exclusive marriage

Chapter 166 The 1st Ring 1st Ring Gambling is Fate

Chapter 166 One ring after one ring is a bet for fate (1)
Since it was kidnapping and there was no negotiation, it must have been planned to tear up the ticket, but the target of the ticket is not necessarily the young wife of the Zuo family, but the master of the Zuo family.

In this regard, Zuo Jin only dares to plan for the worst, and then make all preparations.

It's just that Zuo Cheng's face was extremely cold, and his attitude was decisive: "If that's the case, how can I let her take risks."

After finishing speaking, he walked out, Uncle Jin didn't even think about it, he didn't care about the consequences of inferiority, and stood in front of Zuocheng: "Master, think twice."

To put it a bit selfishly, the Zuo family can live without the young lady, but if the Zuo family loses Zuocheng, then the Zuo family will really be ruined.Therefore, if that time really comes, not only Uncle Jin, but everyone in the Zuo family will abandon the car to save the handsome man.

"Break that plan."

In a word, it landed with a sound, viciously, resolutely, with a strong sense of killing.

Those thoughts of abandoning the car to protect the handsome man were blocked by Uncle Jin before he opened his mouth. After pondering for a long time, his attitude was firm: "No." Zuocheng is the sky of the Zuo family and the lifeblood of the Zuo family. The left family must be kept safe.

There was a moment of silence, and after a long time, Zuo Cheng only said a word, and Uncle Jin retreated helplessly.

He said, "Uncle Jin, you should know that it is my life."

There is no need to doubt, if Jiang Xia Chu can't come back, then Zuo Cheng won't come back either.

What else can I say, Zuo Cheng's life has been given to Jiang Xiachu, and the Zuo family's life is in the hands of that woman.Uncle Jin could only bow his head and accept the order: "Master, be careful."

The members of the Zuo family stayed behind. When Zuo Cheng drove away, he only left one sentence: "If she comes back today, but I don't, she will be the master of the Zuo family."

This man made the worst plan, but helped Jiang Xiachu arrange all the escape routes.

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded, but no one dared to say anything, because they knew that earth-shaking changes were taking place in the Zuo family's world, but no one acted rashly.

When Zuocheng arrived at the Pujiang Wharf, it was already daylight, and it didn't know when it started to rain. The pattering autumn rain was not fierce, but it was bitingly cold.In such weather, there was no one on the pier, only a dilapidated boat moored on the shore.

Qiu Yu hit his face, Zuo Cheng's eyes were covered with a layer of cold air, and he got on the boat directly and quickly.A person like him, no matter what kind of environment he is in, is used to scouting the terrain and taking precautions, but he forgot to do anything, and his heart is full of her woman.

At the bow, Chen Jin raised his hand and looked at his watch: "It came so fast."

Suddenly, the woman at the bow raised her head and saw the man approaching slowly.

Fortunately, he is here.

Fortunately, she is fine.

There are some things that don't need to be said, Zuo Cheng is at the bow of the boat, Jiang Xiachu is at the bow of the boat, their eyes only meet each other for a moment, and then they understand.

"Left City."

Guan Yu's voice was hasty, tired, full of surprise and fear.

"Are you injured?" Zuo Cheng asked, as if suppressing something, with a heavy dry hoarse voice.

After one sentence was asked, no one answered.

Because there are two women tied to the bow, Guan Yu is on the left and Jiang Xiachu is on the right.He didn't look at anyone, and none of them answered his question.

Guan Yu glanced at Jiang Xiachu, she was extremely indifferent, she seemed to stay out of the matter, she was not surprised by this situation, if she didn't really care, it was because of this man who came.

It seemed that everything was being kept quiet, separated by a layer of fog, unable to see clearly, but Guan Yu knew that the answer would be clear soon.

Zuo Cheng approached slowly, his face was extremely cold and calm, Zuo Cheng always remained calm, raised his eyes, and landed on the bow of the boat.

In an unattainable moment, the man behind Chen Jin nodded slightly, facing Zuo Cheng.

There are rumors that the hands of the Zuo family are all over the world...

"Say it, your request." The moment he opened his mouth, there was an absolute aura, and Zuo Cheng always had an innate aura of a king.

The man on the opposite side held a gun in his hand and laughed arrogantly: "I want your life, will you give it?"

Rabbits will bite when cornered, not to mention, Chen Jin is a rabbit with sharp teeth, and he doesn't care about the consequences when cornered. This posture is probably prepared for death.

"My life, you can't afford it." Zuo Cheng replied in this way, domineering and determined.

Jiang Xiachu's eyes tightened and lowered, her heart was tightened severely.He once said that his life can only be hers, and no one else can afford it.

Chen Jin laughed even more wildly: "No one wanted your life, what about them? Their lives are not as valuable as your Zuo Cheng's. I just need to move my fingers a little, and I might die."

Suddenly there was a click, the bullet was loaded, and Chen Jin played with the gun in his hand.

Zuo Cheng's eyes turned cold: "If you dare, I will let you die first, believe it or not?" Zuo Cheng's voice was cold and self-made, like a taut string that would snap when it was pulled.He didn't even dare to look at her more, even if his heart was hanging up and down, tense and painful, he couldn't lose his position and mess up his hands and feet.

Therefore, no one could see that Zuo Cheng's calmness was all feigned, and the palms hanging by his sides were covered in cold sweat.

Chen Jin snorted coldly: "Don't scare me. It's a shameful life." He suddenly became mad, his face became ferocious, and he yelled, "I went bankrupt, and my wife and children were forced to break up. You didn't want me to suffer for the rest of my life." Prison food? Since you won't give me a way out, then no one should think about it, it's going to be a dead end."

"The fish is dead and the net is broken?" Zuo Cheng's lips were cold, "Do you think you are qualified?"

qualifications?Every fool knows that the man in Zuocheng was born to rule.

When people have nowhere to go, they usually have only two plans, one is to commit suicide or the other is to die.Chen Jin chose the latter option. If the opponent is an ordinary person, it is courage, but if the opponent is Zuo Cheng, it is stupid.

Holding the gun, he thought that he would win. After laughing, he held up the gun and pointed back and forth between the two women: "It doesn't matter if I die, these two women, do you feel sorry for them?"

Zuo Cheng's eyes were suddenly concentrating: "Put down the gun in your hand, I will give you the last way of life." Every word, almost hissed out from his throat.

Chen Jin sneered: "Do you think I will believe you? It is said that those who plot against you in Zuocheng will end badly, and I have no plan to go back alive today." His face was almost twitching, "Your woman must also be buried with her." .”

The pistol paused and pointed at Jiang Xiachu.

She stagnated for breath, but she didn't look at Zuo Cheng, only heard Zuo Cheng's voice tremble slightly, almost shouting: "How dare you!"

With his life hanging by a thread, Jiang Xiachu didn't dare to panic, but Zuo Cheng couldn't calm down any longer, and stepped closer.

Chen Jin's eyes turned red, he raised the muzzle of the gun, and pointed it at Jiang Xiachu's heart: "Don't come here, or I'll kill them. No matter how good your skills are, you can't beat the gun in my hand,"

He stopped, and he didn't dare to take another step, because he couldn't take the risk: "What do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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