her head to look curiously, oops!Whose family is this, so imposing!
The man is handsome and handsome, with sharp and angular features. Although there is a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, he still can't hide the chilling warrior aura in his body, as if he can break the sky with one hand; the two women have the same appearance. Delicate, gentle and elegant, with a chilly aura on her body that makes her daunting, but she can't help but want to look at it; a face that is obviously delicate and lovely, with a tender face full of Hexi's affinity, but also revealing Inviolable alienation.

The three of them are not peerless handsome men or beauties, but their overall temperament makes them more eye-catching than the stars on TV, which cannot be ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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