exclusive marriage

Chapter 250 The Tsundere Man

Chapter 250 The Tsundere Man (1)
She was a little distressed: "I can't even recognize the beginning of Xia." She raised her head and looked at Zuo Cheng, her voice was a little hoarse, "Zuo Cheng, what if one day I get sick and forget you?"

Zuo Cheng told her that that kind of disease would always be forgotten.Just like the dream just now, I only remember seeing a similar person, but I can't remember what she said, and when I wake up, I don't even remember her appearance, just like she doesn't remember Xia Chu's appearance.

Zuo Cheng kissed her frowning brow: "As long as I remember."

She still frowned: "What if I don't even remember loving you?"

She thought, she could not remember Xia Chu, her appearance, and herself, but she could not forget Zuo Cheng.

She was always thinking, what if one day, she forgot about him?After thinking about it, she became afraid and didn't dare to think about it any further.

She looked into Zuo Cheng's eyes and faced this problem squarely for the first time.

Then, Zuo Cheng said: "Then I will let you love me again."

Only then did she loosen her brows, smiled, and snuggled into Zuo Cheng's arms.

She said, like a dream: "Zuocheng, if I forget something, please don't lie to me, if you must lie to me, don't let me know for the rest of your life."

She still had her eyes closed, seemingly asleep.

After a while, Zuo Cheng replied with a word.


Zuo Cheng hugged the woman tightly in his arms, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Once, a woman said the same to him, verbatim.

He thought, since he agreed, he would cheat for the rest of his life.

Zuo Cheng was not in a hurry to go back to Shanghai because of the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. It was just that the woman didn't see him when she woke up early in the morning. The woman who stayed in the hotel room was bored all day long.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" The woman looked at her phone, frowning.

There is a clock when you look up, but you look at your phone frequently. Obviously, you are waiting for a call.

Zuo Yu thought about it, and found the most common and plausible reason.

"Probably socializing."

Pouted, the woman nestled on the sofa was a little annoyed: "How many assets does the Zuo family have, and it is also here?"

"There are several hotels and resorts in Jiangnan under Zuo's name."

The woman became interested: "It's reported that the Zuo family accounts for six points in Asia, can't it be true?"

Zuo thought for a while and shook his head: "Not precise."

Here, the woman nodded, yes, there are too many six points, and the report is really exaggerated.

Over there, after thinking about it and calculating, Zuo Yu added: "Seven points to be exact."

Seven points?What is that concept?
The woman raised her eyes and smiled: "A real capitalist."

The corner of Zuo Yu's mouth twitched, but he couldn't deny it, but secretly added in his heart: My young lady, the capitalist legal person behind that is old you.

There was movement at the door.

"Our capitalist is back." The woman nestled on the sofa quickly got up and walked over with a smile.

When he opened the door, Manager Zhang's not-so-handsome but upright face appeared first.

"Manager Zhang."

The tone was a little resentful, a little displeased.

"Young Madam." Manager Zhang was very respectful.

The little head poked out the door, and suddenly, the woman smelled a strong scent of perfume.


At the door, three women stood impressively, all of them beautiful and full of charm.

Good guy, Zuo Cheng didn't wait to come back, but waited for three women.

It's not good, it's not good, Zuo Yu stepped out the door, and pushed back the three women who were trying to get in, his face sank, very ugly: "Manager Zhang, who are they?"

Zuo Yu secretly scolded Manager Zhang for being too stupid. He called Mrs. Young, but foolishly brought a few women to disturb Mrs. Young. This man's mind was probably full of shit.

Manager Zhang, whose mind was full of shit, smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes: "Sir, I'm afraid it's a little inconvenient when I first arrived in Jiangnan. These ladies are professional tour guides sent by various hotels."

Manager Zhang naturally has a different idea from Zuo Yu. Out of ten men in the world, nine out of ten men are lustful, eating from bowls and looking into pots. Naturally, Manager Zhang is one of them, and he also takes it for granted that Zuo Cheng has such capital The man is even more.

Manager Zhang's remarks made Zuo Yu, who has always been a noodle stall, run away violently: "Tour guide? Who said you want a tour guide, where will you send it to me?"

One of the three women outside the door was disdainful, the other was embarrassed, and the other was watching the show. They seemed to be difficult to deal with.

Manager Zhang was a little embarrassed: "In the past——"

Zuo Yu almost blocked Manager Zhang's mouth with his fist, but it was too late. The woman who hadn't spoken all this time sighed, with a half-smile: "So there's still the past."

"Young Madam..." Zuo Yu felt his head hurt, and just wanted to beat someone up, especially when he saw Manager Zhang's idiot as displeased.

What a fool, to dare to treat Mr. as a man like himself, I really want to die!
Zuo Yu glared fiercely, with murderous intent in his eyes, Manager Zhang had never seen such momentum before, his legs softened, and he was hesitating whether to lead someone to withdraw.

At this moment, the woman said: "Arrange it to the suite next door." It's not bland, tepid, neither happy nor angry, anyway, you can't hear the emotion.

Suddenly Zuo Yu was stunned, Manager Zhang felt relieved, the eyes of the three women lit up, and they looked at the woman inside at the same time, and sighed at the same time: It turns out that it is a soft persimmon, and it can't be put on the table.

Where did this song come from, the real Donggong empress just accepted these Yingyingyanyans?

Zuo Yu couldn't see why: "Young Madam, what are you doing? If you don't like it, just deal with these wishful thinking women."

The woman shook her head and said lightly, "Since it's a custom, I don't want to break it."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went in without slamming the door or shaking his face, just quietly.

The three women immediately gained confidence, their eyes were provocative, and Manager Zhang also nodded secretly, thinking that it was very good, but Zuo Yu was at a loss.

"Send it to the next door." Zuo Yu ordered angrily, and then closed the door with a snap.

"Is this anger, or not anger?"

Zuo Yuzhang was two, went outside, picked up the phone, and dialed it.

At six o'clock sharp, the three women checked into the hotel.

At eight o'clock, in the Zuo Wing Hotel in Jiangnan, it was already dusk, the lights were on, and the computer was on. The man looking at the computer seemed to be absent-minded, knocking on the table from time to time, and the document in his hand hadn't been turned over for a long time.

"Those three women?" Zuo Cheng's voice was melodious.

My young master, I finally asked. I was obviously very curious, but I pretended for so long.

Uncle Jin cleared his throat and replied, "Send it to Young Madam."

(End of this chapter)

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