space shrine

Chapter 58 You can't talk about people during the day, so you come when you say it!

Chapter 58 You can't talk about people during the day, so you come when you say it!

A large group of people were gathered in the orchard, and those standing were villagers from Duoluo Village and neighboring villages, all of them looked worried but refused to leave.

What attracted the most attention were the three people sitting inside.

There were two men in suits and leather shoes, who looked like modern elites sitting side by side.Among them sat a tall woman who was also wearing a bright lemon-colored suit skirt. Her dazzling hot golden curly hair was half scattered on her shoulders. Her exquisite makeup gave her a confident and flamboyant aura.

But at this moment, she was sitting in front of Qin Lei very ladylike, with a smile on her face but a haughty look in her eyes, and said to Qin Lei: "Mr. Qin, since your village chief asked us to contact you, it means that Mr. Qin It is still very far-sighted and responsible. You must know the pros and cons of it. In the past few days, you should also check whether what we said is true. Our Qilong Group has great strength and is still the tenth outstanding enterprise in the country. What we say is absolutely It's true. This time I came to talk to you very sincerely. We have already offered a high price of [-] yuan per person, but if you still make excuses to delay and annoy our company's senior management, then it will not be so easy to talk about. "The domineering eyebrows were raised, and the bright red lips raised a sincere smile, but the contempt in her eyes fully demonstrated her attitude.

Qin Lei is the only college student left in Duoluo Village. In the eyes of the villagers, college students must have better knowledge than those of them who have lived in the countryside all their lives.When the land was expropriated last time, they thought it was a huge bargain. After all, the income in the countryside is limited, and the money of more than [-] dazzled their eyes.When the children of some families came back and talked about it, they realized how much they had suffered.So this time, they are entrusting Qin Lei with full authority, hoping that he can help everyone get a reasonable price; This time, none of them wanted to make such a move.

"Look at your fields, they are basically deserted. Look at this place again," the woman stood up, looked at the small orchard, walked a few steps slowly, and said with a smile on her face, "Planting these fruit Do you want to sell it? How much can you sell for such a small amount of fruits and vegetables? How long will it take to earn back the money if you don’t pick up the green and yellow? It’s better to be bought by us as soon as possible. Those compensation fees can make you pay back at once. With a large family, wouldn’t it be better to use the money to start some profitable small business? Moreover, once our Qilong Group completes the acquisition and develops it into a resort, it will not only beautify the environment, but also provide some employment opportunities For you young people here, you don’t have to go to the big cities to work hard and wander around. You say, isn’t this a great thing? Huh?” Speaking of this, the woman’s proud face showed a slight mockery smile.

"That's right! We Qilong Group can also promise to you that once the resort is completed, there will be many positions suitable for you. You are also very welcome to work in our company and create a beautiful city together, and the treatment is definitely better than those in big cities. High. Therefore, we very much hope that everyone can understand that it is definitely beneficial to cooperate with us." An elite man in a suit wearing glasses next to him also said at this time, and took out a few documents to show to the villagers.

Qin Lei also took a copy to read, it turned out to be a land planning document and a drawing of the resort.He snorted coldly in his heart, who can't draw big cakes?Once acquired, we have no control over what you build.As for work, who knows what the future holds.

But it's a pity that although Qin Lei has great skills, he is not good at talking, otherwise he would not be a bachelor in his forties.Usually, I can't talk about people, let alone facing these business elites who are prepared.

Therefore, even if he is displeased with the words and deeds of the three people in front of him, there is nothing he can do, he can't drive them away!He can't do such a bad thing.Suddenly he heard a few soft barking sounds from the door, and he looked over as if he was being pardoned, and the familiar figure was walking in leisurely, step by step.

Qin Lei lowered his eyelids, a smile appeared on his expressionless face, quietly waiting for the storm to come.Just because he can't do some things doesn't mean others don't like to do them.

"Brother, why is it so lively today? There are so many people watching, did you attract some exotic beasts from somewhere?" A gentle voice came from the door, but the tone of the words was uncomfortable. Dare to compliment, some of the people who can tell who is coming just by hearing the voice can't help but look towards the door.

"I just heard someone say that they want 3 yuan to buy our land?! Who? Are they the ones who bought it again? It's a hell of a day, what can you say?" Qin Feng, who is also tall, walks casually and calmly. came in.He didn't even lift his eyelids to the various gazes around him, walked straight to the tall slender woman, and asked indifferently: "You're the one who said you'd give us '[-] yuan'?" He looked her up and down. , nodded and said, "Well, it is indeed too expensive." In terms of vitriol, she will not lose to anyone.

When the female elite heard this, her expression changed, but she quickly regained her composure.Glancing at Qin Feng, he hummed coldly in his heart, another ignorant person.Men are easier to deal with, women are the most troublesome to women, she doesn't want to be like a cursing shrew, it will damage her image of a lady elite.

"Hey~!" Some of the onlookers understood Qin Feng's meaning and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The surrounding villagers have long been dissatisfied with these people. A large amount of land was confiscated by the government in the past few years, and the compensation money was pitifully small. After several appeals, nothing happened, and everyone was suffocated.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, another group of inexplicable businessmen came to buy.Just accept it, they actually want to learn from their predecessors and make a lot of money with a small amount of money.Nonsence!I don't even look at my own identity. A treacherous businessman also wants to be compared with the government. Although they are all similar things, their status is different.

Not only the people in Duoluo Village, but also people in several nearby villages rushed to discuss countermeasures, saying that no matter what, they could not lose the little land left in their hands.

It's just that the other party is rich and powerful, and the woman sent here directly pokes the pain points of the villagers with every sentence, which makes people angry and hateful.Sometimes what I say, but it gives rise to infinite hope, just like what I said just now about providing employment opportunities. If that is the case, my children will not have to wander outside and work hard.

Whose parents don't want their children to stay at home and enjoy family happiness?Therefore, seeing that many people were shaken by these words, some clear-headed people were a little anxious, but unexpectedly, at this juncture, the unkind and unpopular second daughter of the Qin family appeared !
She is an arrogant and rude person known to everyone in the surrounding villages, so I don't know if the second daughter of the Qin family can win against this sharp-tongued woman.

All the villagers were quiet, and all of them looked lively with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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