space shrine

Chapter 49

Chapter 49
"However, Xiaolei Xiaofeng, all the trees in the orchard are in bloom now, and all of them bear fruit! It has attracted people in the village to talk. Will this be too eye-catching? Do you want to take some precautions?" Qin Guoguang asked with some concern.This is on the second floor of the old house, not afraid of outsiders passing by and hearing it.Poor peasants like them, no one would run over to listen to the corner on New Year's Eve.

"Ordinary fruit trees need to be planted for a year before they bloom and bear fruit, but our family's family is no wonder it attracts gossip." Lu Lan also said.

Qin Lei frowned when he heard the words. It is true that he likes the life of farming, but he does not know anything about the common sense of farming.Subconsciously turned his head to look at Qin Feng, although he was sure that Qin Feng didn't understand, but she had a lot of fallacies.

"Don't be afraid, in the streets and alleys, some big things are rumored to be much weirder. When I was a child and picked up a pile of money in the plantain forest, some people said that I was a boy of good fortune. Who remembers? If anyone asks again, it will be presumed to be the good deeds of the ancestors. If you have the ability, ask our ancestors. After a long time, who will remember the normal thing of our fruit trees growing fruit?!" Qin Feng said nonchalantly.

When everyone heard it, it was true!Now that every household is closing their doors to live their own lives, who will always miss whom?Unless he has a big jackpot and a lot of money in his family, it's really not easy for you to be remembered.

"That's good! But we have harvested a lot of fruits and vegetables in the orchard and vegetable garden. Let's discuss it, what should we do with it? Where is the best place to take it?" Lu Lan asked.

She has distributed as much as possible to uncles, cousins, relatives and friends in the village, but there are still a lot left.It was agreed to sell them for money, but because I was worried about Qin Feng some time ago, I put them all in the hut for storage.

Now that everyone is there, it's better to get rid of them quickly. They still have to use money as an excuse to travel or renovate their houses.

"It's nothing. I used to open a small shop on the Internet when I was at work. Although it was closed, as long as there are goods put on it, it can be reopened immediately. We can't just keep these things at home. We have to let the neighbors see that our house is indeed open. To do business, just set up a stall by the roadside at the front door. The vegetable market is unnecessary, there are many people there, so don’t squeeze with them. Anyway, it doesn’t matter whether we can sell it or not, it’s all for people to see.” Qin Feng said Take an orange and peel it, break off a small piece and throw it into your mouth.

These oranges are all from Qinyuan, they are very sweet!It was grown in the orchard outside, except for trying the taste when it was just ripe, the whole family didn't take a bite after that.

I am used to eating authentic products, and the counterfeit products are not as good as the taste, not to mention that they are only grown by throwing a small stone into the pond.Whether it's the taste or the curative effect on nourishing the human body, the difference is not a little bit!
"Well, that's okay! Anyway, the family doesn't rely on it to make money. Otherwise, we will divide the labor and cooperate, and Xiaolei will go to tend the orchard. If he is bored, he will go to a place far away, and say to the public that he has gone to a big client. Yes. This statement proves that the family's business is good, and we will also have a statement when we take out some good things to eat in the future!" Qin Guoguang said.With money, it seems normal to buy expensive things.

Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan have worked hard for most of their lives, and their greatest achievement is raising three children and building two houses in this small town.

One is where they live now, and the other is just in front of this building, near the road, which is the storefront they used to do business when they were young.Even though the house is small, it is well-equipped with all internal organs. There are three floors in total. Back then, the five members of the Qin family lived in this narrow building.

"Xiaoyu and Xiaofeng set up a stall in front of the door, and I don't expect you to shout and invite customers. You can just sit there, read a book, play with your mobile phone or computer. Anyway, it's just a show. As for me and your mother, people I’m old, and I’m going to enjoy myself! I’ll just cook for you, and help Xiaolei occasionally. What’s the arrangement?” Qin Guoguang said with a blushing smile. He never thought that he would retire. Such a day is really fun and comfortable.

Although this kind of retirement is not paid, it is definitely more comfortable and carefree than others!
"No! Dad, Mom, I'm going outside!" Qin Yu was the first to jump out and objected, "I read on the Internet last night, there are some grassroots singers in City G, I'm going to sign up! I'm going Pursue your high school dream and be a great dancer and singer!"

She liked to sing and dance when she was in elementary school, and she didn't know there was such an art school dedicated to this until she was in high school.She has an idol, a female singer with national singing, and she has been studying hard with her goal.However, after graduation, due to the pressure of life, she was farther and farther away from her goal.

She thought this would be a regret in her life, but she didn't expect that now she would have the opportunity to show her strengths and take the first step towards her dream!

After listening to Qin Yu's detailed explanation, the members of the Qin family could only agree.Not much more than her, not much less than her. In the end, it was decided that Qin Feng would keep the stall alone!
"Why do you have to keep the stall? If it's there, no one will buy it. Besides, Dad, don't you always like to find some old guys to play cards in the front hall? Just take a look, and you still need a big one like me." People are in a daze there, how dazzling!" Qin Feng was dissatisfied that he was arrested as a young man, she is a house girl, she should stay at home to read books and play computer.It used to be a last resort to go out to earn a living, but it's different now!There is a hut to rely on, and you don’t have to work, but you still have to find an excuse to set up a stall outside for money. The more you think about it, the more incredible it becomes.

It is said that she still wants to sew two clothes for herself, and a rattan basket of materials is placed in the room of her hut.

"What's dazzling? You have to do it, I have to play with us. Your mother and I are both very old, so why don't you let us have a good time? It's settled like that, you set up a stall, and I will give you up to nine nights at most Five, rest for two hours at noon, isn't that enough?" Qin Guoguang stared and said majesticly as the head of the family.

This is the strategy he and Lu Lan agreed upon. Qin Feng's temperament is indifferent, if she is not allowed to get in touch with the crowd, soon, even the most basic humanity will slowly disappear, and she will still be expected to do something beneficial to the crowd. Things can be difficult for the public!
The most important thing is that they are afraid that if she continues to act independently like this, it will be even worse if she inadvertently practices some kind of Buddhism and Taoism, causing her temperament to become more and more cold.If the family relationship with them was lost, he and Lu Lan would lose a daughter, and Qin Lei and Qin Yu would lose a sister.

This is definitely not the result the Qin family would like to see, so Qin Feng has decided on the stall at the door!The whole family worked together to forcibly drag Qin Feng, a lonely guy who doesn't care about the fireworks in the world, into the mortal world and go up and down again.

So, whether Qin Feng wanted it or not, after the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month, she was pushed by her family, and there was a gloomy and beautiful figure in front of the stall.

(End of this chapter)

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