exclusive marriage

Chapter 109 3 women 1 drama

Chapter 109 Three Women in One Drama (2)
At the beginning of Jiang Xia, he would not go to the Three Treasures Hall without incident, this is one of them.

Zuo Cheng is so perverted that it makes people desperate, this is the second.

Jiang Xiachu is worried about that Fang Shengsheng, this is the third.

To sum up the above three points, she Guan Ai was regarded as a life-saving straw.

Jiang Xiachu kept silent, which was regarded as tacit consent.

"Why me? Do I look like an omnipotent person?" Guan Ai asked back, smiling prettily.

This is indeed a bit ridiculous, against Shang Zuo Cheng, Guan Ai is not enough to watch.

But Jiang Xiachu couldn't laugh, his side face was covered with a layer of ashes, and he laughed at himself: "I can't believe others."

Guan Ai retorted: "But you don't believe me, and you don't even tell me who that person is."

There was a feeling of being stabbed in the ribs by a friend, and Guan Ai felt extremely aggrieved.He took a sip of his drink and swallowed vigorously, as if venting his anger.

Jiang Xia lowered her eyes at the beginning, with a touch of helplessness and indifference on her lips: "Forget it, I'll find a way."

Guan Ai choked speechlessly, glanced at Jiang Xiachu's dejected side face, feeling very sour and troubled.

This guy, does he have to have such a distressed and hard-hearted look?Sighing, Guan Ai pouted: "Forget it, I lost to you, where is it?"

Why do people have to have a conscience and do something? It's really troublesome!Guan Ai is bothering himself.

Jiang Xiachu smiled slightly: "American san."

"Pfft—" The sweet drink he had just drank sprayed all over the place, Guan Ai was dumbfounded, and swallowed, "You really think highly of me."

American San?Is that where ordinary people can make up their minds?Guan Ai didn't even bother to attack Jiang Xiachu anymore, and continued to act as if he had no reason at all: "Well, I will do everything I can."

"Thank you."

Guan Ai is an opportunistic person. Among her few advantages, she is the most amazing.Jiang Xiachu is very clear about this.

With a wave of his hand, Guan Ai wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth, with a stressed expression on his face: "Don't thank me, I'm very stressed. But—" His eyes rolled a few times, and he looked at Jiang Xiachu with a wicked smile, "That man is Not a lover?"

Eyes blinking, this guy really broke the casserole and asked the end, he didn't give up until the south wall.

Jiang Xiachu's complexion was not normal, as usual, expressionless and expressionless, with the same indifferent tone for thousands of years: "No."

Guan Ai raised his eyebrows: "It's really a suspicious answer."

I am sure, there is something tricky!
Jiang Xiachu just pursed his lips and said nothing, his eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtful.

Guan Ai resigned himself to his fate and closed his mouth, wanting to get some secrets from Jiang Xiachu, how difficult it is to say.

Hmph...the days are long, my wife has her own way.Guan Ai smiled like a cunning cat, looking at the jewels in a dignified manner, but in fact, the ticket in this guy's pocket did not exceed four figures, and he felt itchy, he could only look at it, but not buy it.

People are more angry than others, and they have the same father and mother. When someone is coveting, someone is throwing a lot of money to enjoy God's service.

In front of the jewelry counter at the other corner, Guan Xin was sitting in the VIP area, crossing her long legs, choosing lazily.

If it is said that men are the most attractive when they take out their wallets, then women must be the most attractive when they pick out jewelry.

To use Guan Ai's words to define, people like Guan Xin are fat sheep tied to gold cards, who kill one to earn one, and kill two to earn a pair.This is a creed that is unanimously pursued by the service industry. Naturally, the sales lady who is most able to read people's words and gossip about ghosts is a good one.Smiling warmly and amiably: "Miss Guan is here. Do you need anything?"

Guan Xin smiled politely, showing the temperament of a famous lady: "Give me this one to try."

The sales lady immediately beamed: "Miss Guan has such a good eye. This necklace is the flagship of this season and is sold in limited quantities. Oh, it happens to be from the same designer as Miss Guan's ring."

The tenet of the service industry: to speak well and accurately.

No one in Shanghai knows that Miss Lingjiang Guan's family is the young wife of the prospective president after the rain.Coincidentally, not long ago, Mr. President visited here after the rain.

It's just that people are not as good as God...

Guan Xin didn't know why: "Ring?"

"Yes, Miss Guan still likes that ring?"

Even though she was impatient, the young lady from a family who received higher education was gentle and generous with a smile on her face: "I haven't bought a ring, you remember wrongly."

The sales lady frowned, thought for a moment, and said firmly, "How come, Mr. Zuo came to pick it up in person."

Guan Xin's elegant and dignified expression paused for a moment, and then she smiled again: "Is that so? He is always busy, so we don't see each other very often."

"Mr. Zuo must have wanted to give you a surprise. That ring has a special name, which is called Till Death. Once you put it on, you can't take it off. Mr. Zuo is very careful. Ms. Guan is really happy." The young lady smiled and agreed with Yan Yan, and said all the flattery that women love to hear, but she didn't see Guan Xin's darker and colder face.

Guan Xin smiled slightly, his eyes getting colder: "Yeah, I'm really careful."

It's just a man's intentions that either make a woman happy or disheartened.As for Guan Xin, she smiled, only in a world of ice and snow where no one could see.

"Miss Guan, do you want to try?"

The necklace is very beautiful, with a metallic luster that makes people unable to take their eyes off it. She just felt that it was very dazzling, so she narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly on her lips: "Change to a different style."

"Eh?" The salesman paused holding the expensive necklace, and asked tentatively for a few seconds, "Doesn't Miss Guan like it? Or—"

Guan Xin's face darkened slightly, and when he was about to speak, a voice with a high degree of resemblance took over the words: "Hey, who is this? It's really a fate where we don't meet each other." The tone of this tone is yin and yang.

Guan Xin pursed her lips and turned her head. The side face facing the light was cold, and the smile on her lips froze.

Facing him, Guan Aizin walked over with a playful look on his face.

Life is like a play, and the road to enemies is narrow.

"Why did you come here?" Guan Xin's words were cold and sharp.Probably only Guan Ai can ruin her gentle and graceful appearance.

When Guan Ai heard this, she made a pretty face, and said sourly: "I don't like to hear these words anymore. Why do you come from the same family, why are you divided into three, six, or nine classes?" Approaching, hands Leaning on the cabinet, squinting her eyes, like a female ruffian, she waved her hand, "I want the same style as her."

"Guan, Miss Guan, there is only one style of this style, or..." The sales lady looked puzzled, looking at these two identical faces, it seemed that they were not easy to mess with, which made it difficult for her.

"I want this one." The man had no money in his pocket and played a big game, his nimble eyes narrowed, and his voice was cool, "There are two Miss Guan here."

"This..." This little salesman was really embarrassed, and his face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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