space shrine

Chapter 65 A Beautiful Morning

Chapter 65 A Beautiful Morning

Everything is ready, waiting for the dawn of tomorrow! ——This refers to the two elders of the Qin family.

As for those three brats...

"Brother, sister, those people really don't need to be dealt with? Will there be any problems?" Qin Yu lowered his voice on purpose, raising his head to pay attention to his parents' room from time to time.

"No way, my parents told them not to touch them. Besides, our fruits and vegetables are already good, and we are not afraid of letting them take them to country M for testing. Our land will definitely be confiscated. Now we only look at that How much is the compensation?" Qin Lei said, casually took a mango from the table and took a big bite.

It's sweet and juicy, and the aura is compelling, no wonder they are so cautious.

Qin Yu also took an apple and gnawed it, and said while eating: "Actually, money is really not important now, my income can provide for our family to eat and drink for several years." Just spend some money.

"But it would be better if there were those land compensations! I used to have a few colleagues who were like this. Each of their families had an income of more than 2000 yuan a month, and work was just to pass the time. They are so happy!" Qin Feng said with a smile on his face. Lie enviously by the window, still intoxicated in the quiet night of the mountains and forests.

She has been envious of that kind of life for a long time, and now it's finally her turn.

"But Xiaoyu, you are making such a big splash now, will you be under a lot of pressure? Our plan at the beginning was to settle the economic problem and go on a trip. With your current situation, can you go away?" Qin Feng asked Qin Yu.

"That's right. I heard that many advertisers are looking for you. It's good to have money, but you can handle it?" The honest man Qin Lei also asked worriedly. The whole family is simple-minded, so don't be betrayed. It's good.

"Don't worry, I only care about singing, and I don't care about other things because of the agency's business." Qin Yu said nonchalantly.

"Hey, you really can't just ignore it. If something happens, paying liquidated damages or something will make you cry to death. It's better to be careful and don't give them too much power." Qin Feng said.

"Hey, I understand! As soon as I got the first sum of money, I hired a lawyer to come over and read every contract specifically for me. I wouldn't sign anything that restricts me too much." Speaking of this, Qin Yu was proud Said eloquently.

Although she doesn't understand the conspiracies and schemes in the mall, she is powerful and rich now, and she is happy to ask someone who knows how to play tricks to help her.

"Hey! You're smart! Let me ask you, do you have enough money? Sister!" Qin Feng teased her.

Qin Lei also made fun of her: "That's right, how much money do you have when you first debuted? Hiring this and that, can you afford it?"

Qin Yu gnawed on an apple and looked up at the roof without saying a word. What the two said was really unpleasant, and whatever they did was wrong!
Since they don't have to worry about the future of life, their personalities are obviously more cheerful and relaxed.Even when talking to outsiders, it is no longer submissive, for fear of making a wrong sentence and making people laugh.

Talking and laughing with family members is more casual and relaxing. With the ability, you can do whatever you want, with fewer worries, and live a comfortable and comfortable life!
Early the next morning, the Qin Lei brothers and sisters took back the puppets, and each walked out of the room with a piece of dry wood or a fire stick.

It rained again last night, and the ground was wet and muddy.

However, the rain washes the leaves of the crops in the fields to make them greener and brighter. No wonder people say "spring rain is as expensive as oil".Plants in spring can't do without the moisture of rain.

Bathed in the fresh air early in the morning, the whole person looks particularly energetic.Why did I like to sleep in so much before, and missed so many beautiful mornings in vain.

Today, Qin Feng is still dressed in casual clothes. She wears a light green mid-sleeve blouse with broken petals on her upper body and white cropped pants, making her look refreshing and pleasant.Although the temperature was a bit low in the morning, with her current physique, she couldn't feel it at all.

"Wow!" The four big dogs next to him came to greet their masters early in the morning.

"Morning~! Everyone!" Qin Feng greeted the four enthusiastic big guys, stretched out his hand and vigorously rubbed the big hairy head of Ah Yi who was in front of him a few times.The names of the four dogs are: Ah Yi, Lao Er, Xiao San, and Xiao Si.The first two were initiated by Qin Lei, and the latter two were called by Qin Feng casually when he was thinking hard, and he agreed to it casually.

"Brother, let's roast some sweet potatoes for breakfast today." Qin Feng said on a whim.It's been a long time since I ate that kind of childhood thing, I really miss it when I think about it.Looking at the sweet potatoes piled in the corner of the room, I suddenly felt very hungry.

Qin Lei glanced at the pile of sweet potatoes, nodded and said, "It's up to you, anyway, if you want to cook porridge, just put a few in."

"I want it too, I want it too, bake a few more!" This was Qin Yu's voice in the hut.

Practitioners are already used to getting up at four or five in the morning.It's the same today, they all wandered around in their respective spaces for a while before coming out.Those who stay in bed are so far away from them!
Qin Lei rolled his eyes, and said helplessly to Qin Feng who was about to start the fire, "Remember to make porridge! I want to bring some vegetables to Uncle Kang. I planned to bring them to him last night." There are too many things, I forgot.

Today is Ah Yi and Lao Er patrolling the garden, this time it is the turn of Xiao San and Xiao Si to bring food to Uncle Kang with him, and take a walk to cultivate their relationship!The days when a hero gallops across the world has been lonely since ancient times. It is necessary to raise a few pets to relieve boredom!Maybe you can rely on them to make a beautiful girl back, it's so wonderful, isn't it~!

"Oh, good." Qin Feng replied without looking back, and went to the vegetable field to pick vegetables.As a foodie, what can I do with just porridge, there is no meat to eat, so even if I drink porridge, I have to figure out some tricks.

The vegetable field was in the orchard, and as she was walking, under the surveillance of the two eyeliners who left last night, she suddenly thought that there seemed to be no mushrooms in this vegetable field.

Tsk, this is not acceptable!Mushrooms are one of the main nutrients for vegetarians.

Look at the wet trees around, there are still a few broken branches on the ground, probably caused by those gangsters yesterday who sneaked into the orchard to eat and climb.

Qin Feng thought about it again, wild mushrooms are parasitic in these places, they grow fast, and it rains frequently recently, why doesn't she come along?

Pretending to walk casually to a hidden monitoring corner, with a thought, many common mushrooms grew out of the unnoticed rotten wood and grass not far away.I don't dare to do too many complicated things. Some fungi cannot be grown in her small place, so it's better to keep a low profile.This is used to prevent her from fooling people in case they notice.

Those people had already searched here yesterday, how could they not know about any changes in it?She just picked up the sky's leak - the rain that fell last night, took the opportunity to say that it came out overnight, not much!Then I picked a lot of various edible mushrooms from the Qin Garden with my mind, and put them on the banana leaves I picked when I came in.It was not until it was almost enough that I mentioned to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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