exclusive marriage

Chapter 116 His woman can only be protected by him

Chapter 116 His woman can only be protected by him (2)
Uncle Jin in the driver's seat answered the phone, his expression darkened immediately: "Master, something happened."

Zuo Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said indifferently, "What's the matter?" Zuo Cheng is used to being calm.

Uncle Jin's expression was serious: "Young Madam's report."

The man who was still calm just now, his eyes trembled slightly, his handsome side face became stiff, and he turned on the computer in a panic.

When meeting Jiang Xiachu, he was always in a mess and had nowhere to stand.

The light from the computer screen illuminated a large swath of haze between Zuo Cheng's eyebrows.

"Where are you?" The metallic luster of the phone made his side face slightly cold.

With a slightly flustered tone, there is no second assumption: this man is worried about the woman on the other side of the phone again.

The woman's voice on the other end of the phone was calm: "Going out." After a short pause, he added, "There is a song production today."

The most indifferent explanation is rare for a certain woman.

After Zuo Cheng heard this, his brows that were originally frowning became even tighter.

"Xia Chu, be obedient, don't go anywhere, stay where you are and wait for me." Zuo Cheng coaxed softly, mostly in panic and fear.

This woman really broke Zuo Cheng's heart, but there was something even more worrying. The woman over there replied: "It's too late, I'm already outside."

Well, in this way, Zuo Cheng went out with his front foot, and Jiang Xiachu went out with his back foot.

"Jiang Xiachu!" Zuo Cheng's tone suddenly rose, almost roaring angrily.He seldom called her by her first and last name like this, so he must have lost his reason in anxiety.

It's just that there was no response on the phone. Jiang Xiachu was always disobedient and hung up the phone directly.

That's why Jiang Xiachu dared to hang up Zuocheng's phone, and Jiang Xiachu's audacity was in the final analysis the result of Zuocheng's lawless pampering.

Whether Zuo Cheng should be annoyed or angry, but he was replaced by worries, and he said with a cold face: "Let Zuo Yi find out where she is?"

"It could take a long time."

"In her ring, there is a tracker."

Zuo Cheng has really done everything. If Jiang Xiachu knew that Zuo Cheng had installed a tracker in her ring, probably...it seems like she can't do anything. At most, she won't go out in the future. This man has too many means. .

Uncle Jin was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and started looking for someone.

It has to be said that the people raised by Zuocheng are all abnormally capable people. In just a few minutes, the whole Shanghai has been turned upside down.

"Master, the young lady is going to heaven."

Zuo Cheng's face was gloomy, with this appearance, Uncle Jin knew that the young lady made Zuo Cheng worry about him again.

"Be sure to get ahead of her." The street scene outside the window was reversed in Zuo Cheng's eyes, hurried and messy, his brows frowned.

Car, go fast.

In one direction, Jiang Xiachu's car was not in a hurry.Frowning, panicked.

Suddenly, the phone rang, Jiang Xiachu shook his head, picked up the phone, and heard a bombardment.

"Jiang Xiachu, where are you?"

That guy, that's how the treble was practiced. Jiang Xiachu pulled the phone away and replied plainly: "On the way."

"Today's recording is cancelled, you don't need to come." Before Jiang Xiachu could say anything, the guy raised his tone and continued to order without explanation, "No, go back immediately!"

Although Ye Zaixi usually has a good temper, but for Jiang Xiachu who has always adopted a soft policy, if Ye Zaixi is not convulsed, something will happen to drive him crazy.Without thinking too much, Jiang Xiachu asked, "What happened?"

First it was Zuocheng, and now it was Ye Zaixi, Jiang Xiachu had a premonition that the traceless panic was irresistible.

The man who was still in a hurry just now suddenly fell silent.

"What's the matter?" She asked again, her voice was calm and strong that Jiang Xiachu's unique.

"It's not good for a woman to be troublesome. How can there be so many tricks?" Annoyed and emboldened, this man who won the Golden Horse Award couldn't even tell a little lie when he met someone.

Who the hell is full of gossip?Jiang Xiachu stopped talking and didn't hang up the phone, just waited.

Waiting for someone to confess...

This woman can read minds!They were all brought down by Zuo Cheng!Ye Zaixi lit a fire on the tip of his heart.

No need to think about it, he knew that the man on the other side of the phone must be impatiently trampling on his unreasonably handsome hairstyle.

"Don't worry about what happened, you stay in the cage in Zuocheng for me today, don't go anywhere, do you hear me?"

Ye Zaixi beat around the bush, concealed, and perfunctory said what was useful or not, Jiang Xiachu frowned even tighter.

Ye Zaixi had just breathed a sigh of relief when he said calmly, "I heard you." His tone paused, "It's just that the car has arrived at the door." He closed the door with his left hand and slowly turned it...

"Damn you—" He suddenly stopped the car in shock and anger, Ye Zaixi didn't even have to swear, and told him solemnly: "Then you just stay in the car for me, don't—"

All the words came to a dead end, Ye Zaixi's handsome face was dark and dark, and the phone next to his ear was filled with noisy voices.

It's too late, it's over... That woman is always so crazy, Ye Zaixi cursed: "Fuck! I really don't want to worry about it!"

He hung up the phone and ran away without a trace.

This man, he cursed at some unwary woman, then turned around and ran around for that unwary woman.

Sure enough, the panic just now was prepaid. At this moment, Jiang Xiachu didn't even have the brain to control the panic. It was blank, and she was pushed to the cusp of the storm.

Her world was still, that strange realm was buzzing, and the flashing lights made her face white.

"Miss Jiang Xiachu, as the producer of the golden song, she has never disclosed any personal information in the past three years. Is this high-profile publicity a deliberate hype?"

"You have worked with Ye Zaixi for three years. When did you start dating?"

The sudden change caused Jiang Xiachu to fall into a deep trap before she had time to think. She even forgot to dodge and retreat, and was stunned, at a loss.

"Young Madam, step back."

Zuo Yu protected her behind her, but she couldn't hide from the group of wolf-like reporters, she was trapped in the middle with difficulty, and the flashlight was so bright that she could hardly open her eyes.

One after another, the sharp questions were overwhelming and menacing.

"When you and Ye Zaixi were dating, did you know that Ye Zaixi and Lin Qingyan had been in love for many years, or did you take the love away?"

Noisy, messy, and crowded in the dark, Jiang Xiachu can only grasp the details, but these details are enough for her to be defeated.

Jiang Xiachu's face was pale, she retreated frequently, but it seemed that the world was spinning, and she couldn't find a direction to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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