space shrine

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Qin Feng was startled, and he swung his arms and legs to grab some objects, but unexpectedly, he swung Xiao Bin, who was almost sucked in, out of the suction range, and rolled on the ground twice before stopping.She tried her best to control and stabilize her figure, squinted her eyes, and shouted with a stern face: "Which despicable villain sneaked up from behind? There is a kind of fairness to compete with me."

A burst of silver bell-like laughter came from behind him: "Oh hehe... I said what kind of person can kill my senior brother who is the head of the sect. It turns out that he is just a lustful female cultivator! Heh heh, Still want to have a good time with Han Shengyi? You really don't know how to look like a bitch!"

"Who the hell? Someone came out! Ah~!!" Qin Feng was furious, and she didn't know what was behind it, making her unable to break free no matter what. A shrill scream echoed in the forest.

"Hehe... that's all! I didn't expect my senior brother to be ruined by such a low-class woman. Let's just say, this fairy is the most suitable candidate for the head! Hehe..." As the voice dissipated, a white light In a flash, a woman in a green gauze dress, holding a small and exquisite golden bell in her hand, appeared gracefully in front of Xiao Bin who was still in shock.She smiled sweetly, and her demeanor was as refined as a fairy.

"Fairy, fairy!" Xiao Bin stared dumbfounded at the woman who appeared in front of him. The last two days have been really exciting. First, he saw a goblin fight with a fairy, and the fairy was defeated by the goblin. Now he saw a fight between a goblin and a fairy. The goblin is defeated!

If he is still alive, these memories will be the most unforgettable part of his life.

Seeing that the fairy seemed to have no intention of embarrassing himself, Xiao Bin took courage and stepped forward to make a strange bow.This is what he learned from Huaxia's mythological drama series, but it's the first time imitating it, and it's a bit awkward.

"Thank you fairy for saving my life! Haven't you asked the fairy's name yet?" Fairies would not take action against mortals. Xiao Bin, who thought he was safe, couldn't help asking, looking at the ethereal fairy.

"Hee hee, no need to thank you! That bitch has a good eye, and actually saw that Han Shengyi's five poisons are light and spiritually clean. Intercourse with him is really a great benefit in practice! But..." The woman smiled sweetly, There is a flirtatious and frivolous look in his words and deeds, which is very inconsistent with the image of a pure and pure fairy.

Xiao Bin was suspicious, and his grateful face was a little wary.He took two steps back and asked with a forced smile: "Fairy, do you know my Brother Han?" Isn't the fairy just asking about mundane matters?Is Huaxia Kingdom different?

"Of course I do! This fairy has already taken a fancy to him! If it wasn't for that dead ghost brother fighting with me for fear that he would attack Han Han, I would have brought him back to the mountain long ago! However, I haven't seen him for more than a year. Surprisingly, there is another person with balanced five spiritual roots beside him." Looking at Xiao Bin who was surprised, the woman became more and more pleased, she floated in front of Xiao Bin, clamped his chin with her hand, and moved closer to him with her beautiful face From his lips, he exhaled like blue, "God is kind to me, and actually let me take two excellent supplements all at once, ha ha."

Xiao Bin, who now realized that he had mistaken a slut for his lover, tried his best to avoid the delicate face stuck to his face: "I didn't expect you to be a bad person!" !
"Hehe, don't worry, bring Han Han and let's go back to the mountain together. After a few days, you will think that I am a very good and wonderful person! Oh hehe...uh!!" Smiled proudly The sound didn't continue, and her ecstasy was completely fixed and covered by a streak of ice, just like her short-lived elder brother.

A small stone was thrown and shot at the ice figurine, whose eyes were wide open, and there was a crisp sound of "poor", and the ice figurine shattered.

The sudden turn of the situation made Xiao Bin, who escaped again, widen his eyes, watching the ice shards mixed with the woman's body scattered on the ground, and then disappeared without a trace, his mouth shut for a long time.

He didn't know what was going on, and he couldn't figure out why this situation was so familiar. He only knew that someone helped him out of his predicament.Then he sat alone on the ground in the woods for a while, seeing nothing happened, and then he dared to believe that the crisis was over.

With his mind in a mess, Xiao Bin floated out of the woods like a wandering ghost. Now that the crisis is over and the banshees are gone, he can return to the crew of normal people this time without any worries. go.

At the edge of the forest, the crew, who know nothing about the dangerous situation here, are busy filming the plot. The whole environment is busy and tense. There are dialogues between the heroine and the supporting actor in front of the camera. Occasionally, Director Xiao angrily "click ", everything is so peaceful and calm.

So many things happened in the woods just now, and those two banshees yelled so loudly, did no one hear them?After such a long time, no one came to rescue me. Xiao Bin, who was shocked and afraid, but relieved, looked at the normal working environment in front of him, and felt as if he had been in a world before him, full of mixed feelings.

Huh?By the way, why didn't I see my brother?Could it be? !Xiao Bin looked left and right and couldn't see Han Shengyi, and the intention of the two banshees couldn't help but sound in his mind.Are there still monsters staring at brother?While the two demons were fighting, a fisherman came and took brother away? !

Xiao Bin was very anxious, strode forward and pulled a staff member, and asked in a panic: "Hey, where is my brother? Where is my brother? Why don't you separate some people to look at my brother?!" If he had known this, he shouldn't have helped his brother push away the bodyguards that the company arranged to follow.Now brother is the only man beside him, and the others are all useless female assistants.If he lost his brother, how would he explain to his aunt?How to explain to the company?How to explain to the nationals and even fans all over the world?

If brother really had an accident, he could only apologize with death!
Xiao Bin's mournful look on his face startled the staff. He pointed to the crew not far away for no reason and said, "Brother Shengyi, isn't he there? What are you worrying about!" It's pleasing to the eye, it's fine if you don't do anything, and you can't even find a person even if you fish all day long.How dare you ask for someone so loudly now?I despise him!
The poor innocent staff member complained in his heart.

Xiao Bin looked in the direction pointed by the other party, and sure enough, Han Shengyi was sitting on the rock over there, concentrating on the shooting situation in the field.

Feeling relieved, Xiao Bin, who was full of shock and grievance, let go of the staff and ran straight towards Han Shengyi.

"Brother, are you okay!? Oh, brother, Huaxia is too scary! Let's go back as soon as possible, and don't come here again!" Ignoring the strange eyes of the people around, Xiao Bin hugged Han Shengyi, who was safe and sound, crying .

"Hey, Xiao Bin, what's the matter with you? Everyone is watching!" Han Shengyi was taken aback by his sudden action, and then jumped up and kicked the sticky cake on his body, trying to kick it away This is an agent who is not doing his job properly and keeps causing him trouble.

So embarrassing!Especially two big men, if there are paparazzi around, his reputation will be ruined for the rest of his life!Especially those rotten women who are like wolves and tigers, once they make a fuss, the image of my broken back is almost finalized!

(End of this chapter)

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