exclusive marriage

Chapter 103 The Ring Is Named Until Death

Chapter 103 The Ring Is Named Until Death (1)
After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the room, his body was still stained with muddy clothes from last night.

The woman in the room looked sideways at the sunlight leaking in from the window, her eyes brightened a lot.

She fell ill and won a short period of freedom, Jiang Xiachu thought it was worth it.

For the past three days, Zuo Cheng didn't come, to be exact, he didn't show up during the day. As for the night...Jiang Xiachu went to bed early every day.

It's just... Thanks to someone, Jiang Xiachu's three days were especially... Speechless.

It's like this...

When Jiang Xiachu washed his hands.

"Young madam, sir has ordered you not to touch the water."

The left and right came out of nowhere, shaking their heads and wandering around Jiang Xiachu.

At first, Jiang Xiachu just nodded lightly.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly. Jiang Xiachu was lying on the armchair, and the sun made her lazy, which was very pleasant.

A shadow came over: "Young madam, sir has ordered you not to blow the wind."

Jiang Xiachu frowned, but turned around and entered the house.

Forget it, although Zuo Zuo is two years older than Jiang Xiachu, but that baby face, no matter how you look at it, looks like Xiao Zhengtai, who is still underage, giving people an illusion that they can't bear to be tortured.

At night, the sky was full of stars, Zuo Yu accompanied Jiang Xiachu for a walk downstairs.

"Young madam, sir has ordered you to rest early as you are still sick."

Doesn't this guy know that it's scary to appear suddenly at night?
Jiang Xiachu's face was a little pale, and he went back without interest.

"Young madam, sir has ordered you to take your medicine on time."

"Young madam, sir has ordered, the night is cold."

"Young lady, sir..."


In the past three days, the phrase that came to Jiang Xiachu's ear most frequently was: Young Madam, Master ordered.

Unexpectedly, the taciturn Zuocheng would bring out such a talkative person.

The good-tempered Jiang Xiachu also had times when he couldn't bear it.

"What else did Zuo Cheng order, let's finish it at once."

Jiang Xiachu's eyes were calm and his tone was chilly, very much like Zuo Cheng.

Left and right subconsciously stood at attention, frankly lenient, and had no confidence: "Mister only ordered—" imitating Zuo Cheng's tone, "Young Madam, if you don't recover, you don't have to come back."

After finishing speaking, he drooped his head, with the appearance of admitting his mistakes and self-criticism, just muttering in his heart: Is it easy for me to cure a cold?It would be better to let me disembowel someone.

Jiang Xiachu was speechless.

It turned out that one sentence from Zuo Cheng was equivalent to so many thoughts.

This guy, for the sake of "the head of the project", actually "falsely preached the imperial decree".

Afterwards, Jiang Xiachu only said one sentence: "You can go back now."

There was a sudden chill on the left and right, and I was stunned for a while, followed. The 26-year-old face looked like a 16-year-old, pitiful and innocent: "Don't, young lady, I want to go back now, sir must peel me off."

Zuo Yu lay in the middle of the road: "Young Madam hates being noisy the most."

The left and right immediately shut up, their eyeballs rolled and rolled, and after shutting up like this, they didn't dare to speak again for two whole days.

It can be regarded as a lesson learned, Zuo family, offending the young lady is more terrible than offending the husband.

It was dusk when Jiang Xia first returned to Zuo's house, and Zuo Cheng hadn't come back yet, probably because she had slept too much in the past three days, and she tossed and turned.

Three days, three days without Zuo Cheng is really short.

Night, moon, slightly cool.The wind, gently, lifted the woman's hair.The woman raised her head, the apricot-yellow moonlight reflected in her eyes was lonely.The lips were pursed into a stiff line, and she opened lightly: "Is he back?" His face was as pale as paper.

It seemed as if the moon had been picked up, and the balcony was surrounded by a layer of haze. Jiang Xiachu stood in the middle of the haze, leaning against the cyan marble guardrail. The wrinkled wind in September was a bit cold, and she gathered up the thin windbreaker on her body.

"The young master is still in the company."

Uncle Jin stood by the balcony door, without Zuo Cheng's permission, even Uncle Jin couldn't take a step.

Jiang Xiachu didn't say anything else, the side face illuminated by the pale moonlight had a slightly raised arc, and the lips seemed to smile.

Thanks to the illness, Jiang Xiachu hadn't seen Zuo Cheng for nearly half a month.

"Young madam, come in, it's windy outside, your health is still not healed, the young master ordered you to take good care of it."

"In there, I can't breathe. The wind here wakes me up." Her cheeks were sickly white, and her lips were chapped. She shook her head, "I don't want to go in. I'm sick. He will stick to me." Turn back , looking at Uncle Jin, pursing his pale lips stubbornly.

Uncle Jin frowned, hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but said: "Young Madam, don't resent the Young Master, you are a husband and wife, you want to live together, and you want to walk together for a long, long life, if you can, Treat each other well."

She lowered her eyes, the eyes were no longer blurred by the moonlight, they were so dark that there was no gleam of brilliance, she pondered for a while, and smiled at herself: "Yeah, life is very long, who knows if I can go on." In the past, she just said lightly, "At that time you said, I am water, and Zuocheng is fire. Uncle Jin, water and fire cannot coexist."

The metaphor of an outsider is just right.He and she are such two extremes, when they meet, either the fire will end or the water will end.

There is no doubt about what he said, but Uncle Jin seemed hasty in his defense: "Young Madam—"

Uncle Jin's words hadn't come out yet, Jiang Xiachu coldly cut it off: "It's really harsh, can I change it?"

Uncle Jin pursed his lips and remained silent.

The meaning is clear: no.

Jiang Xiachu curled the corners of her lips mockingly, the moonlight on her face turned cold.

Uncle Jin sighed and had nothing to say, neither of these two people could hold back.

The moonlight shines through the gaps in the guardrail, and a layer of mottled mottled sprinkles on a pot of sunflowers on the ground. Jiang Xiachu slowly squatted down, stretched out his hand, and touched the leaves lightly. His hand felt a little prickly, but he didn't withdraw his hand: "It's already summer. , why hasn't this thorn sunflower sprouted yet?"

The leaves are a little yellow, and only the faint cyan color of the stem can tell that this potted plant is still 'lingering'.

Uncle Jin answered, "The young master has been raising it for five years, and it has never grown buds or leaves."

This thorn sunflower is also strange, it hasn't germinated and bloomed for five years, but it hasn't withered either, its temperament really resembles the stubbornness of its owner.

Jiang Xiachu suddenly frowned, picked up the plant, and looked at it in his hand: "No wonder it doesn't grow, it turned out to be the pot I planted."

The gardenias imprinted on the edge of the celadon flowerpot are somewhat blurred, not the same as it was five years ago.

She left it five years ago, this plant, this celadon.He still kept it, that person was so stubborn and crazy.

Uncle Jin couldn't help but say a few more words: "The young master spent a lot of time in the past five years, and no one is allowed to—"

(End of this chapter)

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