exclusive marriage

Chapter 168 The Heart is Close

Chapter 168 The Heart is Close (1)
After finishing speaking, he turned around, with his heart facing the muzzle of the gun, and approached step by step.

"Hahaha——" Chen Jin suddenly laughed wildly, and the voice from the barrel of the gun reached Zuo Cheng's ears, but he didn't dodge, only roared and echoed, "Die, die!"

With a snap of his finger, there was a click, and there was no gunshot.

"It's actually empty." Chen Jin's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were gray.

Zuo Cheng dodged the gun with a backhand, and casually played with it in his hand. The palm was red and enchanting, and the blood stained the black gun: "I started playing with this thing when I was three years old. The sound is enough." The corner of his lips hooked, His voice was cold and his movements were so fast that he could barely see his movements. He pointed a fine miniature gun in his left hand at Chen Jin, "Even if there are bullets, you think you will be faster than me."

He was speechless, fell heavily to the ground, and murmured in despair: "So you dodged the first shot, and you didn't even dodge the second shot."

"I said, you can't move my woman."

A word fell, the gun rang, and the person fell to the ground, with a little redness between his brows and blood gurgling.

One shot kills—

"Ah——" No matter how bold he is, Guan Yu will find it difficult to calm down with such bloodshed.

Jiang Xiachu's face was also pale, the man was still lying in a pool of blood, the blood flowed all over his face, and he couldn't even see his face clearly, but before it was over, Zuo Cheng retracted his gun and changed direction, his eyes were still frozen Murderous: "So, I will never let go, any one."


The man behind Jiang Xiachu knelt on the ground without any struggle because he was dying.

"Sir." The voice was hoarse, and the rain dripped down the man's face, which turned cold and dead.

This man is actually from Zuocheng, Zuocheng's back move, no wonder, no wonder, that shot...

"How many bullets did Zhang Aotian give you?" Zuo Cheng just asked lightly, playing with the gun in his hand, but he didn't leave his ultimate move with every inch of his movement.

The man bowed his head, without trembling or fear, as if he had known it long ago calmly: "Three. I only put one in, and the remaining two are to repay the kindness of Mr.'s cultivation over the years."

For Zhang Aotian's three bullets, what he wants is three lives, it's really a good way to borrow a knife to kill someone.

"This bullet hurt my woman."

Playing with the fingertips, the muzzle of the gun was about to go off, the blood in his palm became more and more red, and the seductive lines faded away.

The man was silent, raised his head, and made a plan to die.

Because of that bullet, Zuo Cheng made a miscalculation and almost hurt the woman—his life, so capital punishment was inevitable.

Zuo Cheng approached, squinting at the man: "When I sent you to Zhang Aotian's side, I told you what would happen if you betrayed me."

In the left house, the traitor dies.This is the usual rule of Zuocheng, and there is no exception.

The man straightened his back, he is from the Zuo family, he is not afraid or surprised: "Zhang Aotian has long known that I am from the Zuo family, my family is in his hands, I have no choice." Shang Zuocheng's muzzle, "Sir, kill me."

Zuo Cheng's white and slender fingers moved slightly, a little red blood stained the barrel of the gun, his eyes were very cold, very cold.

The murderous aura, the murderous aura all over the sky, was wanton in the cold autumn rain.

The two women turned their eyes away, this kind of blood is too terrifying.

For a moment... For a moment, there was just silence, Zuo Cheng looked at his white hands, slowly, then slowly turned his eyes to Jiang Xiachu.

She said: I don't like it when you kill—

Slowly, he retracted his gun: "I won't kill you, from now on, you are not from my Zuo family, go back and tell Zhang Aotian, don't test, don't speculate, this woman is a woman from my Zuocheng, if he dares to move One point, I will let him die without a place to bury him."

"Sir—" The man knelt on the ground motionless, hesitating and surprised.

None of the traitors from the Zuo family have survived so far.

"I don't promise that I won't regret it." The voice was extremely cold, "Get lost!"

"Mr. Xie's grace of not killing, Zuo Qing will return his life after the family is rescued." The man knelt on the ground and kowtowed, got up, and walked in the rain, standing upright.

The members of the Zuo family will never live by ignoble things, this promise is definitely not a joke.

"You are dead, your family is protected by the Zuo family."

Zuo Cheng only said this, and as he drove away in the rain, the man who walked away bent his back and trembled violently.

This is Zuo Cheng, his rule is ruthless but convincing.

For such a man, it was hard for Jiang Xiachu to move his eyes away, step by step, he walked in the rain, his eyes seemed to soften the rain, approached, stretched out his hand, and hugged her: "It's okay."

"Zuocheng, I was very scared just now, afraid that there would be bullets in the gun." Jiang Xiachu closed his eyes and whispered softly, his voice trembling slightly.

She was afraid, it wasn't the first shot, it was the second shot, the one that pointed at Zuocheng's heart, she was so scared.

There was still some blood in his palm, and he gently brushed her shoulder: "I'm sorry."

This is the second time he said sorry to her today. This man rarely even said these three words in his life, and he still had a trembling sound.

Because I made a wrong bet, because I miscalculated, because I chose her, because she was injured... So, I'm sorry.

Jiang Xiachu pursed her lips, curling them up like a smile.

The rain is dense and lingering.

"I see."

The sudden four words broke the lingering relationship.The woman who fell to the ground was in a panic, her pupils were startled, and gradually became desolate and dim.

She finally understood, Zuo Cheng's trump card, Zuo Cheng's back move, Zuo Cheng's cruel heart, Zuo Cheng's sincerity... The price is to tear her heart apart and hurt her heart.

"No wonder, no wonder, no wonder..."

The broken murmur, over and over again, became more and more miserable.

She smiled, seemed to cry at the same time, and murmured sedately: "No wonder you chose Jiang Xiachu for the first shot. So, you thought that there were no bullets from the beginning." She raised her eyes, unable to tell whether it was rain or tears, Focusing on Zuo Cheng's gaze, "If you know there are bullets, I'm afraid I'll be the one to die."

Guan Yu laughed, absurdly, and burst into tears.

In front of her eyes, the man turned around, put away all her tenderness, approached little by little, knelt down, and untied her rope: "I returned that shot to you, our game is over."

It's clear that their eyes meet, but there is no shadow of her in his eyes. This man has never seen other women.

She didn't calm down anymore, and almost screamed: "If I took that shot, would you feel a little bit of pity? Wouldn't you say it's over so frankly? Wouldn't you feel a little guilty and soft-hearted? ? Are you willing to continue to hide from me and lie to me?"

He didn't answer, but got up and walked towards Jiang Xiachu.

"Isn't it? You answer me." She sat on the ground and yelled, the purple dress faded, just like herself.

(End of this chapter)

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