space shrine

Chapter 77 The Cabin Driving on the Highway

Chapter 77 The Cabin Driving on the Highway
"Dad, Mom, don't listen to the tour guide. Those trees with a history of more than a hundred years are usually surrounded by small signs, and these are just ordinary green trees on the side of the road. It doesn't matter if you bump into each other. " Qin Lei said helplessly to his overly cautious parents for the nth time.

If he had known that his parents would trust the exaggerated tour guide so much, he would not have suggested following the tour group.At that time, the three brothers and sisters made the wrong decision because they did not understand the history of these scenic spots.

"But the tour guide just said that the things on this street are all old. Hey, you'd better be careful! It's been so many years, it's not easy to preserve!" The old couple said worriedly.

Parents who are away from home always trust outsiders more than family members, and they are afraid of accidentally making mistakes and hurting their children.

The two sisters, who had been silent all the time, pulled over the helpless elder brother, and the three of them discussed together in a low voice for a while, and decided to end the trip to the ancient city ahead of schedule.

"Dad, Mom, let's get out of here! The thousands of years of bluestone slab is just a bluestone slab. I have studied it just now, and it is really nothing special. Those mountains and rivers are more beautiful, close to nature, and the air is fresher. Here The streets here are narrow, hot and crowded, there is nothing interesting, let's go!" Qin Feng said, shaking the small fan in his hand desperately, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead. She bought them by chance when she passed a special stall.

"Sister, are you hot?" Qin Yu asked puzzled.With their physiques, there shouldn't be such a reaction.

"Yeah, you're sweating profusely, isn't there something wrong with your body?" Qin Guoguang asked worriedly, could it be the sequelae of the last 30 years of cultivation?
"It's okay! It's 35 degrees today! It's so hot! How can I not sweat a little? Besides, I'm an ordinary person now! An ordinary person's physique encounters this kind of weather, and the only thing left is to breathe." Qin Feng Said with a smile, the fan in his hand shook even more vigorously.

You said it wasn't fun, but you had a lot of fun!The four members of the Qin family were silent.I also specially studied those bluestone slabs, no wonder just now I saw her stop and look left and right from time to time, what a boring person would do.

The proposal to withdraw early was unanimously approved.Especially Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan, who walked on tiptoe carefully for a long time, their bodies were not tired, and their hearts were exhausted. They wished to leave earlier, thinking that their children would like to visit, so they didn't say they wanted to leave.

However, even if the trip to the ancient city ends now, after this delay, the time is already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and there is definitely no time to go to a stop, unless you are mentally prepared to sleep outdoors under the sky.

But the members of the Qin family felt that, strictly speaking, today's itinerary was a waste of time.The rumored tour of the old city with a simple and elegant environment did not bring much surprise to them. Instead, they were overwhelmed by many tour groups, and their parents misunderstood the nonsense of the tour guide and struggled. They simply paid for it.

So, the three brothers and sisters decided not to go back to the hotel tonight, but to go directly to the hut.As for the tails following Qin's family, let's throw a few puppets and take them to play.

The five went into the toilets on the side of the road respectively. Qin Guoguang and Lu Lan didn't know how to make puppets yet, so Qin Lei and Qin Feng did it for them respectively.So, three minutes later, the Qin family entered the hut, and five puppets of the Qin family came out of the toilet.Before the end of the travel itinerary, they took the tails around the world.

"Haha, I can finally relax! It's like I haven't been back for thousands of years. It's so uncomfortable to be outside!" As soon as Qin Feng entered the hut, he immediately rushed to the one in the hall, which was covered with thick fabric cushions. Sitting on the sofa, I was intoxicated by the fresh smell of all kinds of linens emanating from the room, and I didn't want to get up again.

"That's right! Although the hotel is magnificent and luxurious, I feel uncomfortable living in it. Our house is better, even the smell of the air is a thousand times better than there!" Lu Lan also said with a smile.Fortunately, she didn't have to go back to the hotel. Looking at those shining golden things, she felt panicked.

Sure enough, it is a golden nest and a silver nest, not as good as my own wooden nest.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, can you drive the hut like a car? According to the Yunwu Mountain route we are going to go tomorrow, let's walk slowly and see the scenery along the way. How wonderful!" Qin Lei suddenly thought Say with emotion.Since there is no RV, it is better to treat the cabin as a RV, and it is more convenient to drive without a human.

"Hey? This is a perfect solution! Before arriving at the destination, the scenery on the road must be good." Qin Yu's eyes lit up, this idea is wonderful!
"Okay!" Qin Feng readily agreed.

I saw her sitting upright, squinting her eyes out of the window.Everyone in the room felt their bodies swaying slightly, and then looked back, the blue sky and white clouds outside the window disappeared, and what appeared in front of them were scattered village houses, land or forests, and occasionally a few passenger cars Drive quickly past the window.

"Sister, we won't be afraid to speak loudly now, right?" Qin Yu looked at a truck that was less than one meter away from his window, and asked with uncontrollable emotional ups and downs.

"Don't worry, even if we fire the cannon, people outside will not be able to hear it, let alone see it, so you can speak with confidence." Qin Feng said with a smile.

When Qin Yu heard this, he turned and looked out the window, his face full of inexplicable excitement, and suddenly stood by the window and screamed loudly: "Ah~!" The unique high and low voices shouted again, resounding all over the field.

This kind of life is too mysterious and wonderful, isn't it? !This is a way of life unique to their family, it's amazing and exciting, isn't it? !Every extraordinary experience always makes it difficult for her to restrain her excitement and enthusiasm, which cannot be expressed in words, but can only be vented out with screams.

Their target this time was also checked by Qin Lei on the Internet.

It is said that there is a Yunwu mountain thousands of miles away, and there is a very effective Taoist temple on the mountain. Many good men and women worship it, so that it keeps burning incense all the year round.On the way up the mountain, there is also a fate stone, which is also a hot spot.It is said that as long as you touch the stone, you can strengthen the various fates that everyone desires, such as marriage, teacher, or fairy.

Of course, I don’t know if this is superstition. There are always various arguments to justify fantasy things, so don’t take it too seriously.As for the legend of encountering a fairy, it is even more illusory. Although people don't believe it, they won't lose a piece of meat when they touch it. It's just a beautiful fantasy for themselves.

From the ancient city by bus, it takes two or three days at the fastest to go on the high speed. In reality, except for black cars, more formal passenger transport has not been opened for the time being.Usually people will go by plane, and it will take about a day. After all, the plane does not have so many detours.Taking the train is a bit of a waste, about five or six days, not one trip, you have to turn several times in the middle.

With such a long and tortuous distance, it is estimated that there will be no collision with the tail sent by the military.

After deliberation, the Qin family decided to adjust the speed of the hut to three days per hour.They are not short of time now, and would rather slowly pass by.Many people have said that the destination of travel is probably not as interesting as the scenery on the road.

However, no matter how strong the freshness is, it cannot stand the passage of time.

After ten o'clock in the evening, it was already pitch black outside, and occasionally one or two dim farmhouse lights flashed outside the window. After that, most of them were trees, artificial lakes, river dams or dilapidated houses.

Pass the destination and time into the consciousness of the hut, let it drive towards the destination like a car, and reach the foot of Yunwu Mountain within three days within the speed limit.

(End of this chapter)

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