exclusive marriage

Chapter 196 They agreed

Chapter 196 They agreed (1)
Zuo Cheng smiled slightly: "The nose is really good." Tightening the person in his arms, he said, "A little bit."

Jiang Xiachu's delicate nose sucked and sucked, her brows furrowed deeper, and she said dissatisfiedly, "There's still wine."

Zuo Cheng laughed, his woman's nose is really not ordinary.

"Because you don't like the smell of cigarettes, you drank a cup, but it still smells?" He lifted the quilt and got up, "I'll go wash it."

Jiang Xiachu took Zuo Cheng's hand and pulled it into the quilt, with a soft voice, a bit like a woman in Yanyu Jiangnan: "It's so late, forget it." After a pause, the voice became softer, "Your stomach is not good enough No smoking, no drinking."

Burying his head in Zuo Cheng's arms, his fingers drew circles around his heart, this is a small gesture that Jiang Xia only had when he was awkward.

However, Zuo Cheng was a little distracted by her, he held her hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't move around."

Jiang Xiachu really didn't move, and his movements in Zuo Cheng's arms were a little stiff.

Zuo Cheng laughed, hugged her, and said: "I'm fine, I just smoked a little, don't worry, I still have you to support, I won't break myself."

No matter how you listen to these words, there is an ambiguous taste. Jiang Xiachu lowered his head, rubbed Zuocheng's clothes, and asked in a muffled voice, "What's bothering you?"

Zuo Cheng usually doesn't like smoking and drinking, and with today's psychological treatment, Jiang Xiachu is a little sensitive in his heart, and always feels that something happened.

Jiang Xiachu looked up at Zuo Cheng, but he leaned over to kiss her, coaxing: "It's okay, be good, go to sleep."

Jiang Xiachu stared at Zuo Cheng again, there must be something wrong, and it's not a trivial matter.

If Zuo Cheng really wanted to hide it, he would naturally find a way to make it seamless. Jiang Xia Chu didn't ask any more questions, and just rubbed against him, not feeling sleepy: "I don't want to sleep, and I will have a nightmare when I close my eyes."

Zuo Cheng felt sorry for her, and stroked her hair: "Okay, don't sleep, I'll talk to you for a while."

"Yeah." Jiang Xiachu found a comfortable position to lean against Zuo Cheng, and after a moment of silence, he opened his mouth, "Zuo Cheng, if I hadn't suffered from that illness back then, what would have happened to me?"

Zuo Chenghui: "You will destroy yourself."

He frowned and asked again: "What will happen to you?"

Zuo Cheng kissed her eyes: "I will destroy myself."

Suddenly, she stopped talking, and there was only silence under the warm yellow crystal lamp.

"Chu Xia." Zuo Cheng looked for her eyes and looked at her.

Suddenly, she raised her eyes and looked at him, so serious and pure, she said: "I'm sorry, Zuo Cheng, you met Jiang Xiachu." Wrapping around Zuo Cheng's shoulder, she pressed against his chest, "I'm sorry, I hate you!" I have been with you for five years."

He pursed his lips, stroked her side face, inch by inch, leaned over, pressed against her lips, and said every word clearly: "You are my woman, you don't need to say those three words to me."

She raised her head, so stubborn and stubborn, shook her head fiercely, over and over again, so hard: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, right—"

There was a coolness on the lips, and those three words stopped completely.

He kissed her over and over again, very hard, for a long time, with messy breath, he let her go, just licked her lips, once and for all, with a slightly hoarse voice: "Jiang Xiachu, you know, I love you. "

Yes, she knew that this man loved her.

Jiang Xiachu was silent and listened quietly.

Zuo Cheng said: "Based on these three words, no one can afford you, Jiang Xia Chu, I'm sorry, including me."

After finishing speaking, he pressed his lips against hers, and didn't speak any more, but his eyes were gentle, reflecting her face.

Suddenly, she opened her lips lightly, and the words were subtle but clear, and she said, "Zuo Cheng, I'm afraid."

Zuo Cheng's hands trembled slightly, and he looked at her deeply.

This woman, a woman with a cold face and a hard heart, a woman who is indifferent and without trace, Zuo Cheng knows how stubborn and fearless his woman is, and she always stays out of it in a calm manner.

However, now she said that she was afraid, with tears in her eyes that were still stubborn and refused to shed, she said: "I am afraid that I will forget something if I am not careful, maybe it is you, maybe it is myself."

"I'm afraid that one day I won't call your name, and when you call me, I won't answer you."

"I'm afraid I'll forget that there is a man named Zuo Cheng who loves me like his life."

She raised her head slightly, and looked at Zuo Cheng quietly like that, under the warm lamp, there was a pool of cool water in her eyes.

She is really scared.

Zuo Cheng suddenly had a hole in his heart, and it hurt a lot.

He slowly leaned into her ear: "My Xiachu, you always have me, so what else is there to be afraid of? I will always remember, remember Jiang Xiachu, remember Zuocheng, remember that Jiang Xiachu will be with you all my life Beside Zuocheng."

In fact, he didn't dare to tell her, and he was also afraid, but he was not afraid that she would forget him, but he was afraid that she would forget him.

Zuo Cheng thought, sure enough, he is the one who is selfish.

Jiang Xiachu quietly let him hold her, and seemed to ponder for a long time before shaking her head and saying, "Not enough."

"You can say whatever you want." Zuo Cheng kissed her dotingly.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiachu said seriously: "Zuocheng, if I forget something again, you must remember to tell me, and promise me, never lie to me, don't be like five years ago, okay? ?” After a pause, she added, “Even if it’s for my own good, don’t lie to me.”

Jiang Xiachu raised her small face, her eyes under the crystal lamp were shining, earnest and pure.

For a long time, Zuo Cheng was just silent, and their eyes met.

"You promise me." She embraced the man with childlike stubbornness.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally couldn't bear to ignore her and nodded: "I promise you."

"I know that if you want to lie to me, there are ten thousand ways to make the clothes seamless. For example, five years ago, you could even erase Wu's memory." After a pause, she met Zuo Cheng's dark eyes, and once Every word is stubborn and serious, "So, if one day you have no way out and have to lie to me, then lie to me for the rest of your life and never let me know."

Without hesitation, Zuo Cheng replied to her: "Okay."

She smiled, rubbing his neck childishly.It's just that he didn't see Zuo Cheng's tightly pursed lips, and there was no trace of joy in his eyes.

My early summer, if that day really comes, I would rather lie to you than make you hurt, if possible, I will lie to you for the rest of my life.

In this way, they agreed, either not to cheat, or never to be honest, Jiang Xiachu hoped for the former, Zuo Cheng chose the latter.

For several days in a row, Shanghai was ups and downs, but the sky in Zuo's house was clear and clear.

Recently, there are rumors in the business world: Zuo's family has changed hands, and the former president was frustrated with the mall, and there is no trace of it.

It's just that someone who has been rumored to be a full-fledged "escort" at home, what about an "escort"?

At the beginning of Jiang Xia's meal, Zuo Cheng accompanied him.Jiang Xia went to bed at the beginning, and Zuo Cheng slept with him.Jiang Xiachu was bored in a daze, Zuocheng was bored holding her in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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