exclusive marriage

Chapter 153 What happened in the hospital

Chapter 153 What happened in the hospital (3)
Therefore, the delicate young lady of the Zuo family has been a personal caregiver for more than ten days. There is only one reason, the delicate and expensive young master of the Zuo family does not like outsiders to approach.

No, Zuo Cheng is in a great mood, lazily leaning on the pillow, curling the corners of his lips, half-closed his smiling eyes, staring at the woman reading on the sofa opposite, in the loose blue and white plaid hospital gown, screaming loudly He exudes a sense of nobility.

I really applied the saying: Clothes need to be worn by people, and gold needs Buddha clothes.

Jiang Xiachu is holding a copy of "World Trade" and she is fascinated by it. Her temperament is so quiet that she can read it from beginning to end even if she is given a Xinhua dictionary. Therefore, the book in her hand is boring. The book is better than Zuo Cheng's handsome face, from the beginning to the end, he never raised his head to look at the man.

No, Zuo Cheng felt uncomfortable, rubbed the center of his brows, and said lazily: "Xia Chu."

"Yeah." It seemed that the reaction was a little bit slow, and after a long time, Jiang Xiachu raised his head.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like perfunctory!
President Zuo's handsome face was slightly gloomy, and he stretched out his fair fingers and pointed to the coffee table.

Jiang Xiachu frowned, put down the book, got up and poured a glass of water, walked over, put it directly on the bedside table, without looking at Zuo Cheng, sat back, picked up the book just now, and continued to focus.

Zuo Chengjun's face sank, he picked up the cup, put it to the corner of his lips, and didn't take a sip for a while, looking at the woman who didn't raise her head, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Well, such a handsome face is nothing compared to a book to Jiang Xiachu.

It's really a headache for a man to be awkward, to be jealous with a book.

"At the beginning of Xia." Unclear, he called again coldly.

"Yes." Jiang Xiachu agreed without looking up.

The tone of voice raised slightly: "Chu Xia."

A handsome face was unbelievably dull, with sharp eyes, staring at Jiang Xiachu's hand.

"Huh?" Jiang Xia raised his eyes at the beginning, just in time to see the light in Zuo Cheng's eyes, "Do you want to see it?"

"Yeah." Zuo Cheng replied without changing his expression or beating his heart.

"Okay." Jiang Xiachu folded a corner on the seventh page of No.90, got up and handed it to Zuo Cheng, very obediently.

Jiang Xiachu has been acting like a cat lately!
The corners of Zuo Cheng's lips curled slightly, and most of the gloom between his brows faded away. He took the book calmly and flipped through it casually, with his fingers brushing the corner of the book page by page, until he reached the seventh page of No.90 without any trace. , flipping up the corner of the folded book without a trace, and smiling wantonly without a trace.

Eh!Who would have known that this deserted and indifferent Zuo Cheng would do such a naive thing.

Zuo Cheng was in a good mood and never stopped smiling. He looked at Jiang Xiachu for a long time, and occasionally at "World Trade".It's really a drunkard who doesn't want to drink, but it's too obvious.

Ten minutes passed, Jiang Xiachu was bored, went to the coffee table, rummaged through it, picked up a copy of "Economic Crisis", sat back, turned to the first page, and looked serious.

Zuo Cheng's smile instantly froze on his face, sank, and the arcs of the corners of his mouth were all drawn into a straight line.The black pupils were sternly cold, locked on Jiang Xiachu straight, without making a sound, the third page of "World Trade" in his hand was crumpled.

The air suddenly cooled down, and after a while, Jiang Xiachu raised his head belatedly, looked at Zuocheng, and then at the infusion bottle: "It's time to change the medicine." Put down the book, got up, and walked out the door.

Zuo Cheng's handsome face darkened even more, and after a while, he said coldly, "Who found this book?"

This man didn't bring such a thing to Chi Yu.

Outside the door, Uncle Jin looked embarrassed: "Master, it's me."

Uncle Jin didn't know why, anyway, the look in his young master's eyes was creepy, so he couldn't help being a little more cautious.

"Who asked you to put these books in the ward."

The tone is not only cold, but also murderous, but, what is the singing, Uncle Jin is in a mess, and he bites the bullet and replied: "The young master said yesterday that he will watch it."

After finishing the sentence, Zuo Cheng's face turned ashen.

Uncle Jin was about to cry: My young master, if you don't bring such uncertainties, even if you are going to die, you have to make it clear.

Well, Uncle Jin, who has been following Zuo Cheng for several years, can't react for a while, so he can only explain Zuo Cheng's heart, the sea needle!

"Is there any question?" Uncle Jin asked boldly, then bowed his head.

"Throw them all out for me."

Zuo Cheng said coldly.

Isn't it just a few books?As for making it seem like there is some deep hatred?

Uncle Jin packed up those books and left the ward in a daze.

Zuo Cheng's face looked better now, like a normal person, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

This man is so fickle!
Five minutes later, Jiang Xiachu returned to the ward, sat back on the sofa, frowned and looked around, then looked up at Zuo Cheng: "Where are the books?"

"Uncle Jin wants to see."

The face of Zuocheng does not change color, and it is always concise and to the point, typical Zuo's style.

Outside the door, the corners of Uncle Jin's mouth twitched, and he finally knew where the song was coming from.

Jiang Xiachu didn't think much about it, pursed her lips, moved a chair and sat by the bed, then said nothing, being a complete 'accompany'.

Zuo Cheng, the smile on his lips grew stronger.

This man!Hey, childish, there is no limit.

In the hospital, the wind is sunny here, and the water is dire and hot there.

Knock, knock, the nurse opened a small slit and poked her head to remind in a low voice, "Doctor Zuo, someone has registered."

After finishing speaking, lower your head, close your eyes, and prepare to be bombed.

No one in the hospital knew that this talented surgical doctor was transferred to the gynecology department for unknown reasons within three days after he was stationed in the hospital.Since then, the Department of Gynecology has never had a peaceful life, and every day is restless.

Sure enough, the man inside had a livid baby face, and he slammed his head and face when he opened his mouth: "Damn, how many times do I have to say, I am a surgeon."

Yes, yes, yes, the surgeon, the former surgeon who was demoted to the gynecology department.The nurse slandered in her heart, but she still replied conscientiously: "It doesn't matter, medicine is not divided into families. If you see a few more female patients, you will be able to handle internal medicine."

The faces of the left and right turned black, absolutely comparable to the bottom of the pot, and the voice squeezed out from the throat: "Female patient?" The decibels were extremely high, "Push it for me, saying that I will quit."

People from the Zuo family are all tempered, not young.

The little nurse blushed from the yelling, stared several times before closing the door and going out.

Half lying on the swivel chair, turning around, snorted coldly: "I can't afford to mess with women." After a pause, he said to himself, "I'll hide from the head office, anyway, I'm not a doctor in this hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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