exclusive marriage

Chapter 216 Owing a Wedding

Chapter 216 Owing to a Wedding (1)
Jiang Xiachu suddenly raised his eyes to meet Shang Zuocheng's: "Does Yi Chen's illness have anything to do with you?"

The man's hand holding her froze, and suddenly there was a circle of ripples in his eyes, which rippled violently.

After a long time, she looked at him, and he didn't speak from the beginning to the end.

After she smiled wryly, she said, "Zuo Cheng, give me an answer." He remained silent, and she said, "You promised, you won't lie to me."

Something seemed to be disintegrating in my heart, and then it returned to calm, and I felt empty.

It turned out that he was everything to her.

Jiang Xiachu suddenly wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

"Why don't you talk?" she asked.

He stroked her face, approaching her eyes, which seemed to penetrate her, and he spoke after a long time: "If you have something to do with me, what will you do?"

For a moment, he hoped that her woman would be a little more stupid, and then a little more stupid, but his woman was so damn smart, and he even more so damned loved her so smart.

Therefore, it is destined that he is standing on the edge of heaven and hell.And her answer is the dividing line between heaven and hell.

She was silent for a while, and replied like this: "I don't know either. On the way here just now, I have been thinking, what should I do if it is related to you? But there is still no answer. Tell me, what should I do?"

what can we do about it?What can be done?She is his woman, the woman he has spent all his time in the city to find, in terms of scheming, means, and capital, she is no match for him, and if it comes to ruthlessness, she may not lose to him.

But what to do?This time she couldn't bear it.

"Zuo Cheng, tell me what to do?" She looked up at Zuo Cheng.

"At the beginning of summer." He called out with a heavy voice, and suddenly, he leaned over to kiss her, so hard that it hurt, such a deep kiss, even lingering, but only lacked warmth, and then the breath of each other became disordered, so he hugged her tightly She, without looking her in the eyes, he said, "It has nothing to do with me."

"Zuo Cheng, say it again." She didn't look at him, "Don't lie to me."

"It has nothing to do with me." Zuo Cheng still didn't look Jiang Xiachu in the eyes, but replied firmly.

As smart as they are, one can tell lies seamlessly, and the other can see lies clearly.

It's just that they both chose not to look into each other's eyes.

So who knows who is real and who is fake.

In fact, they are all afraid, they are all afraid of being a lie, and they are even more afraid of being exposed.

Two scheming people always like to use one scheming to cover up the other.

Twisted into a knot, an inextricable knot.

Then I don't understand, Jiang Xiachu thought so.

"That's good." She seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, after a while, she tensed again, "If—"

He suddenly stopped speaking.

If you must lie to me, lie to me for the rest of your life.

He continued what he said just now: "If you say it, I will believe it."

"Then trust me all the time." He hugged her tightly.

I'm sorry at the beginning of Xia, if I can, I will lie to you for the rest of my life.

He didn't dare to gamble after all, because he couldn't afford to lose against Jiang Xiachu.

That's it, there are always some wounds that you don't want to touch, so hide them, they will always scab, they will always grow full, and they will always look flawless.

"Zuocheng, promise me one thing."


"Yi Chen, let him live well."


"Only Yi Chen, don't exclude him from my world."

"Hmm." He hesitated for a while only for this question.

Then, Jiang Xiachu laughed, she thought, even if this ruthless man lied to her, he couldn't bear to hurt her.

Zuo Cheng leaned over, kissed, and landed on the corner of her smiling lips.

My early summer, if you can live your life with a smile like this, even if you send me to hell, then why are you afraid?
After Yun Po's sunrise, the two of them got bored for a long time, Jiang Xia Chu saw Zuo Cheng's cold teacup, and then remembered something.

"Are there any guests just now?"

"An irrelevant person." After thinking for a while, Zuo Cheng added, "You don't know him."

Jiang Xiachu frowned: "Isn't it Ye Zaixi? I ​​just met him in the corridor."

Zuo Cheng's expression didn't falter at all, and he continued to say, "He's just someone who doesn't matter."

It seems that Jiang Xiachu has cooperated with someone for three years, and there are still two years left in the contract.Doesn't matter?Yeah?

Jiang Xiachu was a little helpless: "He gave me the concert ticket."

Jiang Xiachu spread out her hands, the crumpled note was just one.

Zuo Cheng's face was somber and calm: "Are you going?"

Well, he dared to covet his woman openly and aboveboard.

Jiang Xiachu also answered as a matter of course: "That's the album I made, of course I want to go."

After hearing this, Zuo Cheng had no expression on his face, pondered for a moment, then took Jiang Xiachu's ticket in a calm manner, and immediately said: "Tear——"

Another sound, another sound, and the ticket is a glorious sacrifice.Jiang Xiachu was stunned, but a man's soft voice still rang in his ears: "Xiachu, be good, I won't go."

If Jiang Xiachu really went alone, there was no guarantee that someone's concert would not go so smoothly.

Jiang Xiachu didn't answer, Zuo Cheng's tone slightly raised the word, "Huh?"

Jiang Xiachu was stunned for a moment, then took out his coat pocket: "There is still a ticket." Spreading out his palms, another one, "Ye Zaixi said, if you don't tear off one, let us go together, if you tear off one Zhang, let me go alone."

In fact, Ye Zaixi’s original words are as follows: That stingy man in Zuocheng must disagree. If he didn’t tear up the ticket, I’ll be more generous. Come together. Make a pair and piss him off.

Jiang Xiachu cleverly omitted the original words.

Look up, fortunately, Zuo Cheng's face is as usual.

Just as Jiang Xiachu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, his hands were empty, and then he said, "Tear—"

Another sound, another sound, in the same way, the movements are so graceful.

This time, Jiang Xiachu's face froze.

Zuo Cheng raised the corner of his mouth, smiled slightly, leaned into Jiang Xiachu's ear and asked, "Did he say what to do if you tore both sheets?"

Jiang Xia raised his head at the beginning, looked at Zuo Cheng, thought for a while, thought for a while, shook his head, and shook his head again.

The smile on the lips of the smiling man grew wider: "Then let me tell you, you want to stay with your man and not go anywhere."

Then, in a good mood, he hugged the woman tightly in his arms, kissed, kissed, and suffered a lot of ear pain.

Jiang Xiachu was in a daze, thinking: In fact, Ye Zaixi said what to do, he said: If both sheets are torn, it doesn’t matter, Jiang Xiachu, being sneaky is more exciting than being upright, I will wait for you on the night of the concert .

Even if Jiang Xiachu wasn't smart and didn't have to think about the consequences, he didn't dare to say this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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