exclusive marriage

Chapter 205 The Lord Who Protects His Shortcomings and Dotes on His Wife

Chapter 205 The Lord Who Protects His Shortcomings and Dotes on His Wife (2)
Jiang Xiachu approached a little more, his eyes changing quietly.

"Aunt Six, this is the one who appeared on TV before." The woman was dressed in a long white dress and looked very young and beautiful.

This is probably Zuo Zhenghai's wife, Zhang Meilin.

When Zuo Yu talked about her, he only used one nickname: Fox.

So cunning and calm, a few words, which sounded harmless and simple, made Jiang Xiachu fall into embarrassment.

There was something in these words, and Zhen Wanruo naturally heard it, and naturally walked up the steps, and then said: "Mei Lin is right, I saw it too, she is getting fired up, she is the first member of the Zuo family to show her face .”

The tone was not bitter and mean, but there was a bit of cynicism that was not obvious.

It is an unwritten rule that wealthy families should avoid showing their faces in public.

Jiang Xiachu didn't show any expression, instead, Mrs. Zuo Liu angrily reprimanded: "Wan Ruo, how are you talking?" She said kindly to Jiang Xia Chu, "Wan Ruo has this temperament, don't mind."

Jiang Xiachu just raised his eyes a little and didn't make a sound.She is not good at this kind of flattery and perfunctory among rich and powerful families, and she doesn't like it.

The atmosphere seemed to be a little cold. At this moment, Jiang Xiachu had an extra teacup in front of him.

"Young Madam, do you want some tea?" The woman who didn't speak from the beginning to the end, just said a word, and quietly brewed tea, her posture was in place.

This woman is very good at making tea. Compared with those three women, she looks more like a rich and noble family.

Jiang Xiachu looked at the woman's white hands making tea, her brows slightly stained with confusion.

"The goddaughter of the third master's family, Tang Jingxin." Zuo Yufu reminded Jiang Xiachu in his ear.

The goddaughter of the third master's family?It's just why she called the young lady.

It seemed that only Zuo Cheng's cronies would do this.

The mist in Jiang Xiachu's eyes grew thicker, she raised her eyes slightly to look at Tang Jingxin, she was a beautiful and gentle woman.

Tang Jingxin raised her head suddenly, and smiled at Jiang Xiachu: "Maojian, which just came from Sichuan, tastes pretty good, try it."

After Tang Jingxin finished speaking, she lowered her head and continued to make tea.

There was a scent of tea on the tip of the nose, which was faint but very nice. Jiang Xiachu picked up the cup, took a sip, and said, "Thank you." Turning his head, he looked at Mrs. Zuo Liu again, and said in a flat tone, "Is there anything wrong?"

Mrs. Zuo Liu shook her head, with a pleasant smile: "That's not true, even if they rarely get together, they all want to see Cheng Shao's daughter-in-law."

Zuo Yu slandered inwardly: Weasels have no good intentions in wishing chickens a new year.

"Yeah, I've always been curious about what kind of wife Cheng Shao, who has never been close to women, married, which made us envious for a long time." Zhen Wanruo also echoed, inexplicably, her tone of voice was always full of sarcasm , I don't know if it's deliberate, or it's just innate.

"It's the same when I see you on TV." Jiang Xia Chu sipped his tea, his eyelashes curled up, showing no emotion.

After one sentence, the atmosphere became a little colder.

Zuo Yu couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, it turned out that the young lady was so funny sometimes.

Zhen Wanruo's face turned blue and white, and was stopped by Mrs. Zuo Liu's eyes when she was about to say something.

"Then what's the same? Your name is Xia Chu, right? Are you still used to sleeping last night?" Mrs. Zuo Liu did her job perfectly, the temperament of a wealthy lady is excellent.

"Not used to it."

Jiang Xiachu answered with one sentence, and the atmosphere was not only stiff, but also a little bit colder.

Zuo Yu continued to twitch the corner of his mouth, feeling that Mrs. Young was becoming more and more like Mr.

Mrs. Zuo Liu didn't know what she was thinking, but her face remained calm, and she asked again: "Then do you want me to change the room for you?"

"No need." Jiang Xiachu was concise and taciturn from beginning to end.

Mrs. Zuo Liu was not angry, she looked at Jiang Xiachu carefully, her eyes resembled the way a mother-in-law looks at her daughter-in-law, with a kind and helpless expression on her face: "It's really a quiet temperament, it's like Cheng Shao."

If this Mrs. Zuo Liu is not really harmless and gentle, then she is really a master who can pretend.

"No wonder Young Master Cheng likes it." Zhang Meilin replied with a smile. There was no smile in her eyes, but she had no other emotions, and she also sipped tea.

It's just that Zhen Wanruo couldn't help it anymore, and she spoke very quickly: "Why don't you talk too much, Aunt Six, I'm just perfunctory for you." She gave Jiang Xiachu a high-spirited look, "Let us wait for two hours, there is no sense of identity. Guests should be polite."

Jiang Xiachu didn't change his face, sipping tea, he didn't even look at the daughter-in-law of Zuo's family who had a lot of airs.

But at this time, a nice and cold voice came.

"Guest?" Two words, asked in a tepid way.

Jiang Xiachu raised her eyes a little, and caught those obsidian-like eyes at a glance, but Meiji has a kind of attraction that makes people unable to extricate themselves.

"Young Master Cheng." Zhen's voice, who was still high-spirited just now, immediately dropped a few degrees, and even trembled slightly.

Suddenly, the hall was silent.

This is a deep feeling of fear, Zuo Cheng is indeed a terrifying existence in the Zuo family.

Zuo Cheng approached slowly, sat beside Jiang Xiachu, and put his arms around her shoulders: "Xia Chu, how about I transfer the real estate here to your name in a few days?"

In one sentence, the difference between subject and object is clear.

Sure enough, Zuo Cheng is a master who protects his weaknesses, and even more so, a master who spoils his wife and protects his weaknesses.

Immediately, Zhen Wanruo's face turned pale, tears were about to flow out of her eyes, she looked at Zuo Zhengqian who followed Zuo Cheng in.

Zuo Zhengqian looked at Zuo Cheng, saw that Zuo Cheng was expressionless, and immediately scolded him with a dark face: "Wan Ruo, you still haven't apologized to Young Madam."

"I—" Zhen Wanruo's eyes were red, and she bit her lip, feeling very pitiful.

"Apologize!" Zuo Zhengqian was willing and patient.

Zhen Wanruo has a stubborn temper. She was a mean and proud master since she was a child, she gritted her teeth and kept silent.

For a while, no one spoke to ease.

"Forget it." Jiang Xiachu handed the tea he had drunk to Zuo Cheng, "Why did you come back so soon?"

Now that this is over, Zuo Zhengqian is obviously relieved.

Zuo Cheng took Jiang Xiachu's tea, took a sip before answering: "I'm afraid you will be wronged."

Jiang Xiachu just smiled and said nothing.

"What did Young Master Cheng say? How dare we make your daughter-in-law feel wronged." Mrs. Zuo Liu joked.

"Yeah, how do we—"

Zuo Cheng passed by with a cold look, as if there was nothing there, and suddenly became quiet again.

"You didn't sleep well last night, why don't you take a rest." Zuocheng rubbed Jiang Xiachu's face as if there was no one there, with a distressed look on his face.

Zuo Cheng doted on his wife so much that the women of Zuo's family who were present all looked complicated and had their own thoughts.

"No, I'm fine." In broad daylight, I didn't sleep well.

Zuo Cheng didn't say anything else, he just hugged his wife and brushed her hair once and for all.

(End of this chapter)

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