exclusive marriage

Chapter 157 Zuo’s Wolf Prevention Method

Chapter 157 Zuo’s Wolf Prevention Method (2)
what to do?The answer is, unconditional surrender, no lower limit of connivance.

What can I do?He took her hand and walked to the dressing room.

The dressing room is very large, with a lot of clothes, all of which still have the factory logo, so there is no need to speculate, it is obvious that Jiang Xiachu came in for the first time.

The smile on Jiang Xiachu's lips remained undiminished as she watched the man focus on picking out his clothes.This man already had a pair of very good-looking hands. Shutting through those gorgeous and dazzling dresses did not affect the beauty at all, and even added a bit of sex appeal.Jiang Xiachu couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"I'll be there as a sponsor, promise me not to leave my sight."

The man suddenly turned his eyes to look at her, and she narrowed her eyes slightly, took a black dress to cover up her embarrassment, and replied, "I will try my best."

The man took her words away, and said domineeringly: "It's not as much as possible, it's certain. Where there are many people, unexpected things are most likely to happen. What I want is to be foolproof."

Jiang Xiachu was stunned, his heart was pulled slightly, he jumped wildly, and nodded indiscriminately: "Yeah."

Before the man finished, he simply stopped his hands: "Also, don't let other men touch you, not even by accident."

His eyes were condensed, like that gorgeous colored glaze, extremely beautiful.

Seriously, this man has such eyes, and can say such petty words in such a domineering manner, probably only Zuo Cheng can do it.

I have to reiterate, Zuocheng has a strong desire for monopoly.

Jiang Xiachu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said lightly, "Except for Ye Zaixi, I don't have anyone I know well in the circle."

The indifferent tone sounded like perfunctory even if it wasn't perfunctory, quoting Guan Ai's words: Jiang Xiachu is fine with everything, there's nothing wrong with it, she's just calm, not pretending to be calm, but really calm.

With such a top-quality man, Jiang Xiachu was the only one who remained unmoved when he said such top-quality ambiguous words.

This woman is either too good at pretending or too bad at pretending!

And what a naive child, he ignored Ye Zaixi's 'most ferocious' wolf.

Of course, Zuo Cheng would rather kill by mistake than let it go. Ye Zaixi has always been a thorn in Zuo Cheng's heart, and he wished he could get it out immediately. He said in a low voice, "Ye Zaixi is also a man."

Jiang Xia was stunned at the beginning, then smiled, the dimples around his mouth gradually deepened, it was so beautiful, he rolled Zuo Cheng's eyes, and joked lightly: "Then you should hide me."

In the past, women who were always cynic and tit-for-tat would laugh and joke, but the man seemed to be never satisfied, without any jokes, and said very seriously: "If I can, I will."

It's better to hide it, so that no one can covet her, she belongs to him alone.

This man actually had such childish thoughts in his heart.

Jiang Xiachu looked at Zuo Cheng carefully, rarely staring at him so intently, as if he wanted to pierce all the emotions in his eyes, Zuo Cheng restrained unnaturally, hesitating to dodge.

This awkward man, in another word, is called Mensao!
Jiang Xiachu just smiled, didn't speak, picked out clothes quietly, after a while, just about to take out a black dress, he asked the man to hold it: "This one, white suits you best."

Five years ago, Jiang Xiachu stopped wearing white, now?Zuo Cheng wanted to know.

Jiang Xiachu just glanced at it: "But I like black."

Zuo Cheng's eyes darkened, his loneliness was overwhelming and menacing.

Suddenly, her hands were empty, and the woman who said she liked black just a second ago took the white dress from Zuo Cheng's hand, and went straight into the changing room without saying anything.

The clouds in the man's eyes broke through the sunrise, and the smile on his lips blurred, exaggerating wantonly, the beauty is really seductive.

This man is really a monster!So beautiful!
That woman is really an outlier!Hard talk!
Does this count as abandoning weapons and surrendering, cede the city and give up the land?
She took a step back, and then took another step, losing her position bit by bit, without making a sound.

Not long after, the door of the changing room opened, and a woman came out with a long skirt.

Zuo Cheng could no longer look away.

The pure white dress is unassumingly gorgeous, and the off-the-shoulder design just shows Jiang Xiachu's looming collarbone. The pleated and fluffy chiffon complements her skin better than snow, and only a long silk is used to hold it at the waist , around the chest, a bow was pinned on the left shoulder, and the white skirt was like a lotus leaf, dragging the floor.

I have to say that Zuo Cheng has a good eye. I don't know if it's the clothes that line Jiang Xiachu or Jiang Xiachu's clothes. In short, there is only one word: beauty.

It is still the kind of beauty that is not tainted with fireworks, which fits Jiang Xiachu's temperament: elegant and quiet, simple and gorgeous.

Zuo Cheng had always known that his woman was beautiful, but he didn't know that she was so soul-stirringly beautiful, and Xi Shi was in the eye of the beholder, just like that, Zuo Cheng was infatuated with gorgeousness.

"Does it fit?"

With Jiang Xiachu's suspicious eyes and Qing Lingling's voice, Zuo Cheng's three souls and five souls returned to his state. He looked at the eyes, looked at them a few times, and replied very seriously: "Change one."

She is obviously very beautiful, what is this man thinking?

Hey, the key is that she is so beautiful, don't forget this man's possessiveness.

Jiang Xiachu was confused: "I feel very good."

In fact, Jiang Xiachu would think any one would be good. She has never pursued aesthetics or clothing.

"Too exposed."

Zuo Cheng threw the word "buzz and go" in the past, and it is a matter of course that he is unrestrained, domineering and dictatorial.

Jiang Xiachu was stunned. From her usual low-key and conservative perspective, she was fine.

Well, it's not about the clothes, it's about someone.

"It's too late." Jiang Xiachu didn't intend to replace him, she couldn't figure out what the man was thinking.

"Let them wait." Zuo Cheng said succinctly, that tone, that was called arrogance.After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and began to pick out clothes.

This time, obviously, men's standards have changed, successfully avoiding all normal standards, and finally, handing Jiang Xiachu a white long dress with a plush shawl, the style is classic, or: conservative.

Jiang Xiachu didn't pick it up: "It's an awards ceremony, not a private party, so it's hard to wait."

not good?In Zuocheng's dictionary, if he said yes, no one needs to say no, anyway, he dismissed it!
Zuocheng, under the consistent dictatorship, who dares to say anything, this man just has the ability.

The man still had his usual tepid tone: "I haven't arrived, no one dares to start."

It is also true that Zuocheng, as the biggest sponsor, has spent a lot of money. He is undoubtedly the parents of food and clothing, and it is not an exaggeration to buy it as a bodhisattva.

what can i sayAre you saying that capitalists are arrogant?Forget it, the word arrogance is not suitable for Zuo Cheng.

Jiang Xiachu could only be speechless, but did not take the clothes.

This woman is also stubborn, thanks to Jiang Xiachu, if it were someone else - that was not possible, Zuo Cheng would not give her a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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