exclusive marriage

Chapter 121 This Man Will Revenge Any Vengeance

Chapter 121 This Man Will Revenge Any Vengeance (1)
Shaking her head, she muttered, "Guan Xin, what are you thinking!"

After taking a look at Haojue who was driving far away, she switched gears.

Women, always like to be suspicious and suspicious, and when they have a clue, they always like to block things that they don't want to believe.

Women, what a contradictory animal.

In this Shanghai, there seems to be something about to move around, such as the eldest daughter of the Guan family who just came out of Lingjiang, or the youngest daughter of the Guan family who is staying outside the Zuo family's mansion.

Guan Aigao raised his head, his pupils dilated, and his mouth opened wide: "This style!"

I couldn't help feeling sour, it's just the tip of the iceberg that she can't afford this kind of house even if she doesn't eat or drink for a few lifetimes.

Looking at the mansion, Guan Ai understands why so many women dream of marrying into a wealthy family, and even he feels a little itchy in his heart.

"Hey!" Sighed heavily, I don't know whether it's envy or hatred, I walked in carelessly, stood outside the high iron fence for a while, let alone people, I didn't see anyone who was panting, and shouted over : "Come take a breather."

After a long time, two tall and burly men came out, they just gave Guan Ai a glance, and then stood beside the iron gate expressionlessly.

Guan Ai was dumbfounded, the two didn't come to open the door, they came to guard against others.

I was getting angry in my heart, but I still had a very innocent smile on my face: "I'm looking for your mistress. It's true that Jiang Xiachu lives here, so I'll look for her."

Well, the man in this family has a problem with his brain, making him so nervous.

After Guan Ai's good words, the two men who were separated by the iron fence didn't respond at all, their faces were icebergs.

Guan Ai's anger was actually regarded as air.These two damned men!
The little fire in my heart rubbed straight to the top of my head, I grabbed a handful of hair, gritted my teeth, pulled my lips, blinked my big nimble eyes a few times, and smiled: "Brother, I'm really looking for someone."

Well, the men taught by Zuocheng, don't point out that they will be tough, whether they are soft or not is yet to be studied!
As a result... the other party remained motionless, with an iceberg face of ten thousand years.

Facts have proved that the men taught by Zuocheng are neither tough nor soft.

Guan Ai was like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, he suddenly froze: "Okay, I won't go in, I'll call someone in charge to talk."

It's a 'talent' who can make Guan Ai so parched and speechless!

The opposite 'talent' still had the same expression, without moving, not even moving his eyeballs.

Do you know what it means to play the piano against the cow?That was the scene just now.

Guan Ai laughed back angrily, his round eyes rolled around, and he was speechless.

"Okay, okay, okay!" He said three good things in a row, one gritted his teeth more than the other, the delicate Yuan Shan raised his eyebrows, and his expression changed, "What a coffin face, you think you are Zuo Cheng."

This person has no patience, and this tossing is really irritating.What's even more irritating is that the other party still treated her as air, and didn't even glance at her.

You can bear it with an expressionless face, you can grit your teeth and bear it if you don't look straight at others, but it's unbearable to be expressionless when you make progress.Guan Ai's pretty face was red and purple: "Damn! I have to go in today." Looking at the paralyzed man opposite him, raised his eyebrows, snorted coldly, stood on tiptoe, pointed in, opened his throat, With a roar, "Jiang Xiachu!"

At the beginning of Jiangxia, the lion roared in the east of the river, and the lingering sound lingered around the beams.

With a loud roar, the entire Zuo family trembled three times, and within a minute, many panting men of all colors came back and forth, as well as Jiang Xiachu.

Guan Ai was stunned, and only after a while did he connect to the arc of reflex: "This formation!"

Guan Ai looked at Jiang Xiachu and almost shouted the word 'Qijia'.

Well, thanks to a good voice, Guan Ai entered Zuo's house as he wished.

After entering the door, he drank several cups of tea to moisten his throat.

This is a good tea in vain.

Relieved, this guy came back to life, put down the teacup and began to complain: "You are not Chen Ajiao, why is Zuocheng hiding so tightly? Shouting makes my throat smoke, see you Is it easy for me?" There was a chill behind her, she shrank her neck, turned her head, saw Zuo Yu and smiled innocently, "Isn't this the sister from last time? See you again."

When enemies meet, it's just that this nobleman forgets things more.

Zuo Yu gave a cold look, like a knife scratching his face, Guan Ai touched his face reflexively, and smiled dryly: "What a coincidence."

Another cold look, that is called a sharp one.

Guan Ai closed his mouth, automatically blocked some unfriendly eyes, and muttered: "There are not many normal people in the Zuo family."

In a word, dozens of scorching eyes shot at him inside and out.

This guy is not conscious of entering the wolf's den.

Originally, he wanted to vomit about Zuocheng, but he glanced at the people from Zuocheng inside and out, especially the eyes of a certain woman, and swallowed those words wisely.

After Guan Ai's long speech, Jiang Xiachu just said nonchalantly, "Why don't you call?"

Guan Ai swallowed, stunned for a moment: "I forgot." His face was sour.

Jiang Xiachu's calm face twitched faintly, and he didn't make any speeches.

This guy has thought of everything, but he forgot about this, well, Guan Ai's mind is twisted and twisted, and he can't straighten it.

After worrying secretly for a while, his eyeballs began to glance restlessly again. After looking up and down inside and out, he was dumbfounded: "Tsk tsk tsk... how many employees are squeezed out by this company, capitalists are really evil." After a pause, he added, "What's even worse is that there are still so many people who want to enter Zuo's family even if their heads are squeezed." The more you listen to this tone, the more sour it becomes.

This guy probably forgot that he is also a capitalist.

Jiang Xiachu, who hadn't spoken much, replied calmly: "Zuocheng always has that kind of ability."

Guan Ai nodded, expressing agreement: "That's right, a man like Zuo Cheng, women can't resist, men dare not resist." Immediately, he became interested, and looked at Jiang Xiachu with bright eyes, "What about you? You were also harmed by Zuo Cheng Is it?" This guy's gossip nerves are ready to move.

Jiang Xiachu's eyes narrowed slightly, becoming darker.

When it comes to Zuocheng, Jiang Xiachu is always silent.

Guan Ai poked his head and waited for a while, but there was no response.Well, it’s okay if this woman’s heart is tight, her mouth is also tight, she’s as stubborn as a cow, forget it, although I don’t know if Jiang Xiachu was harmed by Zuo Cheng, but what is certain is that Zuo Cheng was harmed by Jiang Xiachu .

Guan Ai stopped at the interesting place, got up, walked around the room, shaking his head, groping left and right, looking at the blue and white porcelain in the corridor, his eyes were shining: "This vase is an antique." Look closely After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't help feeling, "If you have money, don't reveal it, and don't be afraid of being stolen." If she has so much money, she must hide it without anyone noticing it, and tell the whole world that she is a poor person.

(End of this chapter)

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