exclusive marriage

Chapter 190: Hysteria in That Year

Chapter 190: Hysteria in That Year (1)
The driver uncle thought for a while, what did he reply at that time?Oh, he pointed to his daughter's head and said: That is also a murderous monster, if you encounter it, you have to take a detour.

When the driver uncle thought of this, he was taken aback, and he put into gear on a conditioned reflex, and it was important to run away.

"Early summer."

There was a cold and hurried voice, trembling slightly, the driver uncle paused, raised his head, and the man with a beautiful face was already in front of him.

This is Zuocheng?Rumored to be a big devil who kills without blinking an eye?

The man let go of the black umbrella in his hand, leaned over and kissed the sleeping woman in the back seat of the car, and held her in his arms with gentle movements.

"Chu Xia, it's okay, let's go home."

The taxi driver was dumbfounded, and stared blankly at the handsome man walking away with the child in his arms.

"Who entrusted you?"

A sentence that seemed to be an interrogation interrupted the uncle driver's thoughts. Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, he immediately cheered up: "It's a man."

"What kind of man?"

The uncle driver didn't dare to answer hastily, he thought for a while before answering: "It's dark, I can't see clearly, the man gave me a wad of money, and only said that I should send him here."

"You know, this is the Zuo family." The middle-aged man outside the car paused.

The taxi driver immediately understood and nodded quickly: "I understand."

Is it wealthy?There are always disputes, and I watch this kind of TV series at home when there are no guests on weekdays, I understand.

The people outside the car nodded, seemingly satisfied: "Take it."

The uncle driver looked down, oh my god, a pile of banknotes on the passenger seat dazzled his eyes, he came back to his senses for a long time, and looked again, the man had already entered, and the iron gate was closed tightly.

"Today is really a good day." After reading a sentence, the uncle driver was apprehensive with so much money in his pocket, and quickly turned around.

Good day?is not that right?There was a thunder in the sky, and the rain was falling.

Not long after that taxi left, a dazzling red Ferrari was parked by the side of the road. In the car, a handsome man held a cigarette in his hand and took a puff slowly. With a delicate face and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, the man sighed: "Jiang Xiachu, I must have owed you a lot in my previous life."

Another long sigh, scattered in the rain: "Since it is destined, then I admit it."

Throwing away the cigarette in his hand, the man closed the car window, turned around, and the car drove extremely fast.

In the Zuo family mansion, the gloom dispersed, and there was a flurry of footsteps in the hall.

The master of the Zuo family came in with the wet young lady in his arms, his handsome face was soaked in ice for a long time: "You are not allowed to come up."

Reflexively, all the footsteps that followed stopped at the stairs.

Why did I forget that no one is allowed to enter this young lady's boudoir.

"Let the left and right come over and find out who is sending the young lady back tonight." Zuo Cheng's voice was cold and restrained, everywhere he went was frozen, his voice fell, and he went upstairs in a hurry.

Turning on the light, Zuo Cheng directly carried the person in his arms into the bathroom, and stretched out his hand to untie Jiang Xiachu's clothes. The obviously unconscious woman suddenly reached out and pressed Zuo Cheng's hand. pale, but gritted his teeth, and his whole body was trembling.

"Chu Xia, be good, it's me."

He put his hand on the back of hers, coaxing softly.Jiang Xiachu's frowning brows loosened slightly, and her icy cold hands trembled violently, but they slowly dropped.

Zuo Cheng leaned over and kissed the corner of Jiang Xiachu's white lips, turned off the light, put her in the bathtub surrounded by hot water, and carefully took off her wet clothes.

Zuo Zuo was obviously dragged out of the bed, with a serious face, thinking in his heart, since the young lady entered the door of Zuo's house, he hasn't had a good night's sleep.

Doctor, it's really not a good job, he cares about his psychology or his physiology.

"Come in quickly." The man's voice in the room was murderous.

Staggering left and right, he ran in and worked hard without complaint.

In less than 10 minutes, people went in vertically from left to right and came out horizontally.Patting the dirt on his body, his face looked like a pig's liver: "Is it easy for me to crawl out of the beauty's den? Isn't it just a fever?"

He snorted coldly, cursed a few more words, and then ran to the kitchen to make medicine.

It was midnight, the rain outside the window had stopped, and there was only one desk lamp on in the room, and the apricot light was a little dim.

The light shone on the head of the bed, illuminating the man's face with sharp edges and corners, which was extremely handsome, while the woman in his arms frowned, sleeping extremely restlessly.

She had a long, long dream in his arms.

There was a girl in the dream, about seventeen or eighteen years old, always wearing a white skirt, never speaking, she was sitting on a swing, and the man beside her was stroking the swing, swinging, swinging, and then softly shouting a name.

"Early summer."


The girl didn't respond at all, her eyes were dull.

"Chu Xia, can you talk to me?"

The man bent down and squatted in front of the girl, coaxing her.

The girl's eyes trembled, and she called out, "Xia Chu." Then she called out, "Xia Chu."

The voice probably hadn't spoken for a long time, and it was astringent and hoarse.

Then the two words were repeated mechanically.

The man got up, hugged her body, the swaying swing was still, caressing her face, the man asked: "Who are you?"

The girl didn't answer, but still called mechanically: "Chu Xia."

The man suddenly smiled, leaned over and kissed the corner of the girl's lips: "Good boy, my Xia Chu is really good." The man seemed to be happy, and kissed her again, "You are Xia Chu."

Suddenly, the dull eyes froze, and the girl looked at the man: "No, I am Qian Cheng, the Qian Cheng of Xia Chu."

The man's eyes turned cold, and his extremely beautiful face was covered with a layer of gloomy coldness. He stared at the girl intently.

Suddenly the girl pushed him away and got up: "I'm going to find Xia Chu, Xia Chu is waiting for me."

Behind him, the man hugged her tightly: "Wake up." The man met the girl's eyes and clasped her shoulder, "You are Jiang Xiachu, Ji Qiancheng is dead, he is dead."

As if she had never heard of it, the girl shook her head violently, panicked in her eyes: "I am Qiancheng."

"I am Qiancheng."


The girl kept repeating this sentence.

"At the beginning of Xia, is it because Ji Qiancheng is dead and you will never come back?" The man looked at the girl who was muttering to himself, and brushed her slack eyes, "Is it?"

"I am Qiancheng."

Still the same sentence, she is not her anymore, she has no soul.

The man knelt down, hugged the girl in his arms, and leaned over her ear: "Since you can't come back, let's die together."

(End of this chapter)

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