exclusive marriage

Chapter 186 Please enter the urn and close the door to beat the dog

Chapter 186 Please enter the urn and close the door to beat the dog (2)
"How many shares does he have?"

"30.00% two."

"Enough." He drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, put down the glass, stood up, approached the window, and could see the dim light outside the window. In the name of competing for investors."

Uncle Jin was startled: "Zuo's investing in summer?" This was undoubtedly a thunderbolt, which overturned all of Uncle Jin's normal thinking, and he didn't even care about his usual calmness.

Almost everyone in the business world knows about American Summer, which is almost a mythical existence.Summer turned out to be listed five years ago, and it only took three years to monopolize the two leading industries of real estate and service industries in the United States, becoming an unsurpassable myth in financial history.However, Summer has always kept a low profile, and has no way of knowing the person behind Summer. It is only known that Summer is a real family business, and even the American International Financial Union does not hold a share.

Summer is undoubtedly a piece of cake in the financial world, and everyone wants to get a piece of it.

It's just... Uncle Jin raised his head to look at his young master: Hey, the young master is too exclusive, and the summer is registered under the name of the young lady, who dares to take a share?

Zuo Cheng didn't say anything, the light and shadow in his eyes were difficult to express, and he was born with an aura that made people surrender.Uncle Jin was startled, and blurted out: "Isn't this money in the left pocket put in the right pocket? That's completely useless."

This is not empty talk, Jin Shu's words are well-founded.Zuo belonged to the young master, summer belonged to the young lady, the young master belonged to the young lady, and the young lady’s belonged to the young lady, so in the end, wasn’t the money in the left pocket rolled over in the right pocket?

Zuo Cheng suddenly turned around, and Uncle Jin subconsciously shut his mouth tightly, even his thoughts paused.

"Zhang Aotian will never let go of this opportunity. In order to gain a foothold in the Zuo family, he will definitely invest all his money. If he does this, once Summer withdraws his capital, he will lose everything."

Uncle Jin suddenly realized that he had a trick to ask Jun to close the door and beat the dog.Uncle Jin couldn't help but want to laugh, and suddenly, the smile froze on his lips, Uncle Jin suddenly raised his head, and suddenly remembered: "The Zuo family will also lose everything, the young master is going to—" After a pause, Uncle Jin can't Convinced, suspicious, "Abandoned Zuo?"

Zhang Aotian will come out in full force, but it is in the name of the Zuo family. If Summer withdraws the capital, the Zuo family will definitely suffer a big loss. This is not putting the money in the left pocket into the right pocket, it is obviously a waste of money!Uncle Jin analyzed Touliang in his heart.

Zuo Cheng's face was still tepid, and his eyes were still unfathomable: "It's not a bad idea to merge Zuo's family into Summer."

Uncle Jin was surprised again, the young master is going to make Summer public.

"Summer is the young master's last hole card." Although this hole card was originally created for the young lady, it can't be defeated like this!

With this last sentence, Uncle Jin wisely chose to keep silent.

"It's from Xia Chu, it just so happens that I took this opportunity to give it to her aboveboard." Speaking of Jiang Xia Chu, Zuo Cheng's Shen Ning's eyes softened slightly.

If the outside world knows that the owner of the mythical business kingdom is just an unarmed woman, it may cause another financial crisis in the United States.

But the facts hit people like this, the invaluable legal person of the business kingdom is Jiang Xiachu, the facts in black and white.

Uncle Jin had a lot of scruples in his heart, so he couldn't help persuading him: "Master—"

Zuo Cheng coldly dismissed Uncle Jin's worries: "Needless to say, I will see the result by the end of this month."

"I will let the United States do it as soon as possible." Uncle Jin sighed secretly and exited the study.

Eh.What else can I say, people are willing to throw money, and some money is used to throw it.

This matter is so settled, Uncle Jin can't help but calculate in his heart the loss of asking Jun Ruineng to close the door and beat the dog. Those astronomical figures alone are enough for Uncle Jin to have a headache, shaking his head and sighing for a long time.

"Uncle Jin."

A familiar voice disturbed Uncle Jin's thoughts, and he raised his head: "Chuying is here." The woman in front of him turned pale, and Uncle Jin's gaze fell on her bandaged arm, "How's the injury?"

Cheng Chuying smiled meaninglessly: "It's nothing serious. What's the matter? A look of regret."

"Hey." Uncle Jin sighed and did not continue. Although Chuying is not an outsider, the young master has never seen her as his own family, and waved his hand, "It's okay, you go in, the young master is waiting."

Cheng Chuying responded and pushed the door open to enter the study. The gray weather seemed to be raining. At this point, the lights in the study had not been turned on, and only some chaotic shadows could be vaguely seen, except for the person in front of the window with a pair of eyes. The eyes are especially bright.

She was like this many times, she could always find this man's eyes with one glance, and then she couldn't miss him.

She stepped forward and shouted, "Zuocheng."

Cheng Chuying likes to call his name like this, Zuocheng, Zuocheng... She was only 11 years old at that time, and he was seventeen, and since then, she has liked these two words.

Zuo Cheng didn't move, he leaned on the chair, behind him was the dark autumn night, he could vaguely see the edges and corners of his side face, a bit cold, but very beautiful, he said lightly: "What's wrong with your hand?"

The corners of Cheng Chuying's pale lips raised slightly, and there was a tinge of crimson in the paleness: "If it's my life, I won't be able to hold the gun for a month at most."

Zuo Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, he couldn't see the joy and anger in his eyes, he played with the empty wine glass in his hand, but he didn't see it as the first shadow: "With your mind and methods, I thought you wouldn't get hurt."

The corners of Cheng Chuying's lips froze for a moment, and after a while, he pulled out a very shallow and very faint smile: "When even you make mistakes, let alone me."

Zuo Cheng didn't speak, so he fell silent.

For so many years, he has always been like this, gloomy and uncertain, without any rules at all, always neither happy nor angry, even when killing people, he is expressionless, and no one can predict his thoughts.

After a while, the man paused with his fingertips playing with the wine glass, and raised his head, his beautiful face was slightly cold: "How long have you been in Zuo's house?"

There was no trace of joy or anger in the tone, but one thing was certain, the taciturn Zuo Cheng never chatted with others, even if he said a word in a calm and leisurely manner, it might be a merciless lore, but by accident, his No one can speculate half a point when it looks like it.

Cheng Chuying couldn't help being a little more careful, and replied, "It's been 12 years."

Zuo Cheng seemed to think about it, and opened his lips: "12 years is long enough."

Cheng Chuying's face turned pale, and in a few moments, Zuo Cheng's words resurfaced in her thoughts, but she had no clue at all.

(End of this chapter)

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