exclusive marriage

Chapter 130 Only She Can Convict Him

Chapter 130 Only She Can Convict Him (1)
It turned out that it was so easy to say these eight characters, just like Zuo Cheng could make these eight characters so easily.She slowly looked sideways, looking at Zuo Cheng, without speaking, her pupils were cold and quiet.

Her gaze, quietly, plunged into Zuo Cheng's heart, and his heart ached. He closed his eyes and held her cool hand: "Come out with me, okay?" His tone was extremely coaxing. .

So gentle, yet so cruel, how much face does this man have?Jiang Xiachu didn't struggle, but quietly looked at Zuo Cheng and asked, "Is he dead?"

"No." Zuo Cheng replied quietly.

She was looking at him, and he was looking at her, but there seemed to be no reflection of each other in his eyes.

It is still difficult for them to integrate into the same world. They are people from the two-character world, and they are too far apart.

Jiang Xiachu chuckled suddenly, turned around slightly, turned sideways to Zuo Cheng, and pointed at the twitching man on the ground, "Why is there so much blood, it's still bleeding." He lowered his head, the soil under his feet was stained red, stained on the white cotton shoes, She lowered her head and said to herself, "Zuocheng, I almost forgot, this is you. I'm so stupid, I actually asked you to leave a way for others during the day. It's better not to have such a way out." Looking up at the man on the ground , with a desolate tone, "He must be better off than dead."

The man on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Jiang Xiachu, sharp as a sword.

This man couldn't speak, but his eyes said again: Devil, you are all devils.

That's right, she also joined Zuo Cheng's ranks, her eyes were tightly wrinkled, burning painfully.

Suddenly, the darkness covered the eyes, and there was Zuo Cheng's gentle voice next to his ears: "Don't look, be obedient, Xia Chu, don't look at these."

Zuo Cheng's hands were cool, as if they were tainted with the fragrance of the flower shed, there was a faint fragrance covering her eyes, she closed her eyes, the tip of her nose smelled good: "There is no bloody smell on my hands. "Slowly stretched out her hand, and took Zuo Cheng's hand away, she opened her eyes, her pupils were as cold as moonlight, and she said lightly, "This is not scary, Zuo Cheng, the one who is really scary is you."

It was just a voice as flat as water, hitting Zuo Cheng's heart, where it was freezing and snowing.

"Have you convicted me yet?" There was a slight trill in his voice.All the light in the eyes faded away, and there was nothing left, just empty, holding her shoulder, he said, "You don't even ask why."

Jiang Xiachu smiled back: "Why?" He smiled, and sneered, "Zuocheng, that's a human life, not a flower fertilizer."

Human life?Jiang Xiachu wouldn't know that in Zuocheng's world, only Jiang Xiachu's fate was counted, not even his own.

Zuo Cheng sneered, he was laughing at himself.

No longer looking at Zuo Cheng, she opened his hand, squatted down, and stared at the pots of thorn sunflowers in the back corner, "Look, the thorn sunflowers are all dyed red."

Stretching out his hand, he was about to touch the red-stained sunflower. Suddenly, Zuo Cheng grabbed her wrist: "Don't touch it." He moved too quickly, and the back of his hand brushed against the flower stem of the sunflower, drawing a bloodstain. He didn't feel it. Like, carefully examine Jiang Xiachu's hand, "There are thorns."

The thorn still pierced the back of Zuo Cheng's hand, red blood dripped out finely.He didn't feel it. After this man learned to feel distressed, he didn't know other pains.

Jiang Xiachu's eyes fell on the back of Zuocheng's hand, and said lightly and without a trace: "You are bleeding." Turning his eyes, he looked at the flower stem stained with Zuocheng's blood, and said softly, "It seems to like your blood more .”

On the stem of the flower, the blood dried up very quickly. It was Zuo Cheng's blood, which was extraordinarily red, reflecting Jiang Xiachu's eyes red.

She always disliked Zuo Cheng's blood, even her eyes were full of disgust.She has never told Zuo Cheng that she is actually afraid of blood, and she is pretending to be so fearless and stubborn. In short, she does not want to be weak in front of Zuo Cheng.

The flower thorn seemed to be pierced deep, and the blood on the back of his hand was still oozing, but Zuo Cheng held Jiang Xiachu's shoulder tightly, and his voice was hoarse and desolate: "What do you want me to do?"

Jiang Xiachu sneered, pushed Zuo Cheng's hand away, and slowly got up: "There is nothing to do. Remember to clean it up, the smell is disgusting."

After finishing speaking, she turned around directly, her white skirt was swaying, her shoulders were stained with Zuo Cheng's blood, she walked away, and couldn't see clearly.

"Ouch—" stepping out of the flower shed door, she couldn't bear it anymore, every cell in her stomach was making noise, it seemed that even her heart was going to spit out together, it was menacing.

Wiping the soreness on her lips, she smiled, stood up, and murmured softly, "I'm so stupid to be worried that there are bullets in the gun." Clutching her heart, that place was brought up fiercely just now, and then fiercely fell.

The moonlight was still strong outside, she raised her head, looked at the light yellow halo, her steps slowed down, and her figure was far away.

Jiang Xiachu left like this, what about Zuocheng?Sitting down on the ground, his eyes were desolate and lifeless.

Jiang Xiachu didn't say anything, but sentenced him to death, and didn't even give him a chance to defend himself. He didn't even have time to tell her that it was because of her that he let that person go and spared that person...

"Master." Uncle Jin looked worried, looking at the woman walking away from the door.

Zuo Cheng didn't say a word, stood up slowly, and walked in the same direction, his back, bleak and heartbreaking.

Uncle Jin followed, hesitated to speak: "Master, he—"

His steps paused slightly, and Zuo Cheng's eyes conspired: "He's going to die soon, so she won't see it." Stretching out his hand, raising it high, under the moonlight, he murmured, "So my hands, It’s not suitable for people to live.”

With a miserable smile on his lips, still beautiful, he walked out of the flower shed.

Behind him, the men in the room all frowned.

"Let's settle it." Uncle Jin ordered, and followed him out.

This night, the bloody curtain has come to an end, with such a sour ending.

It's just the night of October [-]th, it's not over yet...

In the second half of the night, the temperature suddenly became cold, and the lights of Zuo's house were on all night.Jiang Xiachu was wrapped in a quilt and nestled on the bed. Outside the door, Zuo Cheng stood for two hours. After raising and lowering his hand many times, he still pushed the door open.

He stood at the door, before he got close, Jiang Xiachu's flat voice came from the room: "Is that person dead?"

After a moment of silence, he replied: "Well, I gave it a good time."

Zuo Cheng started slowly, his body was covered with a layer of silvery white light, cold and dazzled, he approached, she turned her back to him, wrapped in a quilt, seemed to be trembling slightly.

He leaned against the bed, covering the light behind Jiang Xiachu, she didn't turn around, her voice was slightly choked with coldness, "Tonight, just tonight, don't come in, the smell of dead people is disgusting."

This woman is really powerful. In a word, she almost destroyed all the peace of this mythical man.

He pursed his lips tightly, but his heart was speechless, with a wretched smile on his lips, he stretched out his hand, and patted her shoulder lightly, with gentle words, difficult: "Go to sleep, you will forget about it after you sleep." He Brushing her hair gently.

(End of this chapter)

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