space shrine

Chapter 63 The investigation behind the scenes

The investigation behind Chapter 63 ([-])
On that decisive night, when the people in the military department investigated their family, they were taken out and watched repeatedly.To be honest, Qin Yu is the most handsome among the three siblings, but in the show where there are so many beauties and so many handsome guys, her face looks rather ordinary.

Wearing a simple yet decent light green dress, a playful curly ponytail hanging on his shoulders, and a face with a faint smile, he just stood on the stage, looking peacefully at the audience, and facing each other. Shots from all sides of her.

After she stood quietly on the stage for a few seconds, her cherry lips parted slightly, and a loud and long sound of nature flowed like a clear stream in the mountains, and the touching singing voice rippling from her slightly opened mouth.Then, accompanied by her voiceless voice, the music played slowly, smoothly and melodiously.

At that moment, it seemed as if the voices of the whole world stopped, quietly listening to the sound of nature sung by that unremarkable person on the stage.

Also from that moment on, the whole country is boiling!Soon, foreign networks were also boiling!In short, Qin Yu, who was originally silent, became famous all at once!

"Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan and his wife have always been normal. As for Qin Yu, she graduated from the School of Music and Dance. She has developed into music and dance since kindergarten, and her grades have always been excellent. After graduation, she taught in a school in City G. But she has always been a substitute teacher. Before she went to teach, the school had never won awards in music and dance competitions. But since she came, all the music and dance competitions her students have participated in are either No. 2 or No. [-]. [-]. Sometimes even take it all in. This situation lasted until she left. However, most of her dances are taught, and she rarely sings. She usually shows her singing voice when she sings K with three friends. Her singing voice has always been that of all colleagues. Friends agree that she is good, and no one can compare with her. It's just that she rarely shows her face in other competitions, maybe she doesn't have confidence in herself." When it comes to this woman who sings so beautifully, Lu Pingzhong is particularly talkative.

Since listening to the famous song due to investigation, she has become the first singer idol in Lu Pingzhong's life.In his home, as long as her songs are played, no matter what the wife and children are busy with, they will stop and listen quietly, and will not continue their studies or work until it is over.

"I heard that her family never went to any of her games. Except for the time in kindergarten, the rest of the occasions were either teachers or classmates and friends who came to cheer for her. Maybe because of this, the attitude of the family It made her think that her singing is not good, so she has been inclined to dance since she entered junior high school. Oh, I said this family is really, can the future of my relatives be as good as those money full of money? Really, It’s a shame that such a good song is only coming out now.” At the end of the speech, Lu Pingzhong complained about his idols, complaining that Qin Guoguang and his wife covered pearls with stalks.If they could find out earlier, their family's environment would not be so embarrassing.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help laughing again, they all understood Lu Pingzhong's thoughts.You know, they are all fans of the young daughter of the Qin family.

"Hehe, look at what you said, if the couple didn't work hard to earn money back then, how could your idol continue to study in school? Don't forget that the information said that it was the second daughter of the Qin family who saw her parents earning hard work so she couldn't go to college. Otherwise, with her grades at the time, even if she couldn't get into a prestigious school, she would not have stayed at the embarrassing level of high school. If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have been living at the bottom of society! And that young man Qin Lei, if it wasn't for The second sister can't find a job, the third sister needs to continue her studies, and the family business needs money when the business fails. He wouldn't have been stuck in the security guard position for more than ten years, worrying that even his own source of income would be cut off, and life at home would be even more difficult! Alas! It was not easy for them at that time!" Uncle Zhao sighed.

He was happy for Qin Yu's progress, but also appreciated Qin Lei's perseverance, regretted what happened to Qin Feng, and was even more gratified that the Qin couple had this son and daughter.No matter how difficult the family is, the family is united and helps each other, never abandoning anyone, let alone complaining about anyone.Even if the house is bare and neglected by others, that home must be full of warmth and tolerance in their hearts.

"Hey, who's to say it's not, it's not easy!" Lu Pingzhong sighed again.

"Looking at it this way, there is nothing suspicious about this family. Maybe it's really a water and soil problem?" Lu Pingzhong asked the two elders with some uncertainty.

This question is really difficult to answer!

The two old men and a young man present were sitting like this, each frowning and thinking.Although the information on the surface was indeed normal, the soldier's keen intuition told them that something was wrong!What is wrong?
"Those two kids are not afraid of us at all, and they don't doubt our identities. They acted too calmly!" Uncle Yi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"That's right! I said why is something wrong! That's the problem!" Uncle Zhao slapped his thigh as if awakened, stared at the few people in the room with bright eyes and said, "No matter how simple and honest a person is, it is impossible for him to be right. People who suddenly appear at home and want to take samples have no scruples at all, especially if they met online, but they don’t even ask us to get proof of ID, unless he knows our background early in the morning!"

The daughter of the Qin family has often dealt with people from all walks of life and various departments. This kind of person is the best at judging the situation and knowing when to say what to do. No matter what she says or does, she will think carefully and measure it To say and to do.Now the matter of investigating the fruit vision is closely related to herself and her family, but she lightly let a few outsiders toss about it. There is no reason for a person like her to be so business-like. There is no vigilance at all, it's so strange!

If she had been simple-minded, the picky boss wouldn't have kept her on for so long.The investigator also said that the boss lost his temper a lot after she left, and then hired several people back in succession, and let them go after the three-month probationary period, and two of them left after less than a month. The reason why she was fired was her ineffectiveness in handling things, which caused her to go out to make up for the "pot" by herself~!

Later, a girl from a relative's family was hired as a clerk to take over Qin Feng's job. Unfortunately, she was not capable enough, and she was not good at disgracing her family, so the boss had to use excuses to attack other people every time.Later, two more people were invited back, and the three finally managed to fully handle Qin Feng's workload at that time.

It is conceivable that the second daughter of the Qin family is by no means as useless as the people in this town say, on the contrary, she seems to be hiding her secrets.

Lu Pingzhong also felt that something was wrong after the two fine old chiefs said so. After thinking about the situation of the two brothers and sisters at that time, it seemed that it was really the case.They readily let their group toss about the orchard casually. If they own such a rare orchard, shouldn't they be more vigilant, wishing to cover it and hide it from others?Although the second daughter of the Qin family had stated early on that she wanted to find a unit to take over this tricky business, she couldn't let it go so easily!It seems that they just said their intentions when they first met, what if they are villains?

Well!Sure enough, there is a problem!Lu Pingzhong stroked his smooth chin, thinking thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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